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A Delicious, Not-So-Little Secret

Posted on Sat Oct 10th, 2015 @ 10:59pm by Janice Gree

Mission: Further Challenges

Jan’s Quarters *

He checked the time and began to hurry. He only had a few minutes before she’d be arriving home. He dashed into the kitchen to check the wine and then returned to the living room. Standing in the middle of it he did a slow turn. Lit candles flickered on almost every conceivable surface. Large vases of flowers were scattered in a few key places and with the lights out, the effect was mesmerising. He sniffed the air and smiled as he caught the lingering scent of her usual perfume. It was a Risan blend and he realized now that he’d smelled it on someone else recently too. It tugged at his thoughts but a name or face wasn’t forthcoming at the moment.

He wiggled his bare toes against the carpet and sighed happily. He was dressed casually, shorts and a Hawaiian print shirt, and it seemed perfect for the evening, as late as it was. No disturbances now, just them. It was exactly what they needed. It was time and he withdrew to the doorway into the kitchen, out of sight but with a good view so he could see her reaction when she stepped in.

Coming home from her shift, she was exhausted. All she wanted was a glass of water, a bite of something and then her bed. As her door opened, though, she stopped and sniffed the air. It was redolent with the scent of burning candles and fresh flowers. Wary, but smiling, she stepped into her quarters and looked around. She laughed. “Oh my. You romantic fool! You’d better be here, too,” she told the room, locking the door behind her.

“Oh I am.” He stepped out of the kitchen with a smile and two wine glasses in his hands. “Welcome home. Long night?” He stepped in for a kiss, then pressed her glass into her hand.

Taking the glass, she kissed him long and thoroughly before answering, “Yes. And I’ve missed you terribly. Do you have to go anywhere any time soon?”

“Not tonight, no, barring an emergency,” he answered. “Which I hope doesn't happen. It was a long day.” He slipped his free arm around Jan and held her close. “I see it was for you too.”

“Mmm. Jackson was back tonight, sort of. Vic’s in Piper, though; he was hurt by Eli’s brother, Loran.”

He nodded. “I know. It makes me wonder just what the hell happened to turn one brother so strongly against the rest of his family and anyone else he sees as a threat. Eli’s parents are here too, did you know?”

“Yes, Jackson mentioned that,” Jan nodded. They were still in each other’s arms, swaying slightly. “I didn’t mention tonight that I’m no longer going to see Woody. I’ll tell the two of them at the same time - it’ll save me some ribbing from those two.”

“Which two? Jackson and Vic? Or Jackson and Woody?” He laughed softly. “Though I can’t see either going all that well.”

“Oh,” she laughed, “Jackson and Vic. They think he’s who keeps me happy. They don’t know how wrong they are.” They danced, carefully so as to not spill their wine. “What has your day been like?”

“Full,” he answered. “People in and out all day, a few unexpected issues that I dealt with and then, taking off before I was needed again. I ran home for a bit, then slipped out of there so I could be here. I couldn’t stay away another day, Jan.” He sipped his wine carefully, then smiled down at her.

“Right now, I am so glad I gave you a code for my quarters, my dear. You can stay all night, then? Late into the morning or do you have a morning shift?” She stepped away from him and led him toward the sofa. As she went, she admired the flowers and candles. “I love this. You are so romantic and I’m so lucky.”

“I’ll need to get out early, unfortunately. I have to see to some things early and that means stopping by my quarters first.” He settled in beside her and left his glass on the table before them. That done, he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her close. “I’m sorry this gets complicated at times.”

“Didn’t we decide to come clean about us? If we do, we wouldn’t need to worry about you leaving early to go home and change or to keep people from finding out.” She kissed him.

“We could I suppose, but that means you no longer have your delicious little secret.” He grinned at her. “I have to admit I love being described that way.” He leaned in to brush his lips along her cheek. “If that is what you want, who am I to say no?”

“Oh, you’re right, I do so love having a delicious secret. I’d hardly call you little, though.” She laughed joyfully.

“Jan!” he laughed and realized his face was hot. “You are so bad. Don’t ever change, please?” He took her glass away and set it aside with his. “I know it’s late, and you’re tired. You want something to eat before we turn in? I’ll get it if you do.”

“Oh, just a ...actually, no, all I want is you.” She smiled and pulled at his shirt.

“Then that’s what you shall have. Let’s start out here shall we?”

“My dearest, you’ll have no argument from me there. Making love to you amongst these candles and flowers? Yes, please,” she nodded, kissing him.

Janice Gree & Her Secret


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