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Interference Move

Posted on Sun Oct 18th, 2015 @ 1:32pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Niro & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Wormhole Bar

* The Wormhole Bar *

Six arrived at the Wormhole and stepped through the doors. It had been a while since she’d been here but the regular crowd apparently still recalled the fight here - she drew quite a few looks as she moved past the bar. Jono shouted out to her and waved, thus ensuring that everyone in the place knew she was there. She smiled as she passed and finally found an empty table. The message from Eldren had been brief and not overly clear as to why he needed to see her. But, he was on Suresh’s payroll, so whatever it was had her curious. It wouldn’t have surprised her if he was yet another charged with watching out for her and Suresh hadn’t mentioned it. He was being very careful these days and the thought made her smile. When the waitress stopped to get her order, she went with her usual, water with lime, and waited.

From a dark corner, concealed by a small flock of customers Eldren watched the Borg enter and choose her place. Instinctively he checked the small disruptor he was carrying charge, setting and all. A small covert-ops jewel he used sometimes way back on bajor during the occupation.

He didn’t know what the Enaran wanted with the Borg, the money did came in handy though. In any case he would have prevented him any untoward move versus Suresh’s favourite if that was the case. Fortunately he could have a clear line of sight to the Borg’s table.

Her drink arrived and she took a sip, then casually looked around the room. She didn’t see Eldren anywhere close. As she turned back to the table, Niro appeared and sat across from her.

“Hello Six.” He gave her a bright smile.

“Niro. Can’t I get away from you anywhere?” Her tone was harsh. “Go away, I’m meeting someone.”

“Oh?” Niro made a show of looking around the bar, then back at Six. “Doesn’t seem to be here yet. Tell me, does Suresh know you’re here?”

“Yes, since the person I’m meeting is one of his.” She thought the possibility likely at least.

“I see.” Niro’s voice softened and he leaned closer. “Look, I wanted to apologize for that scene in Saturnalia. I don’t like Suresh, and I suppose I used you to get under his skin a little.” He shrugged lightly. “I shouldn’t have and I hope he wasn’t too rough on you. I could see he was not happy.”

Six’s eyes narrowed at Niro. “We worked it out but I can see from that just how little consideration you have for anyone else and by that I mean him or me. You put me in a horrible position and made it look like I’d been doing the one thing he cannot tolerate.”

“Yeah I was absolutely despicable, a waste of a human being...all that.” He was smiling now, his words clearly not serious. “Why do you put up with being treated like a toy held by a jealously obsessive man?”

Six plucked the lime from the rim of her glass and dropped it into the water. “You wouldn’t understand and that’s all I’m saying about that.” She watched him for a moment, suddenly picking up an unusual wave of emotion in him. She’d sensed desire before but there was also a hint of unease now. “Are you alright?”

“What? Oh, yes, sure. I just didn’t sleep well last night.” He reached over to take her hand in his. “I dreamed that you were on my ship, in my quarters...that you’d come to be with me. It was rather exhilarating.” He purposely left out the part of that dream where he’d been assimilated, instead, he raised her hand to his lips. “what would it take to lure you away from crazy Suresh?”

She snatched her hand away and crossed her arms. “And do what? Run off with you? There’s nothing in this world that could do that.” She glanced around the room once more, still not seeing Eldren. “If that’s what you’re thinking, get over it.”

Niro stood and moved around the table to her side. Taking hold of her shoulders now, he pulled her to her feet. “It is what I am thinking and rest assured, Six, it will happen. All in good time. I always get what I want. Besides, you owe me...on several counts.” He leaned in closer, intending to steal a kiss.

Six instead reached for her glass and splashed the water in his face. “I don’t think so.”

He spluttered and ran his hand over his face, wiping away the water.

“It seems someone has taken my place.” Eldren said appearing behind Niro. Hoping the man getting the Time’s up message clear.

Niro brushed his long hair back and smiled at Six. “Sorry, I got a little carried away. See you soon.” He turned and left the table and once out of sight, a smile spread over his face. That little show had been just about perfect. It was time to go back below and watch the fallout.

Back at the table, Six looked up at Eldren and smiled. “Thank you.”

“I see why Suresh strives to keep you protected. Darn score of suitors you get around.” He said sitting at the table with a smile.

“That man is no suitor. He despises Suresh and me too,” she answered. “He blames me for several things that have gone wrong for him lately. There was a small incident down in Saturnalia a day or so ago in which he purposely tried to make Suresh angry using me. He apologized, which was worth nothing think.”
“I see. I’ve been working for Suresh from time to time, as a freelance. Now I’m jobless at the moment. Perhaps I could speak to him and see if I can help into keeping away this kind of nuisances from you and him, But… I see this encounter has upset you. Better wait another day to have a talk, shall I walk you back to Saturnalia?”

“No need, but thank you. I’m meeting a friend out on the Promenade for some shopping.” Six smiled once more. “I’ll pass that along to Suresh though, if you wish?”

“Well thank you. I would be grateful of that. I’ll leave you to your business then, waiting for better times.”

“Bye Eldren.” She rose and departed the Wormhole, off to meet Edana.

Ensign Six of Ten
An Unknowing Pawn


Eldren Tohr
Dark Guardian Angel


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