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Small Steps

Posted on Thu Oct 22nd, 2015 @ 9:58pm by Vic & Crewman Apprentice Xavier Slandala & Desta

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Promenade

* The Promenade *

The turbolift doors opened and Desta stepped out on the main level of the Promenade. She was alone and for her, it was a huge step. She didn’t face the possible danger from Niro that Reva did, and while it was frightening, she was determined to give it a try. Raj had suggested that she start with small steps and the thought made her smile. She suspected he’d meant something a little smaller than this. Vic’s descriptions of several places she should check out had been a good incentive. Taking a deep breath, she watched for a break in the crowd and began to walk
forward. She was careful not to let anyone bump into her, but it was a little easier than she’d expected. Her first stop was Java and she could smell the coffee aroma in the air as she approached.

Several steps behind her, a large man followed along in Desta's steps, watching her. He wanted to rush forward and take hold of her but here, amongst this crowd, that would cause a scene. He had no intention of drawing attention to either himself or her. He noted the changes in her and sneered; while he didn't mind the red hair, he hated the lean look of her body. That would be the first thing she'd have to change.

She decided to take the coffee to go so she stopped at the counter. Unsure what to order, she asked the barista to give her something with chocolate. The young man smiled at her and promised to make her a good one. While she waited, Desta took the opportunity to study those sitting at the tables both inside and outside on the patio area. Most were absorbed in looking down at padds if alone, or deep in conversation if with others. The young man returned with her coffee and she departed, now taking a sip. He was right, it was wonderful.

While she was in the coffeeshop, Pash watched the crowd from a spot opposite the shop. One woman caught his eye, a blond with curves that were full and mouthwateringly tantalizing. Smiling, he eyed her. She was the type he wanted. But he wanted Desta, his well-trained Desta. His gaze went back to the coffee shop and, at first, he ignored the red head leaving it. Then he recalled: that was Desta. He looked for her in the crowd; spotting her was easy and he set out after her.

She continued on, now pausing before the bright red doors of Lao’s Chinese restaurant. Vic had mentioned this place specifically. It was a favorite of his and his friends, especially because of the dumplings. She debated going in but the thought of eating alone in a restaurant was still a bit too much for her. Maybe she would find one of the girls and try it soon. A Fleet Security officer emerged and recognizing her, stopped to say hello.

The officer smiled brightly at Desta, obviously pleased to see her. Pash frowned seeing that. Had she gotten to know this man the way she knew him? An ugly jealousy rose, making him see red. He moved forward, blindly thinking he'd take her by the arm and -- and what? Haul her off in plain sight of a Station Security officer? He froze and retreated a few paces.

“How are you Xavier?” she asked. “I haven’t seen you since we got home from the colony.”

"I'm fine, Desta. How are you settling in? I've heard that you and Reva have quarters together," the officer answered.

Pash heard that and winced: of all the people to have her with, Reva, the one person he couldn't injure.

Desta nodded. “For now yes. Just till I get on my feet and get used to being on the station. So far, everything’s going just fine. It’s nice to see you again. I didn’t have the chance to say thank you.”

Xavier gave her an odd look. “Thank you for what?”

“For the time and trouble you took to come get Reva and me,” she answered. “It could’ve turned out to be a bad situation but all of you came anyway.”

Grinning, he laughed and shook his head, “No thanks is necessary: that’s our job, pretty lady.” He was being cheesy and winked. “Seriously, that’s not necessary. One slaver in the world is one too many and most of us would gladly go after one.”

“This station is lucky to have all of you,” she responded, liking his smile. “I won’t keep you. It’s nice to see you though.”

“You too, Desta,” Xavier reached out and touched her shoulder. “Would you like to get dinner together? Not right now - obviously, but maybe tomorrow?”

The red Pash saw deepened and he nearly rushed out from his watching spot to deck the man for touching Desta. But he held back; Robart had promised him the woman - he didn’t need to rush out and claim his property right now.

“I’d like that. Could we try Lao’s if you don’t mind eating there again? Vic says I really need to go there,” she answered.

“Lao’s? Again? Ugh!”, he joked with her. “Yeah, Lao’s is a great idea. I’ll pick you up ...say 1800 hours?”

“I’ll have to meet you here if you don’t mind.” She smiled slightly. “Reva’s quarters are being kept secret for now. I mean, I know you’re Security but she didn’t say who could know. But I will be right here at 1800.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then,” he smiled at her, “I’ve gotta get to my shift station. Bye.” He headed off quickly.

I will be here as well, Pash thought to himself. He just wished that she’d given the fellow her quarters’ location; Robart knew where Reva was, even though neither Reva nor Desta were in the Station’s directory, but Robart wasn’t telling any of the Fisheries’ crew that information.

She watched him go, then resumed her walk, still smiling. Her route took her past a few other businesses and finally to the moving stairs that went down to the other decks of the Promenade. She stepped on carefully, then slowly descended two decks. She knew Vic worked at the Nexus and she wanted to see the place. Once she reached the outside of the Nexus Club, she stopped and stared. The entryway was beautiful. The people waiting to go in were not in uniform but in evening dress - handsome tuxedos and dresses that sparkled beneath the lights. Patrons entered and left while others mingled outside the door, catching up on recent gossip. She recalled such events back home, dressing up, going to parties, but that was before….she shut down the memories and continued to watch.

Seeing that her attention was on the Nexus, Pash moved closer to Desta. He got within arms’ reach and just watched her, studied her face and hair. More than anything, he wanted to touch her, to force her to her knees, to enforce his rules and feel her under him.

Those walking along the Promenade shifted around Desta blocking her view of Pash just as she sensed a wave of anger and desire. It was so strong that she felt it would drown her but a quick look around revealed nothing. She turned back to look at the Nexus, reminding herself to shut down and stop sensing in such a crowded place. Suddenly, a familiar face stepped out of the passersby and approached the door.

“Vic!” she called out over the noise.

Brought up short by hearing his name, Vic stopped and looked around. When he saw Desta, he smiled and looked around for either Raj or Riley and Reva. When he didn’t see them, his smile faltered. “Desta!” He approached her and, reading her carefully, gently hugged her. “Are you here alone?”

“I am.” She slipped her arms around him, enjoying the brief hug and careful not to spill coffee on him. “Raj has suggested that I start getting out, pushing my boundaries, he said. Though he suggested small steps but I wanted to see this place. How are you? Oh….oh no.” She hadn’t meant to pry but the emotions coming from him had caused her to peek into his thoughts. “I’m sorry.”

“Ah, yeah,” he nodded morosely. “It’s a crazy situation and I’m like the moth to the flame - I just keep getting burned. Oh well,” he shrugged. “Hey, you’ll have to get Raj or someone to bring you here for dinner some night. I can set the Owners’ table aside for you. We have three sets a night and the chef cooks up a great meal.” He winced, realizing how much he sounded like a commercial for the Nexus. He couldn’t help it, especially now that he was an owner. He grinned.

“I don’t think I will ask Raj. He’s my counselor and we’ve had this discussion. I like him very much but given his position, he says it wouldn’t be appropriate and he is right. He also didn’t say so, but there’s someone here he loves. I don’t know who and it’s not my business to poke in his head.” She smiled for a moment. “I did it to you though, and I apologize.”

“Eh, don’t worry about that. Just, you know, try not to read too much. As for Raj? Yeah, he’s dating my partner, Janice.” He glanced back at the Nexus’ entrance, “Reva and Six used to come here by themselves, just the two of them. They had fun. Maybe you could invite them.”

“I’d like that. And Falasin too. Soon, we will. I am going out to dinner tomorrow but not here.” She smiled lightly. “A Security officer so I should be safe.”

He laughed. “Yes, you should be, but watch where he puts his hands,” he joked. “That’s great that you’re making friends.”

Nearby, Pash snarled quietly, just loud enough that the man in front of him glanced back then moved along quickly.

“Little by little.” She studied him for a moment. “You were going inside though, to see Jan? Go, she will likely have some wise words for you.”

He arched a brow at her, “She will?” Smiling, he nodded, “She will, I know, she’s got a lot of wisdom thanks to her years. I’ll see you, Desta.” He squeezed her hands then turned and headed into the Nexus.

Little one knows quite a few men now..., Pash thought, angrily. When Desta moved on, he started following her again.

She moved along, pausing only briefly to look at the Wormhole. Finally, her coffee was done and she dropped the cup into a recycler. Across from the Wormhole was a flower stand that had a bright array of blossoms on display. Desta stopped and sniffed a few before picking out some of her favorites and Reva’s. The shopkeeper placed them all in a vase for her and she decided that she’d had enough adventuring for this trip. Besides, she needed to get the flowers home. She left the flower shop and strolled towards the bank of turbolifts.

Knowing he couldn’t follow her onto the turbolift, Pash swore silently and fell back. But, before completely losing sight of her, he noted the flowers and knew what he’d have in hand when he went to collect her.

Spreading Her Wings A Little

Looking to Clip Her Wings

Crewman Recruit Xavier Slandala


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