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The Sly Ones

Posted on Tue Dec 8th, 2015 @ 2:02am by Suresh & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia

* Saturnalia *

Despite the limitations of her ankle monitor, Xerena had been enjoying her freedom. So far it had been surprisingly easy to avoid Suresh and his little toy, but after two days of not seeing either of them, she began to get curious. Now, bored with her quarters and life in general, she entered Saturnalia. She got a few curious stares as she looked over the main room. Seeing no sign of Suresh, she strolled to an empty table near the middle of the room. It was perfectly situated to catch the conversations going on around her. With any luck, she would pick up some news of the man she both loved and hated. She ordered a drink and as the waitress left, the doors opened and greetings were called out. Xerena looked up and seeing the woman who entered, she smiled. Seyla. One of Suresh’s many obsessions. This could get interesting.

Seyla being there wasn't an accident. One of her long-time employees had called her with gossip about Xerena and her whereabouts; Seyla had decided to follow up in person. The added bonus for her was that it got her out of her quarters, where Bella was comforting Marla. Seyla wasn't good at comforting; she was good at confrontations.

"I never imagined setting eyes on you again," Seyla said as she took a seat at Xerena's table. A server brought her a drink and she smiled and winked at the server. "I hear you're out on a short reprieve."

“You could say that.” Xerena gave her a wintry smile. “I have friends in high places, something you wouldn’t know anything about.” She looked Seyla up and down, her mouth pursed in distaste. “Still mooning over my husband?”

"Not at all," Seyla said. "You've apparently forgotten that he was the one coming around to see me." She didn't feel the need to point out that she had friends in high places - was, in fact, shacked up with one. But, she knew, if one needed to point out where one's friends were, then one likely didn't have such friends. "Your sudden disappearance made my life rather easy, you know. I should thank you for getting Victor caught with his pants down. In a manner of speaking."

Xerena scowled at Seyla, then reached for her drink. “I suppose you liked that? Suresh was free to go slumming without any problems then I suppose.” She drained the glass and lowered it to the table. “He always did have a thing for the lower class and I never could get him over it. I suppose that explains that Borg creature.”

Brushing aside the snide remarks about Six, Seyla shrugged. "I didn't and still don't give a damn about Suresh, even though he was always coming around asking to be let in." Her statement was, technically, true: at the time that Suresh kicked Xerena to the curb, she hadn't cared for the man. And now? With the current Suresh? She didn't care for this one either. There was that time in between, though, when she had started to like Suresh. 'Like' was a strong word for Seyla; she liked Darwin, she liked Will even more.

"What I really liked was that I was giving the Assistant Chief all the handling he could handle. When Victor was gone, I gained a Chief of Security in my pocket." Seyla smiled, recalling those days. They'd been wild and wildly lucrative; the Station lately was a sea of tranquility in comparison. She blamed Wegener and his department heads for that.

“Handling…” Xerena snorted. “At least you appreciate the good things in life. I failed at that you know...with Suresh. I failed to understand that while he was free to play with whomever he liked and I was not. It was that one little condition he failed to mention till it was too late.” She shrugged and waved to the waitress for another round. “But then, that’s his thing isn’t it? Only Suresh knows the rules of the game at any given time.”

"Whatever. For a while, he and I had a mutual agreement. I was still able to take clients." Seyla poured a little salt in whatever wound Xerena might have. "I suppose you just have to know how to manage Suresh. I don't think you ever did."

“Maybe not.” Xerena shrugged. “But for a while I had someone who actually had a heart, unlike Suresh. He only loves himself and you know that’s true. His latest amusement will find that out soon enough.”

Smiling, Seyla recalled the Suresh she’d known. Temperamental, insane, decisive, challenging; so unlike the one dating Six. She stopped romanticizing the one Oralia and her group had killed and focused on Xerena. “Perhaps. But she’s Borg. Do you think he’s keeping her around just for her personality? Her blood is worth more than everything else she could offer him.”

Xerena had to laugh at that. “True, and that is so very Suresh, isn’t it?” She paused as the drinks arrived, then continued. “Speaking of which, where’s he been the last couple of days? Or her? I haven’t seen either.”

“Oh, perhaps he drained her a bit much and she’s staying inside to recover. Professing his undying devotion to her gets him her blood whenever he wants it,” Seyla said. “Then again, there is a rumor that she and Suresh’s pet Security officer have gone missing and he’s mourning her loss. Time will tell.”

“Missing??” Xerena perked up. “Do tell. Do you think she ran off with the officer and left him?”

“Hmm? Oh, no, I know she didn’t. Darwin isn’t that type,” Seyla laughed.

“And she’s a little goody two shoes from what I hear around here.” Xerena smiled. “Perhaps the gossip is true and he’s still as crazy as ever. Does she know about the blonde? One of yours?”

“Marabeth?” Seyla nodded. “She knows. There’s nothing she can do about it, like you never could do anything about who Suresh was seeing and doing on the side. Poor girl doesn’t even realize that her blood is the whole reason he keeps her around. More rumors: apparently the Orion Syndicate paid Suresh a boatload of latinum.”

“That’s low, even for him don’t you think?” Xerena leaned closer to Seyla. “Sort of vampire-ish even.” She shivered.

Seyla laughed loudly, “Oh, that fits him to a tee! There’s nothing too low for him, you know that, Xerena.”

“Good point.” Xerena laughed with her. “I should feel some sympathy for her but I do not. She should’ve looked before she leaped in my opinion.” She jumped subjects now. “What about you? What’s keeping you occupied now that he’s not knocking on your door?”

“How do you think Suresh keeps his pet Security officer on his payroll? Suresh used to take a percentage of my earnings; now, he only gets that. It’s a good thing I happen to actually like Darwin.”

“Perhaps I underestimated you.” Xerena’s expression held a hint of admiration. “And perhaps a good thing I didn’t poison you years ago. As for Suresh, perhaps I took the wrong track in getting even.”

“Oh, you did,” she confirmed. “He’s aged, Xerena. He needs a slower approach now, something more subtle. Coming in like a banshee with a hammer and thinking Suresh looks like a nail... that lacked your old sophistication.”

“Such as playing on his fears?” Xerena suggested. “That what you’re saying? His little girl missing along with his that has possibilities.”

“Hmm... Marabeth cleared her schedule, which usually means that Suresh had demanded she do so. That might mean Six is too tired to do what he wants in bed, or that she’s missing. Either way, he’s got Marabeth to cure his ailments, whatever they might be. Besides, don’t you think you already screwed your chances?”

“Not if I can convince him that she took off with him willingly. He seems so attached, he’d believe it.” A wicked smile settled on her face.

Seyla wondered when Xerena had gotten struck by the stupid stick; in the old days, Suresh had relied on her for different chemical cocktails. Xerena had been a brilliant chemist. “You won’t convince him of that.”

Xerena shrugged. “You don’t think so?” She looked up as the doors opened and her mouth dropped open. “Why not?”

“Because you’d also have to convince him that Darwin no longer loves me,” Seyla said, looking behind her at the doors. “Speak of the Devil.”

“Oh? How do you feel about his other green friend? I suspect you all make a cozy threesome, hmmm?”

“She’s just for show. Plus, she’s a bodyguard for the Borg sometimes.”

“So he bought his friend a toy who looks out for his own little woman. How quaint.” Xerena’s voice dripped sarcasm. “Typical Suresh. Just buys what he needs without a thought. What the hell did I ever see in him?” She watched as Suresh moved farther into the bar. “Oh my, he’s coming this way.”

“He must not have seen you sitting here,” Seyla said, sounding bored. She twisted around and waved to Suresh, “Surie! Come talk to me, dear.”

The familiar voice drew Suresh to the table before he realized Xerena was there. “Oh, sorry Sey, I didn’t realize they left the trash at your table.” He rested a hand on her shoulder, the touch almost possessive. “Shall I have it removed?”

She put her hand over his and laughed. “It’ll go away on its own, won’t it?” She slid over to make room for him on the bench seat. “Will you sit with me a moment? X and I were just trading theories about Six since we haven’t seen her around for a bit. I said it was likely you’d bled her Borg blood and she needed time to recover; either that or that there’s truth to the rumor that she and Darwin have gone missing and you’ve been in mourning.”

Suresh settled in close to Seyla and draped his arm around her shoulders. He considered a moment, then his eyes narrowed as he looked at Xerena. “When was the last time you knew me to mourn a woman, Sey?”

“Hmm... Does Isha count? I don’t suppose she does, since she was more of a ghost than a reality even while she was alive. Other than that, I don’t know of any woman you’ve ever mourned.” She looked at Xerena, “That includes you, sweetheart.”

“It does. There’s always another should one out,” he observed. “As we’ve seen with you, Xerena. Why don’t you run along? Sey and I have some things to do that don’t include you. Or anyone else.”

Xerena frowned as she looked across at him. “You are scum, you know that?”

He shrugged lightly. “So I hear. Now do you want to run along or get added to the list of problems I need to remove?” He glanced past her and noticed Security coming in the front door. He resisted a smile as he looked back at Xerena.

Seyla, too, saw the Security officers coming. “Oh, too bad Gilroy isn’t with them. I like teasing him ‘cause he’s such a goody-two-shoes.”

The officers approached the table, nodded at Suresh and Seyla then one addressed Xerena, “You have violated the terms of your release, Xerena.”

Seyla glanced up at Suresh, unsure of what was happening, but stayed silent.

“I did not! I was here first and he came and sat down.” Xerena yelped. “Tell them Seyla!”

The officers looked at Seyla inquisitively. “Ma’am?”

“Oh..., um...,” Seyla perked up. “So, where are you taking her?”

The lead officer said, “The Brig.”

“Um... Officer, she just brazenly walked over here, sat down with us and started talking to Suresh,” Seyla lied, looking at Xerena with a slight smile.

“Bitch!” Xerena hissed. She glared at both Seyla and Suresh. “I’ve changed my mind. You two deserve each other. That Borg is too good for you.” She reached for her drink to throw it at Suresh, but the security officer was faster.

Suresh merely smiled. “Nice to see you, Xerena...enjoy your stay.”

Xerena looked daggers at him and all she could do was sputter in frustration as Security took her away.

“Did you know that would happen?” Seyla asked him once Xerena and her escorts were out of the bar.

Suresh nodded. “Security informed me of her release and the steps being taken to keep her away from me.” He shrugged and a brief smile appeared on his face. “If I hadn’t done it here, she would have come to me sooner or later. I just did us all a favor.”

“You certainly did! That was great fun to watch them do that,” she laughed. “I wasn’t expecting such a great floor show today.” Speaking quieter, she asked, “How are you holding up?”

“Not well, to be honest,” he said quietly at her ear. “This is Niro’s doing so I would suggest that when they are back, you stay as far away from him as you can. I don’t want you getting caught in the crossfire.”

“He took Darwin with him. Earlier, I had a visit from Gilroy and Li. Stupidly, my first thought when I saw them was that they were there to tell me Darwin had been killed,” she shook her head slightly. “I’m glad Will’s position doesn’t usually put him in the line of fire.”

“This was revenge pure and simple,” Suresh muttered. “On several counts. I’ll deal with it once he is back here.”

“About time,” she said, looking up at him. From afar, their conversation looked very intimate.

He nodded slowly. “You have nothing to worry about, I promise you that. He’ll never darken your doorstep again. Or mine. He’ll wish he had never met Six.”

“Make the point for Reva, too,” Seyla said. “I should be going. I have other people to see. Care to leave with me?”

“I would, thanks. I need to get home in case there’s news.” He rose and offered her his hand. “And no, I’ve not forgotten his part in Reva’s capture. It’s time to settle things down. Ready?”

Nodding, she took his hand and stood. They walked out side by side, drawing more than one curious look.



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