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Wakey Wakey

Posted on Mon Oct 26th, 2015 @ 1:28am by Céline Valois

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Deck 176 - Celine’s Quarters

* * * Deck 176 - Celine’s Quarters * * *

All but worn out from her last free day of wandering, Celine decided she should check in with her parents before heading off to bed. They had asked that she contact them as soon as she arrived but she’d gotten busy and had actually forgotten all about it. The station was so exciting that it had slipped her mind entirely. But she knew she would be chastised rather quickly if she didn’t contact them soon.

Fed, bathed and in her bed clothes, she sat at the small corner desk console and dialed up her parents. She wasn’t sure what time it would be there--she hadn’t even checked, but it didn’t matter. Her father was adamant that she call, no matter the hour.

It took a rather long time, almost a full ten minutes, but the screen finally flickered to life with her mother, Evelyn, there. Celine had obviously called in the middle of the night. She could see the lines in her mother’s face from the pillow she slept on.

“Hi, Mom,” she started. “I’m here. Well, I’ve been here a few days, but I didn’t have much time to do anything like this. And I’m sorry I called and woke you.”

“Oh Celine! I’m so glad you did call and don’t worry about the time, dear.” Evelyn brushed back her hair and took a moment to get a little more coherent. “How do you like the station? Our friend James says that the place is just massive.”

“Oh, Mom, you have no idea! It took me forever to find the learning center and their Promenade seems to go on and on. I went for lunch and thought I’d never get back to any appointment on time just because of the sheer size of it all!” She laughed. It was actually good to hear her mother’s voice. “Is Daddy up?”

“He can be.” Her mother laughed at her description. “No sleeping in then I suppose if your class is that far away.” She turned away from the screen and called to her husband before turning back. “I’ve heard also that the night life can be a little wild on these stations.” Though she didn’t say it, the warning in her mother’s tone made her meaning clear: to be careful.

“Yeah. I spoke to the station’s XO today and asked her about any places I should avoid. She gave me the entire rundown. And she’s a very nice woman! I was surprised she actually had time to sit and chat with me.” She was sipping some warm milk to help get herself ready for bed. Tomorrow was her big day and she wanted to be well rested. “So, I actually start teaching tomorrow. I haven’t met any of the children yet but I’ve read all about them and what they’ve already been studying.”

“That’s good and..oh, here’s your father.” Evelyn moved aside and the face of Celine’s father appeared in the screen. “Hello, darling.” He covered a yawn. “What time is it there?”

“Aww,” she said, watching him yawn. “It’s almost 10 pm. I’m sorry I woke you guys.” She was always amazed that no matter what was happening, or what time of day it was, her father was always a well-kempt and very handsome man. “Did you hear me tell Mom that I start working tomorrow?”

“I did. Oh thank you.” He took a cup of coffee that Evelyn passed to him and had a sip. “Are you excited? What about the Academy there? Will you have any interaction with it?”

“Not really, I don’t think. But I did ask the XO if I could take the kids there for field trips. She said it wouldn’t be a problem. And of course I’m excited! I love teaching, you know that. I know it sounds sappy, but it makes me think about how you and Mom used to sit me down and go over equations and formulas, or all of those languages. I like to think I’m doing the same thing, but with more little minds.”

Bradley smiled briefly. “You always were a very bright child, and picked up things with so little effort. Science especially. Must run in the family.” His smile widened. “Yes, I am patting myself on the back.”

Celine rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh. Your head is big enough, you don’t need to keep adding to your hat size,” she said with a laugh. “Oh! Make sure you tell Aunt Jaqui and Uncle Stephen I said hi and that I love it here, so far. I’ll wait until a better hour to call them but in case I get a bit swamped tomorrow and forget, just let them know.”

“I’ll be glad to. Have you met any friendly types yet?” he asked. “As big as the place is, certainly you should have no trouble. But I know you.” His smiled returned. “You can sometimes be a bit of a loner and out there, you need to make friends. Just make sure they are the right sort.”

“I’ve made a few acquaintances already, but I haven’t had much real time to sit and make friends with anyone. Give me a few weeks. It’ll be fine.”

“Good. I don’t like thinking you’re out there being lonely, but I’m sure you’ll do just fine. Some of your friends here asked that I pass along greetings from them. I think they’re a little envious that you got to the the Delta Quadrant before them.” Bradley set his coffee mug aside. “Especially Andrew.”

Celine coughed a bit into her milk, wiped her face and wrinkled her nose. “Yeah...Andrew,” she said with a bit of a sneer. “You remember we had a talk about him, right? Like, right before I left? The whole ‘I don’t like him, Dad, he’s more of a distant friend’ conversation?”

“Eh.” Her father shrugged. “Don’t shoot the messenger. I told him it really wouldn’t work out because you snore.” He was clearly teasing her now.

“Dad!” she said, embarrassed at how many people he may have spread that nasty rumor to. “I do not snore and you need to stop telling people that!” She frowned. “Mom!”

Evelyn returned and scooted her husband over. He blew Celine a kiss, then shuffled back to bed. “He really didn’t tell the young man that,” she confided. “He told him to get over it and look elsewhere because...well...never mind, honey. So, you start tomorrow?”

Celine huffed. “Yes. 0800, so I need to turn in soon.”

“So you do. Enjoy your first day and let us know how things are going when you can. Take care Celine.”

“I love you,” she said, then raised her voice so her father could hear, “Love you, Dad!”

She could hear her father’s muffled voice calling out to her and her mother smiled. “We love you too. Talk to you soon.”

With a nod, Celine switched off the viewer. She suddenly felt a little homesick, but she had felt this way before and knew she would get over it. With the last of her warm milk gone she put the glass back into the replicator for reclamation and headed off to bed.

“I don’t snore, dammit,” she said to herself as she closed her eyes.

Celine Valois
A bit sick for home

Evelyn & Bradley Mitchell (written by Peach)
Proud parents, even at this ungodly hour


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