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Cargo Secured

Posted on Sat Dec 5th, 2015 @ 2:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Seren Hawke & Eldren Tohr
Edited on on Sat Feb 6th, 2016 @ 12:53pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Devore Space

* IKS cha’Do *

The three of them materialized on the cha’Do and Leto was already yelling at the man who now sat in the cockpit.

“Get us the hell outta here Jens! I figure we have about ten minutes before they are hot on our trail.”

“Gotcha,” he replied. The ship began to move out of the planet’s atmosphere. “Two minutes to warp, so stash him somewhere stable. I take it he’s alive?”

“More or less,” Leto answered. She turned to Eldren and nodded and the two began to move Seren to one of the cabins.

Having settled the young man on the bed Eldren powered down the disruptor and left holster and all inside the closet of the cabin.

“I wonder… “ He said his eyes going from Leto to Seren “What were you doing down there? In a place where telepaths are despised to say the least. Seems like inviting death to dance with you to me.”

Seren tried to answer but his words were garbled. He waved a hand in Eldren’s direction, then it dropped to the bed.

“Again, there are times I wish I had telepathy,” Leto grumbled. “Is there a medkit in that closet? We need to revive him completely.”

“There should be something.” Tohr responded rummaging into the closet “Even if generally I’m more skilled in doing the contrary. Do you want to have a try?” He ended offering the small medkit bag he’d found, sporting his wintry smile.

“This from the man who left that crazy bitch down below still breathing.” Leto took the bag, dug out hypospray and loaded it with the one vial in the bag. “Inoprovaline,” she informed Eldren. “Leaning down, she pressed it to Seren’s neck, then stood back in case he came awake swinging.

Which he did. Hard enough to roll him off the bunk and onto the flloor. “Ouch!” he yelped. “Help me up here, my legs still aren’t too solid.”

“Here you go.” Tohr said, helping Seren to his feet “And by the way,” he added turning to Leto “I am the one to decide when is necessary to snuff out someone. This does not normally include mentally disturbed unarmed women.”

“She was crazy, wasn’t she?” Leto asked.

“You can say that again,” Seren answered as Eldren lowered him back to the bunk. “Thanks. She was drugging the food so it was eat it or starve. The good thing is that made it impossible for me to string anything coherent together, so she was frustrated by the fact that I wasn’t spilling secrets. It will likely take a few days to get it all out of my system.” It was only now that he looked more closely at Eldren. “Who are you?”

“One that has been hired to take your buttocks away from the gridiron. Name’s Eldren Tohr and I’m coming… Shouldn’t that be evident enough, from Bajor.”

“Yeah, I kinda gathered that.” Seren grinned up at Eldren and Leto, where his gaze lingered. “Thanks to you both. I owe you my life. ‘Nita, I still can’t get over the change. Not that I’ve had a lot of time awake to do so.”

She patted his shoulder and smiled. “There’s time, honey. And it’s Leto now, at least in public. You’ll get used to it.”

Jens’ voice suddenly blasted over the comm. “We’ve got one on our tail, get up here you two.”

Hastily they reached Jens in the cockpit the proximity alert was flashing bright red.

“Is that a scout or a warship?” Eldren asked as he checked the console, his past experience against Cardassian patrol ships kicking in.

“Warship,” Jens replied. He looked over to Eldren as he checked the weapons console, then over to Leto. “Knocking us up to warp six. We need to keep it to that so I can dodge these assholes and gain us a couple of seconds to cloak.”

“Gotcha.” Leto sat down at the sensor console and a moment later announced, “They’re within firing range Jens. Shields are up.”

“Alrighty then, Eldren, blast them when ready and buy me some time.”

“Make a pass very close to their belly. They won’t be able to aim their weapons quickly enough, and I need the frontal arc with this ship.” Eldren stated typing commands on the console.

Jens cast a dubious glance to the Bajoran “You sure?”.

“Trust me.” Elden replied laconically.

Performing a very tight turn the Cha’Do plunged to the ventral side of the Devore ship, disruptors flashing, the deadly barrage connecting with the enemy’s ship frontal shields. Startled by the maneuver the Devoran vessel turned abruptly starboard discharging weapons in a desperate attempt to get the smaller Klingon ship as it went by, the ineffective fire dispersing into space.

The cha’Do flew away, engines flaring to full impulse, as the Devoran destroyer, hindered by a larger bulk, maneuvered to bring its weapons to bear.

“You’ve had your time.” Eldren said with a grin “Better work some magic now, like cloaking and make a run for it... Or this is going to be a very short trip.”

“Got us covered,” Jens answered. “Cloaking in 3...2….1…..and we are outta here.” He pressed the controls and as the small ship picked up velocity, it vanished from the Devore ship’s sight. Jens adjusted course, taking a tangent to starboard in case the Devore fired along their previous trajectory, in effect shooting in the dark. Several minutes later, he reduced speed slightly. “Dropping back to warp six which should render our warp trail untraceable. They still coming, Eldren?”

“I don’t see anything in weapon range, perhaps Leto can give us better sensor readings. In any case that destroyer will surely have broadcast the alert status to all units in this sector. Probably they’re converging here this very moment. I hope what you said about untraceability is true.” Eldren responded leaning back on the seat.

“Oh so do I,” Jens muttered. “Leto?”

“Long-range sensors show two more on the way,” she answered. “ETA fifteen minutes at current speeds. They’re big though. I’m seeing a scattering of asteroids about five minutes from here. We could hide there. We’ll be unseen and they are too big to get through it in any case.”

“Your prophets must be looking out for us today, Eldren.” Jens adjusted course and within two minutes, they could see the asteroid field.

“It would seem so.” Eldren replied rubbing his golden earring “Though a stubborn commander could order to blast away some asteroids or leave proximity charges all around.” He turned then to look at his companions “It depends on how important the boy down there is to them…”

“Well since they can’t see us, this should let them keep on going. We can hope,” Jens answered. The ship slowed and they navigated to a spot well inside the field.

“We are in luck,” Leto announced. “These asteroids are full of zillanum. Their sensors won’t be able to read anything in here.”

“So will be ours.” Eldren commented “We’ll have to take our peek outside the field later relying on chance, hoping they’re gone for good.”

“And stay cloaked for now.” Jens frowned. “Anyone up for a movie?” He laughed and shook his head. “Or food that isn’t drugged?”

“Fine for me, I’m in no fret of being blasted by torpedoes. I could use also some sleep.” Eldren replied.

“Me too, actually,” Jens admitted. “It’s been a long few days.”

Leto waved to the two of them. “I’ll take watch and keep an eye on our ‘cargo’.” She smiled for a moment. “I’ll come wake you boys up later.”

“Okay.” Eldren said standing from the weapon console seat. “Don’t need much a couple of hours will be fine for me.” He ended climbing down the stairs to the cabins.

“What he said.” Jens patted Leto on the back, then he, too, went down the ladder. Leto moved to the captain’s chair and propped her feet up. The quiet was welcome.

Lt. Leto
Eldren Tohr
Jens Larsson
Seren Hawke
Hiding Out


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