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Tug Of War

Posted on Tue Oct 13th, 2015 @ 2:31pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Niro

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia

* Saturnalia *

Suresh sat fuming as Xerena left Saturnalia. Shelly appeared with a drink without having to be told and he merely nodded to her and downed it. The urge to smash the glass against the wall rode him hard and he wondered for an instant if that was something he shared with the old Suresh. Or maybe it was just Xerena that caused it. It certainly explained a lot about the old one’s obsessive need to control his women, especially the one he saw as Isha. The realization that he felt a little of that where Six was concerned came as a shock. He knew, however, that his was not an unnatural obsession but the fear of loss. Even so, he had to fight back the urge to chase Xerena down and toss her on a transport bound for anywhere.

He wiped his mouth and frowned. That little display was already spreading like wildfire, just as she had intended. He just hoped he could get to Six before the rumour did. Shelly brought another glass and this time he took only a sip. As he lowered the glass, Patch entered with Niro at his side. They made their way to his table and stopped.

Suresh looked up at Niro. “Have a seat,” he ordered.

Niro glanced at Patch and frowned. “Is this a private conversation or one that everyone will hear?” He pulled out a chair and made a motion at Patch, suggesting he leave. Only then did he take a seat.

Suresh waited until Patch was gone, then he turned his attention to the group at the closest table. They all immediately got up and left, moving off to another table.

“Now then,” Suresh began. “I thought it’s time we met officially. I know you’ve met Six, and while I value her low opinion of you, I thought I should see for myself.”

“Low opinion? Well, when you associate with lowlifes such as yourself, low opinions are what you end up having.” Niro shrugged casually then raised a hand to call Shelly over. He ordered a drink. He was bothered by being unable to read anything off of Suresh; what he could pick up felt like the same thing he’d gotten from Six. “Six is a very beautiful girl. Too bad she hooked up with you.”

“She had good taste, what can I say?” He smiled a moment, then took a sip of his drink. “She’s also not been kidnapped and tortured because she associates with me, unlike the Orion who was carted off by your jealous boy toy.”

Clenching his teeth, Niro sneered a thanks at Shelly as she placed a glass before him. “I told her that I had no idea he’d gone off the deep end. I never intended to have her hurt.” He sounded duly contrite.

“That’s supposed to fix her shattered life?” Suresh swirled his glass, watching the whisky go round. “She’s the first order of business and she won’t take up much time. Whether you are aware of it or not, there is no one on this station other than Six who is more closely watched. That includes by me. If you so much as look in her direction, you’ll regret it. Understood?”

“Fuck you, Suresh,” Niro said. “If I want to look at her, I will. If I want to talk to her, I will. She’s going to want to talk to me and then she’ll come looking for me.”

“Why would she want to do that? I’m curious since last I heard, she sent you out of Sickbay.”

“I have no need to tell you anything.” Niro shook his head. “I offer her something no one else can.” He sipped his drink and smiled. “I offer it to Six as well. She’ll take me up on it, eventually.”

Suresh raised his eyebrows. “Six will do as I decree, Niro, and that does not include finding her way to you. No one touches her. Ever.” He looked Niro up and down and then smiled. “You do so and it will be the last thing you do.”

Niro winked at Suresh. “It might be the last thing she does, too. I hear you have a habit of running them off or killing them off. She and I already discussed it, so don’t worry too much about it.”

Suresh’s eyes narrowed. “Discussed what exactly?”

“Ask her, see if she tells you,” he laughed. “And go ahead, tell her that she’s to do as you decree. I bet that’ll go over oh-so-well.”

“She knows that already and I don’t see her arguing with it. As for what you discussed, I’d like to hear your version.” Suresh’s hand had tightened on his glass. He had to remind himself that this was Niro, who was likely playing head games. At least Suresh hoped he was.

“No, no, no. I’m not one to kiss and tell. You’ll need to ask her,” Niro laughed lightly then looked at him a little closer. “You think I’m just playing a mind game right now, don’t you? You should know, I’m not.”

“That’s your habit I hear.” Suresh shrugged and finished off his drink. “However, you have been warned and I’m being nice enough to do so. I’ve already called off the dogs once today. You might want to keep that in mind.”

“Oh, really? What were the dogs coming after me for?”

“Dinner.” Suresh grinned. “You appear to think you’re untouchable, is that it? On this station, no one is, Niro.”

“Untouchable? Isn’t that some holodeck adventure program? No, I don’t think I’m untouchable, Suresh, just as you’re not untouchable. Remember that you aren’t the only one on this Station with weapons, of both the mechanical and humanoid type. I have my fair share.”

“Do you? Owain’s going away for a long time.” Suresh paused a moment, studying Niro. “Tell me, when was the last time you spoke to Marat?”

“Owain is a loss that I don’t mind losing. I’d take his head off myself if I could.” Niro sipped his drink again to hide his surprise that Suresh would bring that name up. “Marat? He was the one who attacked Six, wasn’t he? Like Riley did. Why do you ask?”

“He and I had an interesting conversation a week or so ago and imagine my surprise when you were mentioned? Let’s not forget that he was supposed to be on a transport bound for an Alpha Quadrant prison. Strangely, I found him in a whorehouse on Archadia with an unusual story to tell.”

“A whorehouse? Oh, that Seyla.... you really have to watch out for that one.” Niro was sure that Suresh was going to tell him something awful about Marat now.

“Funny thing, that.” Suresh toyed with his empty glass. “It wasn’t Seyla who arranged his escape. He said it was you who arranged a little switch to get him off the transport in exchange for his loyalty and a promise not to reveal Owain’s part in the attack. It was the last thing he said and you can bet he won’t be talking anymore. Or doing anything else for that matter.” He held up his hand. “Before you ask, yes, there were witnesses.”

Niro frowned. “Really? You like leaving witnesses? I tend to get rid of them.”

“I meant who know your part in this. The funny thing is, that if you make a misstep, I don’t have to get my hands dirty. Security will be glad to do it for me.” Suresh shrugged. “A little something to keep in mind.”

Niro had already taken care that Falasin had no memory of his discussion regarding Eli. Without her to tell the story, he was safe. But Marat... what witnesses had he left there? His own crew on the Korenna... Seyla... Seyla. He realized he needed to do something about the Madame. “I suppose. So you had Marat killed. And Riley? Will he be dealt with the same?”

“Riley is my business. Not everyone needs to be removed. You see, Niro,” Suresh’s tone had softened. “Sometimes there are people in this universe who are actually more useful alive.” He looked Niro up and down. “Those people are extremely rare, however.”

“As are women like Six and Reva,” the Enaran said.

“That I can agree with.” Suresh nodded. “Neither are within your reach. Let it go for your own good.”

He let Suresh's comment go without answer. Instead, he recapped the meeting this far: "We've insulted each other; you've warned me away from Reva and Six and told me Marat is dead by your order. Did you have a point to seeing me or did you just want to gossip?" He found himself wanting to touch Suresh, to determine just why he couldn't pick up anything from the blockhead. He didn't look like he had Ferengi blood in him - his ears were a normal size for a Romulan....

“Remember those things and you’ll have no problem --” He stopped as the noise level rose and looked past Niro. Six had entered and was approaching the table. She wasn’t smiling and in fact, she looked extremely reserved, an unusual thing for Six. “We may have to cut this short.”

"How nice that she is available to join us!" Niro stood as Six approached. "Lovely to see you, Six." Her, he could read. Read her, he did, and started chuckling.

She looked from one to the other, apparently not too happy to see either one. “Niro.” She then addressed Suresh. “My apologies for being late. I was listening to a most interesting conversation outside - about someone we know getting cozy with his wife in here earlier.”

Suresh frowned as he looked up at her. “You shouldn’t pay attention to gossip Six. You know how things are down here.” His tone was stern when he spoke. “No need being put off by idle stories.”

Niro solicitously offered Six a seat, holding the chair out for her. As she took it, he placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a good jolt of pleasure. “You know that those stories usually have a nugget of truth at their heart, Six. Just as the story I told Suresh does,” he said, lying through his teeth.

At his touch, Six’s eyes closed and a soft moan slipped out before she could cover her mouth. Both men were watching her, she realized, but her brain was too overcome to allow her to form coherent words.

“I think it’s time you left, Niro.” Suresh barely restrained the anger in his voice. “Six and I have some things to do.”

He laughed. “Of course you do. I’ll see you later, my dear Six,” he nudged her again and smiled before walking away laughing.

She pulled back from him and shook her head. “,” she managed to say.

“That he is,” Suresh growled, looking at Six. Her reaction to Niro bothered him more than he wanted to admit. “You didn’t seem to mind when he was touching you.”

“Let’s not do this out here,” she whispered. Taking a deep breath, she stood and, without looking back, moved out of the main bar area and through the door to the back room.

He watched her, growing even more angry that she’d just get up and walk away, expecting him to follow like a dog. And yet... he had no other choice - she hadn’t given him one. The urge to throw his glass against the wall returned; this time, he went with the urge, shattering the glass against the wall. He then got up and followed Six.

In the back room, he grabbed her by the shoulders and demanded, “Don’t ever do that again, Six. Don’t ever walk away from me.”

Her eyes widened as she looked up at him. “Is this for real or still part of the show?” She swallowed and her lip quivered. “Tell me what happened with Xerena? Is what I heard true?”

“Of course not!” He let go of her and turned away, sweeping a hand through his hair. He was agitated. “Gods, that woman! And then that ass comes in here and implies that you and he...!” He growled in frustration. “I don’t understand how the other Suresh liked her, let alone married her. She’s awful.”

“You kissed her?” Six had put a little distance between them, watching him carefully as she asked the question. Thanks to the necklace, she couldn’t read his emotions and had to rely on what she could see.

He turned to stare at her. “Do you really think I would?”

Six considered that for a moment and finally shook her head. An idea had occurred to her and now it was her turn to growl. “You see what she is doing don’t you? And with a surprising amount of success already?”

“And Niro? What he implied with you?”

“What did he imply?” Her eyes narrowed now. “Tell me.”

“He implied you...,” he knew he was being silly: even Riley had told him that Six was all his, “...and he had a ...dalliance. Then you come in, he touches you and you moaned! What am I supposed to think?”

“He said….WHAT??” Six was suddenly so angry she was sure she’d choke. “That...he does this thing where he can send emotions into people mentally. That’s all! I can’t believe he… I can still catch him. He’s going to regret this.” She charged for the door, skirting around Suresh. “He will be so sorry he ever put that idea into your head!”

“Hold up!” Suresh caught her before she reached the door. “Don’t! That’s just what he wants - to separate us and get us to put a wedge between us. We can’t let him do that. And we can’t let Xerena do that, either. They’re both playing games and trying to make us into pawns.”

She fought back for a moment, then grew still. “I know you don’t know her, and I know that she thinks you are him. But you’re not him and we both have to remember that if we’re to get her out of here. As for Niro, be careful. He feels...crazy and that means he is unpredictable. Don’t take off that necklace for a second or everything could be blown sky high.”

“I would guess that he is a little crazy - he was before now and now he has even more reason: he’s been rejected by Reva and blocked from Falasin by you and Mamu.” He eased her around so he could hug her. “As for Xerena, she’s just as crazy so we can’t underestimate her either. Let’s hope those two don’t hook up.”

“No kidding. There’s something else about Niro,” Six mumbled against Suresh’s chest. “We think he was the one who poisoned Eli. Falasin told Security that but then he managed to get to her and now she can’t remember. He knows that I know, however.”

“Does Oralia know? If her Betazoids could determine that Niro messed with Falasin’s head, then she could have Niro’s head on a platter.”

“She told Gilroy. The thing is, if he took the memory, it would just be gone. I don’t think they could tell. So as it stands now, Mamu and I are the only ones who heard Fal tell Gilroy about this and he won’t touch Mamu. I think he’s afraid of her.”

“I think half the Station is afraid of her. Or should be.” He held her and rocked side to side. “Do you want to go somewhere safe? Just till Niro’s dealt with?”

“No. I need to be here to look out for Falasin. Mamu can’t be everywhere.” She relaxed in his arms and sighed. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

“I am, too. That I doubted you, I mean,” he said, kissing her hair. “We need to be united against these two.”

“I could take him you know.” She laughed finally. “He wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“I’m not worried about you taking him physically, but if he touches you, he could really mess with you. And, frankly, I like your brain just the way it is.”

“Me too. He seems to think that he can just wave his hand and I’ll want him. I wonder how much of that he did with Reva?” Six shivered at the thought.

“She should be glad she’s not a babbling idiot,” Suresh opined. “Although... one could say that for being attracted to Niro, she already was.”

“At least she’s out of his reach now.” Six looked up at Suresh and touched his lips. “Keep that woman at arm’s length...or more. She kisses you again I may strangle her and be done with it.”

“I’d rather have her at several light years’ distance from us. If you strangle her, let me know - Patch and Farco are good at getting bodies into the Station recyclers.” He smiled.

She blinked for a moment and wondered if he was joking. “I’ll keep that in mind. You should pass all this along to Ed, and to Darwin when he gets back. Now, though, we should go back out. I suspect the gossips think you are back here killing me for my insolence.”

“I could make you scream...,” he grinned, this time playfully.

“They wouldn’t hear it over the noise,” she laughed. “I will, however, be properly contrite and follow along behind in my proper place.” She stretched up to kiss him. “Ready?”

He kissed her back, “Come on.” He left the room a step ahead of her.

Watching Niro...Closely

Stirring the Pot

Six of Ten
Wary Of Gossip


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