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Celine Goes To Lunch

Posted on Mon Nov 16th, 2015 @ 2:40am by Helena Marinos & Céline Valois

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Cravings

* Cravings *

Helena stepped into Cravings and smiled at the hostess. “Hi. I need a table for two. I’m meeting a friend here, she’s a little taller than me and has long dark hair. Her name is Celine. Will you bring her back when she arrives?”

“Certainly.” The young woman smiled as she escorted Helena to a table out on the patio that overlooked the Promenade. “Hey, I know you. I saw you at Ella’s last night, right? Great show.”

“Thanks.” Helena took a seat, ordered martinis for her and Celine, then turned to people watch as the hostess departed.

Not long after, Celine was standing at the table, thanking the hostess for bringing her back. “Hi, Helena. I hope you haven’t been waiting long?”

“Just long enough that the drinks are arriving right on time.” She smiled up at Celine. “Have a seat.” The waiter arrived and placed the glasses before the women.

“Ah, a martini. Thanks! I could definitely use a drink.” She placed one of the drinks closer to Helena. “So, what’s good here? I haven’t been able to eat here yet.”

“Steaks my dear.” Helena smiled ear to ear. “I have it on good authority that they are to die for, as he put it. Quaint expression, don’t you think?”

“I certainly hope that I live to remember it,” she laughed in reply. “So, how have you been since we arrived? Been busy?”

“I have! The combo at Ella’s is fantastic and it’s a great place to work. You have to come by and see me some night. I met the most interesting man too. He’s sort of famous too - his ship passed from the past to our present and he was lost for another twenty years and….it sounds complicated I know but he came out young. Crazy, huh?” Helena reached for her drink and had a sip. “Perfect.”

“Time travel? And a major facelift to boot.” Celine smiled. “Where do I sign up?”

“That’s what I’m saying. He’s now like a hundred and seventy and looks as young as we do. He has a friend you should meet Celine. The man is gorgeous and really nice. He comes to Ella’s with Cy sometimes. Just sayin’.....” She smiled once more, then plucked the olive from her drink.

“One-seventy, huh? I hear the admiral here is crazy old, too.” She sipped at the drink. “And I don’t know if I have time to start seeing anyone just yet, Helena. I’m trying to get all of my ducks in a row at work, first. But I really would like to come see you at Ella’s.”

“That’s what I really want to hear about. How’s school going? The kids? Tell me all about it. Oh, wait, we should order.” THe waiter reappeared and true to her word, she ordered a steak, medium rare. and mashed potatoes.

“Steak, medium rare, steamed broccoli and carrots,” Celine ordered. “And a dessert menu, please.”

With a nod the waiter disappeared. “So, school. It’s actually going really well. I have fifteen students, all eight or nine years old, and so far they seem to like me.” She laughed. “It’s kind of strange to say that, but as a teacher it’s quite difficult to be effective if the kids don’t like you. So far it’s just been getting to know them and a few assignments, but I start the hard stuff soon, so their attitudes might change.”

“That’s good! They’d have to be crazy not to like you though, if you ask me.” Helena took another sip of her martini. “What cool stuff do you have planned for them? Out here there just so much to do and see compared to my home world. But I wasn’t exactly focused on the stars, I guess.”

“Luckily they already have a good grasp on the basics. Several of them are better at maths than most kids twice their age,” Celine said. “I still have to work on that sort of thing, but my focus has always been the sciences. I may even throw some language arts in just for variety.”

She paused as the food arrived and was set in front of them. Turning to the waiter she said, “I saw that you have quite a few types of beers. Do you have some ciders? I’d like one of those in the green apple variety, if you do.”

The waiter whisked away again.

“Anyway, I’ll be starting with biology and herbology. Later in the year we’ll start working on astronomy. And just for fun, I have several different craft-type lessons for them. We’ll get to make things that they can take home and show off to their parents.”

“Field trips? I’ve heard from Cy that hydroponics on this station is something that has to be seen to be believed. There’s also a new family of giant tarantulas in science too. One of them is, apparently, a baseball fan.” Helena cut into her steak and took a bite.

Celine stopped and stared at her. “A spider. Who is a baseball fan?” She laughed. “What the heck is happening on this station?”

“Well, as we said on the way here, welcome to the frontier.” Helena laughed for a moment. “Apparently, the little baseball fan spends a lot of time in the office of the Fleet Academy’s dean, who happens to be Cy’s friend.”

“Wow. Well, back to field trips, yeah, I was planning a few yesterday. Oh, and I already spoke to the station XO about taking the kids up to the command center. But I’m glad you mentioned the Academy because I need to request a field trip there as well.”

“That sounds like fun, actually. You make me wish I was in your class.” Helena took another bite and once she’d finished it, she smiled again. It seemed as if Celine might cross paths with Louie yet. “When are you planning to go there?”

Waiting to swallow a bit of steak, Celine finally answered. “Maybe next week? I just have to request permission through my boss and have her send it to the Academy dean for approval, get a date that’s good for them, and then we’re in.”

“Should be simple enough.” Helena finished off the last of her steak and pushed her plate away. “I may have to have them roll me out of here on an anti-grav sled.”

“So no dessert for you?” Celine asked. “This pie on here looks amazing.”

“Oh goodness no,” Helena declared. “I’m completely stuffed. But go ahead, I’m in no hurry. I’m off tonight.”

After ordering an apple pie and vanilla ice cream from a passing waiter, Celine continued the conversation. “I don’t think anyone will mind the field trips, but we can’t just show up unannounced. And also, it prepares the staff for a herd of curious kids running around.” She laughed at the thought.

“I’ve seen quite a few kids, especially in the Arboretum. How many are in your class?” Helena ran her finger around the rim of her glass. “It sorta blows my mind that there are so many families out here on the edge of the known universe. Then again, two civvies like us hopped on a ship out here too.”

“Fifteen kids. And that’s actually a small class. They didn’t want to overload the teachers, which is why they were hiring so many of us to come out here. I think smaller classes work better for the kids, anyway.”

“Wow.” Celine’s pie arrived and Helena smiled at the huge piece. “Good luck with that. Oh, hey, Cy’s coming for dinner tonight. You should come. He’s one of the Academy professors - engineering. It will be a good chance for you to meet him and get to know some more folks around here.”

“And be a third wheel? No thanks, but I appreciate the invite.” She cut into the pie and got a bit of the ice cream as well. “Holy crap, this is amazing. You’re going to kick yourself for not having some.”

“You won’t be a third wheel, trust me, so think about it?” Helena watched as Celine dug into the pie. “I’ll have it next time...maybe by itself. Once you’re done, there’s a place on the Promenade I want to show you.”

“Oh yeah? Do I get a hint as to what it is?”

“Risan. Time you treated yourself to celebrate your new job.” The waiter brought a small pad and Helena looked it over, before entering her information. “You’ll love it.”

A few bites later and Celine was all finished. She wiped her mouth and looked to Helena. “Okay, tour guide, take me away.”

Helena Marinos
Official Fun Guide

Celine Valois
Official Kid Herder


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