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Giving Joy To The People

Posted on Sun Oct 25th, 2015 @ 1:50pm by Commander Louie Rousseau & Helena Marinos & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Thorn

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Lady Ella's Jazz Club

* Lady Ella’s Jazz Club *

The combo was already playing when Louie and Cy arrived. They were recognized and the hostess welcomed them with gusto as she showed them to a table down front. Helena was already on stage, her husky alto the perfect accompaniment to the musicians. Louie took a seat, watching her a moment then leaning over to Cy.

“You actually talked to that woman? I’m impressed.”

“I did, yes, I did. It was a little like talking to an angel,” Cyrus smiled and winked at Louie. “Just remember: I saw her first.” His smile changed slightly as he gazed up at Helena.

“That’s normal,” Louie joked. “You have radar or something, I swear.” He listened again, then nodded. “Her voice could make Lena Horne jealous.”

“Her looks, Marilyn Monroe,” Cyrus agreed, sighing. He closed his eyes for just a moment, listening to her.

Up on stage, Helena finished the song and bowed to tumultuous applause. “Thank you all so much.” She smiled and then motioned for the audience to settled down. “It seems we have two celebrities in our midst this evening.”

“Oh no, she isn’t,” Louie whispered.

Cy’s shook his head. “Oh no....” He recovered his jaw from the floor and glanced at Louie.

The spotlight landed on Louie and Cy and Helena continued. “Please welcome Commanders Rousseau and Thorn. I’m sure they really need no introduction, though.”

Louie felt his face flush as the applause began once more. He smiled and waved briefly. “I will never get used to this,” he murmured to Cy.

“Neither will I,” his companion whispered back and smiled towards the assembled audience, waving as Louie did. “So laying into her for doing that.”

“Oh is that what they’re calling it now?” Louie asked as the spotlight finally moved back to Helena so she could announce the musicians’ break.

“That’s called getting laid, something you need to be thinking about doing, my friend,” Cyrus teased him as the server brought drinks to them. He watched Helena disappear backstage. “I’m guessing she had this table set up for us.”

“I'm betting so too.” He took a sip, then grinned at Cy. “You can ask her, she’s coming this way now.” A few of the people seated around them turned to say hello and finally Helena reached the table.

“Good evening gents, I”m so glad you came.” She brushed a peck to each of their cheeks. “Want some company?”

"Yes," Cyrus stood and pulled out a chair for her, "I was hoping you'd join us, since you had this table set aside for us."

“Of course. You said you’d come so, I was hoping.” She flashed a bright smile at Cy. “We have one more set to do before I call it a night.” She signalled the waitress, who brought over what was apparently Helena’s usual. “I’m glad he dragged you along too Louie. The wait staff was thrilled when I told them you two might be here.”

Louie laughed and shook his head. “I’m still not used to all the attention.”

"Yeah. We didn't do anything worthy of attention and now we're just a couple of professors." Cyrus smiled slightly. "Say, I noticed your bass player is female... Single? Or attached?"

Louie kicked Cy under the table then reached for his drink.

“Oh that’s Joy, and yes she is.” Helena glanced over to the bar where the bass player stood. “Interested?”

Having winced thanks to Louie's on-target kick, Cyrus smiled at her. "Me? In her? Oh, no," Cyrus shook his head then realized how that sounded. "I mean, she's lovely, but... ah... Well, I... I was thinking we could invite her to join us so ol' Louie here isn't a third wheel. I'd rather have all my attention on you," he told her.

“Would you now….” She winked at Cy. “But you make a good point.” She turned and waved to Joy, calling her over.

Louie sighed inwardly, then wondered why he did. Where was the harm in meeting a woman? It didn’t meant they had to ride off into the sunset after all. He did look at Cy and Helena though and had to admit that they certainly made a striking pair. He then looked up at the young woman approaching. Her olive skin, dark hair and eyes were arresting. He found himself smiling.

The heels Joy wore put an extra swing in her hips and she played that up as she approached the table where the famous (or was that infamous?) Space Cowboys were seated. “Hello, gentlemen, Helena.” She glanced at Helena and smiled as her intent became clear. “Is this seat taken?”

“Please, join us.” Louie hopped up to hold the chair for her.

“Thank you,” she eyed Louie as she sat and he pushed the chair under her. “I’m thrilled to meet you two.”

“Joy this is Louie and Cy.” Helena grinned at her friend.

Cyrus smiled as well. He’d been mesmerized by the sway of her hips as she’d approached and just nodded dumbly as Joy joined them.

Louie recognized the look on Cy’s face and resisted a laugh. “I was just telling Cy how much I enjoyed the music. It can sometimes be difficult to fit with a singer who is new to the group but you’ve done it well. I can’t wait to hear the next set.”

“That’s coming up in just a few minutes,” Joy reminded Helena. “Helena, you might wanna close his mouth, before he swallows a fly.”

Helena laughed and reached over, raising Cy’s chin with her finger. “Breathe, honey,” she murmured at his ear.

He took a chance: he put his hand on her back and turned towards her, catching her with a quick kiss. Across the table, Joy laughed at his audacity.

A slow smile spread over Helena’s face. “Joy’s right, we need to get back on stage but I hope you’ll be here when we’re done. Maybe we can go get dessert before I call it a night.”

“I’d like that,” Cyrus said, nodding and grinning slyly.

“Bad boy,” Joy chastised Cyrus playfully before looking at Louie. “Are you that bold, too?”

“You can ask me that over breakfast,” Louie answered. He held Joy’s gaze as he reached for his glass. “We’ll see.”

“Ohho!”, Joy laughed and stood, holding a hand out to Helena. “I see dessert in our future. Excuse us, gentlemen, but the stage is calling.”

“Sing ‘Stormy Weather’ Helena,” Louie suggested. “It’s one of Sundance’s favorites.” He smiled, watching as the two women returned to the stage. “She likes you, bro,” he commented.

“She let me kiss her without slapping me,” Cyrus waggled his brows and smiled as he whispered, “I think that’s a clue. And Joy seems interested in breakfast. Smooth line there, my friend.”

“Eh, what can I say? I’m just that good,” Louie joked, then shook his head. “Actually, I’m not. I think I was channeling you for a moment there. Maybe all the years together are rubbing off on me. Something sure as hell is.” He looked back at the stage as he spoke. Seeing Joy from a distance, he smiled at her before turning back to Cy.

“I knew you kept me around for a reason. Good thing it’s me rubbing off on you and not the other way around. If it were, neither of us would ever get some,” Cyrus joked then settled in to watch and listen to Helena sing.

“You get enough for both of us,” was Louie’s wry reply.

Lt. Commander Louie Rousseau
Lt. Commander Cyrus Thorn


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