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Diving IN

Posted on Sun Dec 6th, 2015 @ 11:31pm by Vic & Desta

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Holodeck Four

Vic stood in his bedroom looking in the mirror one last time. Given Desta had suggested Pacifica for this outing, and that meant beaches, he was dressed in shorts, a tank top, and a Hawaiian print shirt over that, left open. It was exactly right for this date, but then a thought hit him.

“I look like Jackson,” he announced to the empty bedroom.

Which was true but then Jackson always seemed to know exactly what to wear for any occasion, especially a date. And this was a date. A real one. With a woman who was not Six. That made it an important date too. He needed to get on with his life and this was a good first step. He worried for a moment that Desta was simply a means to start to move on, but as he considered his reflection some more, he knew that she wasn’t just a warm body to distract him and that was a relief. The last thing he wanted to do was dash through her life as she was putting herself back together and leave it in a shambles. Which is why he’d waited this long to ask her out. Granted, he was always slower where women were concerned, but this time it was for a valid reason. He didn’t want Desta to be simply a rebound thing and end up getting hurt. The computer beeped to alert him and he departed his bedroom. It was time.

* Reva’s and Desta’s Apartment *

Desta cocked her head to one side and asked Reva, “This isn’t showing too much skin, is it?”

Reva, also cocking her head to one side, critically eyed Desta before shaking her head and saying, “No. Unless you’re uncomfortable in something so small. There are other options - you could have a bathing suit that covers every inch of you.”

Laughing, Desta shook her head, “No, no. Remember that this is more than I was allowed to wear on Fisher’s ship.”

That brought back unpleasant memories and made Reva frown. She turned away from Desta. “Right. Well. There’s also the cover-up,” she pulled the garment from the bed and turned back, holding it out to Desta.

Taking the silky green garment, Desta watched her. “Sorry to have brought that up, Rev.”

“It’s fine,” she shrugged it off, though it wasn’t. She focused on Desta and her attire - what little there was of it. Without really thinking about it, Reva had chosen green for the cover-up and for the bikini; for one, she had a bias for all things green; for another, it looked stunning against Desta’s pale skin and red hair. She smirked and commented, “If that doesn’t get a rise of some kind out of Vic, then he’s ...not paying attention.” She was thinking ‘dead’, but didn’t want to voice that word.

“Thanks,” Desta laughed and hugged Reva just as the door chime sounded. “That’ll be him. See you later.” She left Reva’s room and went to answer the door. As it slid open, she re-tied the belt around the cover-up and smiled at Vic. “Wow. That is a bright shirt.”

“Hey, it’s the beach.” Vic smiled as he looked down at her. “Blame Jackson. I think he’s warped me over the years.” He stopped as he continued to look at her, then realized he’d been staring. “Ready to go?”

“Yeah,” she nodded and stepped out of the quarters to join him. She liked how he was looking at her. “I see you’re paying attention,” she joked, loud enough that, through the open doorway, she was sure Reva could hear her. She was rewarded with a laugh from Reva’s room. Taking Vic’s arm, she walked with him towards the holodecks.

* Holodeck Four *

They arrived at Holodeck Four and after Vic ordered the program to initiate, the doors slid open. He led Des inside to a large deck that held a few tables and a set of steps that gave way to the beach. In the distance ahead, they could see waves breaking on the sand. At the foot of the steps were a few more tables and a hammock. Tall torches were planted in the sand and as the sun was beginning to drop down towards the water, they came alive with small dancing flames.

Vic paused on the deck and turned to Desta. “What do you think?”

“Wow,” was all she managed to say. It was all so beautiful and so romantic, she was stunned. “All of this is for us? We don’t have to share this space with anyone else?”

“All for us,” Vic answered. He looked it over and then turned to face Desta, slipping his hands around her waist. “No interruptions. We’ll have dinner in a bit but I thought you might like to take a walk down by the water before dark.”

“I’d like that,” she smiled as they turned to set off down towards the water. “Tell me again where we are. Is this where you grew up?”

“This is Pacifica. It’s a planet down near the bottom of the alpha and beta quadrants. It’s known for its beaches and tropical climate.” They reached the sand and Vic shed the Hawaiian shirt and his sandals, leaving them in the sand. They reached the edge of the surf and he took Desta’s hand once more as they began to walk. The water that swirled around their feet was warm, as was the sand beneath them. “I actually am from the Delta Quadrant. The Mari Homeworld. It’s an interesting culture, and by that I mean….peculiar.”

“Oh.” Desta fell silent as they walked hand in hand. A moment or three later, she recalled something Reva had said about Vic’s species. “Oh, yours is the one that prohibits violent thoughts, right? That’d be a weird place to be.”

He nodded. “Yes, it is. It’s made for a particularly calm, crime-free society but there’s a flourishing black market that no one likes to acknowledge. The idea of a black market for thoughts is beyond weird, isn’t it? They’re almost like a drug there. The problem is that those who indulge in such things have no balance. They go overboard until their minds are utterly blown. The government doesn't like to acknowledge that either.”

“I can see why. Acknowledging the problem means you should try to resolve it,” she reasoned. “Is that why you keep your telepathy so close to the chest?”

“Yes it is,” he admitted. “You learn a lot more sometimes when people don’t know, and that is without reading their minds. They’re just more relaxed and reveal a lot more. Old habit I suppose. Then there is you.” He smiled warmly. “Very few have ever been given the chance to roam freely in my head as you do.”

“I promise not to abuse the privilege,” she said, smiling happily at his admission. “What if I want to explore more than your head, Vic?”

Her question caught him off-guard for a moment and he paused mid-step before he made himself begin walking again. He had wondered the same thing and he knew as soon as he thought it that she would read it.

“Do you?”

She gave him a look that questioned his sanity and intelligence. “Do you think I’d ask that question if I didn’t?” She avoided giving him a straight answer and liked that small bit of power. Grinning, she glanced at him.

“In spite of my recent situation?” He didn’t really want to ask that but Vic was nothing if not honest. “I don’t want you getting caught in the middle of anything. That’s why I’ve waited till now.”

“We can remain just friends, then, Vic,” she responded blandly; a part of her wondered whether his deflection was a reflection of her recent situation. But perhaps not; Reva had mentioned Vic was a slow-mover. “You should figure out your situation.”

Vic stopped and turned to face Desta. “No, this has nothing to do with your recent situation. Anyone who would blame you for something you had no control over is crazy. As for me,“ he raised her hand to his lips, “I have no more situation to figure out. It’s done.”

“And yet you just asked me if I was sure about maybe having sex with you because of your recent situation,” she pointed out. “Either it’s done or it’s something to be concerned about.”

“Some women might be concerned that I was settling. I’m not the sort to do that. Then again, not every woman I meet can read me so directly and know what I am thinking and what I want. ” For a moment, he was angry with Six, angry that she had taken such a hold of him that he’d been unable to let go despite her choice of Suresh. It ebbed away almost as soon as it came, displaced by the worry of what was happening now to her, Darwin, and Julisa. As he looked down at Desta, the emotion that had urged him to ask her here rose to the forefront. “You should look and see for yourself.”

She had followed that emotional journey - she couldn’t help it, holding his hand as she was. “I just did, Vic. I worry about them, too. Julisa handled some of the legal work involved in getting me set up on the ‘base.” She skipped over the rest and they kept walking, just enjoying each other’s company and the setting.

“I know you do. That wasn’t exactly what I meant, though. I was thinking more about you,” he said softly. “I know Reva has commented on my lack of speed where women are concerned. I suppose it’s emotional caution. The fact that you and I are here should answer your question.”

“I know you were thinking of me,” she said. “It ...worries me, actually, or... is disconcerting.” Glancing at him, she explained, “For so long, the only thoughts anyone had about me were awful things involving ownership, possession, pain. Your thoughts are vastly different, maybe that’s why I didn’t even think that you might be ‘settling’ by asking me out.”

A bright smile lit Vic’s face. “Good. Now that we have that...settled….” he joked. “Seriously though, I was drawn to you that first night we met, when you offered to sit with me in sickbay. That night, talking to you, I knew you were something special. I just had to catch up.”

“It’s okay, I’ve heard you’re a bit slow,” she joked and smiled at him. “We’ll just take it easy. It’s not like we’re going to move in together tomorrow.” The comment reminded her of something: “Oh! Riley and Reva took your suggestion seriously. They’re engaged.”

Vic laughed. “I’ve seen that one coming for a while, actually. They just needed to get there, you know?” A thought occurred to him then. “Oh, she’ll be moving then? In with Riley?”

Desta nodded. “To his quarters, yes. Living with a married couple isn’t something I want to do, so whenever Reva decides to make that move, I’ll be moved to civilian housing. I really should find a job, too.”

“Are you ready to do that? Live on your own I mean?” Vic asked her. “What’s Raj had to say about all this?”

“I haven’t heard his opinion on it, other than that he’s thrilled about those two marrying. He and I haven’t talked about me being on my own yet.” She paused and looked out over the water. “I think I’m ready to live alone. It’s something I’ve never done.”

“I hope you don’t mind company now and then.” Vic paused to look out over the water as they walked. “As for the job, I may be able to help you out there. Give me a day or two?”

“A day or two is fine. It’s not like I have a deadline. As for my own place, I hope to have lots of company,” she said, smiling. “I’ll get to decorate it however I want! Have people over whenever I want. Maybe I could get a pet.”

“You’ve had plenty of practice with Iggy’s brood. You may want to get hold of Eli and Chance. They are going to have full schedules soon, it might be a huge help if you could take care of Ariadne now and then. She’s used to you.” He stopped and turned to face the water. The sun had dropped down, partially hidden by the horizon, and cast its glow over the water. “Breathtaking, just like you.”

She blushed and smiled as she put an arm around his waist, fitting herself against his side. “How about a swim? I think Reva would be disappointed if I didn’t show you the bikini she chose.”

“I’d love that.” He turned her to face him, pulling her closer. “But first things first.” He leaned down and kissed her gently.

Putting her hands around his neck, she welcomed the kiss and let it deepen till she felt it in her toes and all the points in between.

Finally, he pulled back and smiled. “Now, we can dive in..if you’re ready?”

“Let me drop this cover-up where it won’t get wet,” she pulled away from him and went a few feet up the sand before letting the silk drop from her shoulders. Turning back towards him, she didn’t give him much time to react before dashing past him in the water, splashing him with her passing.

Vic began to laugh and it felt truly good in the wake of recent weeks. He watched as Des splashed deeper into the water and that also was good. It was something all his own….she was all his own, no complications. Moments later he peeled off his shirt, waded in, then dove beneath the incoming wave and swam out to meet her.

Making Waves

Splashing into the Deep End


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