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Hands Down

Posted on Sun Nov 1st, 2015 @ 12:53am by Lieutenant Commander Ophelia Payne & Lieutenant Raj Amani & Ensign Leela Carter & Crewman Apprentice Xavier Slandala & Desta
Edited on on Thu Nov 5th, 2015 @ 9:44pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center

* Piper Medical Center *

Ophelia was waiting when Carter and Desta materialized in Piper’s transporter room. She smiled as they stepped off the pad and looked to Carter. “How is everything?”

“We have one dead,” Carter answered, “But he’s the right kind of dead: the kind that deserved it. Oz won’t be upset about that. How’s Raj?”

“Recovering. We’ve healed the burns and there was some nerve damage that Solis says will heal up in time. We’re keeping him until tomorrow.” Ophelia turned to Desta now. “He’s asking for you and was in quite a state when he regained consciousness.”

“Take me there.” Desta’s voice was a little more steady.

“Follow me.” Ophelia turned to look at Carter. “You coming too?”

“Yes,” Carter nodded. “I have a few questions, but they can wait.” She followed Desta and Ophelia.

As they entered Raj’s room, Desta hurried to Raj’s bedside, “Raj! It was Pash! He was here.”

“So I saw.” Raj smiled faintly and reached for her hand. “What happened after he got me?”

She grabbed his hand like it was a lifeline. “He... he dragged me to Robart’s ship. Robart brought him here!” She was outraged and started crying. “He... he was the same, saying that I was his property.”

Carter stood to the side quietly waiting and listening.

Desta continued, “He was angry, very angry, and was... I don’t know what he was going to do, but Robart... he came in and fought him. Robart killed him, Raj.”

“Good.” Raj squeezed her hand gently. “He deserved it. I have to question though, why Robart did that, knowing what he did about Pash. Whatever the reason, it’s over, Des. You have no reason to fear him any longer.”

That realization started to sink in and she gasped slowly. “I didn’t believe he was dead before. We knew the ship was destroyed, but... I didn’t think of him as gone. Now... I saw him dead. It is over.”

“It is.” Raj smiled once more. “That will teach me though, I didn’t expect him to move so soon. I shouldn’t have been taken unaware and put you in his hands. I’m so sorry Des.”

“You didn’t even know he was alive, Raj. It was only last night that I thought, maybe, that I’d seen him. And I wasn’t sure.” She smoothed his hair back. “You couldn’t have known.”

“You know my background...I should have operated as if he were, just in case.” He smiled again at her touch. “At least Robart got there in time.” I’m glad. I would not be a happy man if Pash had gone any farther. Raj knew she could read him as their hands were still joined.

“I think Robart knew something was happening. He knew about Xavier, what Pash had done to him. And he wasn’t happy about it,” she said, glancing sideways at Carter.

“Good. So, does this mean you won’t be staying here in Piper tonight?” Raj asked. “You are more than welcome to do so. I know this has been horrifying for you.”

“I could stay here, with you, if you want,” she glanced at Carter again.

Carter said, “If you’d rather go home, we can have security posted, though... there’s no longer a threat, is there?”

Desta shook her head, “There isn’t. But still, I could stay here with you.”

“I’d like that,” Raj replied. “That way, if you want to talk about it, I’m a captive audience,” he joked. “Have you seen Xavier yet?”

“I haven’t. He’s next on the list.” She smiled. “I’ll try not to take advantage of the captive audience.”

Raj laughed at that, then grimaced. “We’ll discuss that when you get back from seeing Xavier. One word of advice, however, with him. I haven’t seen him but don’t be surprised if he’s upset. I know it wasn’t your fault but he’s facing some serious surgery to fix what Pash did.”

“Oh,” she sighed. “Well, we’ll see. I’m going to go see him and I’ll be back.”

“Sure, and good luck. Try not to worry, okay?” He glanced to Carter then. “You going with her or here to question me?”

“Going with her,” Carter said.

Raj nodded. “See you two soon, then.”

* Piper Medical Center - Xavier’s Room *

Since Xavier’s room was just a few doors down, Desta and Carter arrived there in no time. Desta knocked on the door, then opened it and peeked in.


“Go away,” Xavier grumbled.

That struck hard at Desta and she gripped the edge of the door tighter. “I’m sorry for what happened, truly but it….it was not my fault. The man who did this to you is unbalanced. He’s crazy. I thought he was dead. I saw his ship blow up.” She reached up to touch the bruise blooming on her cheek. “He almost won.”

“With me, he did,” Xavier held up his wrist. “My dominant hand. I can’t even hit the side of a barn with my other hand. All this because some nutcase wants to make sure you don’t get to move on. And, what? I’m not supposed to be angry? Blame you?”

“You have every right to be angry.” Desta edged a little farther into the room. “But I didn’t make him do this any more than I made him capture me two years ago, or spend those two years abusing me at every turn until I could barely function. I didn’t rescue him from his ship and bring him here.” Desta paused, realizing she was really angry for being blamed for this. When she spoke again, she softened her tone. “He sent your hand to me. The doctors have it now.”

“Lot of good that does me,” he said. He saw Carter behind Desta and sighed. “What? You two are the Cheering Party? Here to make me feel better?”

Carter entered the room fully and went to his bedside. “Hey, Xav, you can feel sorry for yourself all you want. I’ll feel sorry for you, too, but only after the docs say there’s no repairing that hand. Till they make that decision, though, buck up. And don’t be mean to the woman you were all gaga about having a date with. She didn’t do this and she couldn’t have foreseen that the Kazon would be this insane.”

“Shut up, Carter,” he said. But he sighed and continued, “I know, eventually, I either get my hand back or a biosynth replacement that’ll probably outlive me. I’ll be fine. Lots of work ahead, though. Desta, I know you’re not to blame. But... right now, I’m not okay with this.”

Tears stung her eyes at his words. She glanced at Carter, then back to Xavier. “How was I supposed to know? What if it had been someone else besides Pash? Would you still be so upset with me?”

“I just said you’re not to blame. It...,” he looked at Carter before looking at Desta again, “I’m upset with everything, Desta.”

“I know.” She moved closer to his bed, then looked back at Carter. “Could you excuse us for a moment?”

“Sure,” Carter went out to the hallway and let the door close.

Desta turned back to Xavier and, with a little hesitation, reached out to touch his arm. “I can’t fix this entirely, but maybe I can help, if you’re willing.”

“Sure, sure. Look, I’ll have a lot of counseling to go through, Des. I enjoyed our night out, but I think it’ll be a while before we go out again, at least until my hand is sorted.”

She was silent as she looked down at him and one thought rose in her mind….that even though he really was dead now, Pash has effectively won. The thought cut deep but she put it aside until she was away from Xavier. Instead, she tightened her hand slightly on his arm and closed her eyes. Nothing happened for a moment, then a faint light began to glow beneath her hand and grew stronger. With it came a warm tingle that spread along his arm and down into his wrist.

“What the hell? What are you doing?” He stared at her hand on his arm. Although he’d been on the Takei, with the putative ‘rescue team’, he hadn’t been among those who knew Desta was a shapeshifter.

Finally, she withdrew her hand and opened her eyes. “That won’t give you a new hand but it should be enough so they can fix everything and you can get back to normal. I am so sorry.”

“How...?” He looked at his wrist where the tingling had been the most intense. “Nevermind how. Maybe come back when they... if they reattach my hand?”

“For a boost?” she managed to smile finally. “I will. If you want to see me, that is.”

“Desta, I was attacked, lost the fight, lost my hand and my recovery is uncertain. If I’m angry, perhaps you can understand why.”

She nodded. “I do. I’m angry for you. The man who stopped Pash, after he had me back in his quarters...asked what he should do with him. He killed him so he wouldn’t hurt me or anyone else again but I...I wanted to do it. You don’t deserve any of this.”

“Nor do you,” he said. “It’s good he’s dead. Saves me the trouble.”

“Yes, it does. Good luck. I’m staying here in Piper tonight. Maybe you’ll have good news by morning.” She stepped back away from the bed, suddenly anxious to go before she broke down from the insane day.

“Rest easy tonight, Desta,” Xavier told her. “Come see me tomorrow before you go.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Try not to worry.” She turned and hurried out of his room and passed by Carter at a trot, headed back to Raj’s room.

Lt. Raj Amani
Crewman Recruit Xavier Slandala
Ensign Leela Carter


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