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The Hours Are Torture

Posted on Mon Nov 23rd, 2015 @ 2:55am by Suresh & Marabeth

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia / Suresh's Quarters

* Saturnalia *

"You have your orders." Suresh's voice was harsh as he looked at first Patch, then Farco. "Use whoever you need to get it done without leaving a trail back to our doors. I want to know everything and then I'll make final plans."

The two men nodded, Patch in particular pleased with the assignment. "Sorry to hear about Six." He kept his voice low so it wouldn't carry. "That guy on the news seems sure they'll recover them soon."

Suresh nodded. "They will and then the fun will begin. Niro may wish he'd never been born."

They were interrupted by the arrival of Marabeth. At Suresh's nod, the two men hurried away, leaving them alone. Marabeth, as was her usual down here when they were on display, settled astride his lap, resting her hands on his shoulders. She leaned in, letting her lips brush his ear as she whispered.

"You look like hell."

"Thanks so much for that," Suresh joked. He managed a small smile however. "I am losing my mind Marabeth. There's been no news and every minute that goes by makes me more worried. What if they can't find them? What if she doesn't make it back?"

"Shhh." She pressed her finger to his lips. "None of that." When she spoke again, it was louder so her voice would reach those nearby. "I've missed you Suresh. Why don't we get out of here and I can show you just how much?" She gave him an alluring smile. "I've cleared the whole night just for you."

"Have you now?" He smiled up at her and traced his finger over the soft skin exposed by her very low cut dress. "I think you may be just what I need Marabeth. It's been a busy few days and I need to unwind." He lifted her from his lap and stood. He led the way, knowing she would follow, and spoke to a few people on the way out. As far as the regulars of Saturnalia knew, Suresh had not a care in the world.

* Suresh's Quarters *

They stepped inside and Suresh locked the doors behind them. "Ed?" he called out. When there was no answer, he shrugged. It was a little early yet but she was due in soon. "Get yourself something to drink Marabeth," he suggested. He moved over to check the terminal for messages. There was one update from Riley that gave him cause for hope - a science team was working on the rift location. They'd once opened a portal to an alternate universe, so Suresh was confident they could open a time rift. That should be much simpler. Maybe. He sighed aloud, shed his shoes and crossed over to pour a drink.

From the deep, comfy chair by the sofa , Marabeth watched him. "Suresh, you have got to relax. If you get wound any tighter, you'll explode and I don't think I can get your favorite whiskey into Piper while they put you back together."

He smiled faintly as he carried his glass back tot he sofa and propped his bare feet on the coffee table. "I'm trying, kiddo." He swirled his glass gently. "It's just...Niro's the one who has her and that terrifies me. I know what he is capable of doing to her mind. He has no reservations about diving into someone's head and yanking memories out, or blocking them, or inserting his own twisted desires. Six is certain he's wiped some things from Falasin's mind regarding the poisoning of Eli. What the hell will I do if he ruins her? He's been hinting that he couldn't wait to get his hands on her. If he has, I swear to you Marabeth, I will kill him." He finally wound down and looked at her, dark shadows moving in his eyes.

She reached over and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Don't look for things to worry about before you have to, honey. You don't know, she may come back just fine. And even if she doesn't, you'll fix it and you'll have plenty of help in doing so. You know that. You didn't travel across universes to find her, just to lose her this quick."

She had a point and Suresh nodded. "Maybe you're right." He sipped his drink finally and smiled. "Did you really clear the whole night for me?"

"I did." She smiled brightly. "But it's gonna cost you."

Suresh laughed finally. "It always does. Wanna go to a movie?"

"That sounds lovely. Let me replicate something decent and we'll do it."

He waved her to the spare bedroom and drained off the rest of his whiskey. Maybe she was right and maybe things would be okay. All he needed was to get Six back home and then everything would be fine. Whatever Niro might be doing to her, it wouldn't matter. All he needed was her home, back in his arms. The fact that Darwin was there was a big reassurance and gave him hope.

It was all he had.

At Loose Ends

An Excellent Distraction


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