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Escaping The Crazy

Posted on Fri Nov 27th, 2015 @ 3:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Seren Hawke & Eldren Tohr
Edited on on Sat Feb 6th, 2016 @ 12:53pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Devore Homeworld

* IKS cha’Do *

Tohr sat on the edge of the bed which was strewn with equipment and weapons. The hour needed to arrive to their destination was almost over now.

Leto hadn’t told him in which way the mission would have been undertaken so he had prepared all of his gadgets, just in case, to be free to choose between them at the last moment, when she would have, hopefully, made clear the course of the operation.

For the moment being he contented himself to stay there, concentrating himself, focusing on the small figurine set on the stool in front of him.
The figurine was one of metal bearing the signs of use and time, chipped on one side for some past abuse. It represented, in a much smaller size, one of the Tears of the Prophets, those hourglass-shaped orbs used by Kai and Vedeks to receive visions from the celestial beings. This one, though, obviously devoid of such power.

He heard Leto’s steps approaching and, when she appeared on the door of the cabin, he swept the figurine from the stool quickly tucking it into a pocket.

“Are we ready then?” He asked eyeing her.

Leto nodded. “We’re establishing orbit now. I have the coordinates to that house and we’ll transport down outside the town. We will breach the house, get Seren, and transport directly from inside. It will be fastest if we don’t have to get the ship back up off the ground.” She held out a bundle of clothes. “Put these on.”

“Well, this is all I’ve brought with me.” he said gesturing to the little arsenal on the bed “Unless we have some other kind of equipment provided by Captain Hawke to bring along. Hope the matter isn’t just going down and have some leisurely talk clinking wine glasses in cheers.“

“I doubt that. That house may only have one Devore in it, but Jens says there are several patrolling its perimeter. He’s going to be up in the ship ready to yank us out of here as soon as we get what we came for.”

“Fine for me.” Tohr replied starting to unfold the bundle he’d received from her “Seems the best thing to do. I have a question though. The package will be able to walk on his own or not? Just in case we have to move quickly before getting transported… This part wasn’t very clear to me.”

“I wish I knew,” Leto answered. “As much as I hate to say it, I have no idea what shape he will be in. I wouldn’t count on it though, just in case. I need to change. We’ll transport down in ten. With any luck, we’ll be back within the hour.” She turned and left him to strip down and change clothes, moving into the cabin next to his.
* Planetside *

A slight breeze swept through the woods and the rustling sound of leaves was all around then a faint hum turning into a shimmer and two figures appeared quickly ducking for cover behind the trees. Not far from them the house, target of their operation, stood silent in the quietness of the nightfall.

“Nothing can be seen from this side.” Eldren whispered looking through the binoculars “No people outside, no lights from the windows... Not even faint ones.”

“Once it’s getting dark, there should be light and then we can see which room,” Leto murmured. Once we have that. tie to move. I’ll go to the door, inform the woman I’m her replacement. If she balks, shoot her.”

Eldren nodded affirmatively and worked on the weapon setting. The both of them positioning to have a better sight of the house and its surrounding.

They didn’t have to wait long as a light came on on the second floor. Eldren took a bead on the front door area waiting for Leto’s move.

“Here goes nothing.” Leto smiled at Eldren, reached up to check the small Devore-style ridge she’d added between her eyebrows, then set off for the front door.

Eldren watched her go, covering the distance between the copse of trees and the porch without haste. He resumed his aiming of the door where this woman should have appeared at Leto’s call.

He couldn’t help having his mind going back to the past, breathing deeply, he remembered how many times he’d done a thing like that. Covering a comrade or Vral, or being covered by them. Behind them wilderness, in front of them a Cardassian installation… It always ended with dead bodies, roaring fire and a column of billowing dense smoke climbing up to the sky.

This time seemed a far easier thing, or so he hoped.

Leto took up a normal, unhurried pace as she crossed the grass and followed the walkway to the front door. Her scan had showed only two lifesigns within the house. She reached up to touch her ear, activating the tiny communicator hidden in it, then spoke softly.

“Almost there, El. Two lifesigns only.”

“Okay,” he murmured in the comm “Ready when you are.”

“How fast do you want to finish this up?” she murmured. “If you’re in a hurry to get home, I can just shoot her. It wouldn’t bother me any.”

“As you wish.” He responded “You might want to extract some info, though… What if the man is currently unable to tell us what happened to him in his days of detention? I’m sure the Captain would like to know…”

“You want to crack her? I’ll get her subdued and you can do your thing. Use that Eldren charm,” she joked.


Leto left the channel open and approached the door. it took a few minutes after she rang the chime but finally the door opened. The woman there looked Leto over curiously.

“May I help you?”

“I certainly hope so,” Leto answered. She smiled warmly, then raised her hand. The large sleeve of her robe slid back to reveal a Romulan disruptor. “Now then, step back nice and slow and we’ll discuss just how much you’re going to help me. Hold your hands out where I can see them and keep them there.”

The woman’s mouth fell open in shock and after a rapid glance to the lawn and the street, and seeing no help there, slowly backed into the front room of the house.

“You’re up El,” she said as she moved inside.

Without waiting Eldren ran up the distance separating him from Leto and the landlady who had opened the door. He entered closing the door behind him after a cursory glance outside to see if someone was nearby approaching.

He stepped close to the woman who backed against the wall still under the aim of Leto’s weapon.

“Now.” Eldren said in his husky tone “You can have this done the easy way without anyone getting hurt or you can piss us off and regret it.”

Her gaze locked on his face and fear jumped into her eyes. “What do you want?”

Leto passed the disruptor to Eldren. “I’m going to find Seren.”

Eldren nodded without taking away his eyes from the woman. “Ok we now start… Tell us who you are and why you’ve been keeping the man prisoner here.”

The first blast of the disruptor burned a hole in the wall close to the woman who cringed.

“And you’ll also tell us what you were doing to him. We do not have much time and even less patience.” Eldren snarled.

The woman’s eyes widened and she screamed aloud as the disruptor beam narrowly missed her. “My n-name is M-M-Maryl. I was placed here to stand watch and take care of him. No one was supposed to know he was here. He’s can’t have him!”

A puzzled look flashed through Eldren’s eyes with the woman’s outburst as he wondered about her sanity, then his usual scowl returned: “Sorry Ma’am. Our employer has claims of property about this man dating long before yours, it seems. Let’s say… A lifetime.” He said with irony. “He’s coming with us.”

“Coming with…? Oh hell no! I’m not letting anyone take him anywhere! They’ll kill me if I lose this one!” Maryl screeched and lunged at Eldren.

The tussle was short but intense as the woman indeed fought like a tiger... Almost like a mother defending her children, Eldren thought. But she really never had any chance from the start and Tohr made short work of her attempt.

“You’re mad.” Tohr hissed close to her ear as he kept her pinned to the ground, face down. “Try something like that again and what they are going to do to you will be the last of your problems.” This time she felt the touch of the disruptor at the back of her skull.

“If I do not check in soon…...they will be your problem,” she gasped out. “Kill me.”

Feeling a warm sensation on the cheek Eldren quickly wiped it with the back of the hand only to find it bloodstained, her nails must have found their mark. Stifling a curse he tightened the grip on her and talked into the comm:

“Leto? Did you find him?”

=^= Yeah =^= was her succinct answer.

In the bedroom, Leto hurried across to the bed where Seren lay still. “Seren!” She shook him roughly. “Seren! You have to wake up. We’re getting you out but there’s little time.” Moments like these, Leto wished she had been born telepathic. It would be far easier to rouse him that way.

He mumbled as her voice pierced the drug haze. He managed to open one eye, and seeing a face he didn’t know, he shrank back. “Who are you?”

“It’s me...Nenita.” Too late she remembered that she looked nothing like the Nenita he knew. “Long story.”

“No. You’re not...her….” His words were slurred almost to the point of being incomprehensible.

“I know I don’t look like it but I promise I’ll tell you that story when we are far from here. If it helps, I can tell you that the night of your commission when you graduated from the Academy, you sneaked out of the ceremony and we took that little joyride in your father’s shuttle. Remember?”

A crooked smile appeared on his face. “That’s my girl….”

“Alrighty then, let’s get you up. El?” She spoke into the comm. “Knock that chick out or shoot her or something and get in here. He’s too heavy for me to carry alone.”

In few instants Eldren entered the door into the room “So we have our prize here.” He stated looking at the man Leto was helping to stand from the bed “The woman will be out a few hours and when she wakes up will have a terrible headache.”

He walked over then and took hold of him relieving Leto “You’re worth as much latinum as you weigh boy.” He grinned. “Ready to go?”

“I was ready...two weeks ago…” Seren mumbled.

Leto took the disruptor from Eldren and led the way back out. “We’ll transport once we clear the front door. There’s some sort of shield in place that prevents it from inside.” They made their way through the house and once they stepped through the front door, Leto tapped her communicator once more. “Jens, three to transport on the double.”

Moments later, the three of them vanished in a swirl of green.

Lt. Leto
Eldren Tohr
Seren Hawke
Making A Quick Getaway


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