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Eddies Of Time - Part III

Posted on Thu Dec 10th, 2015 @ 11:12pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Niro & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Bajor 2360

* EFS Korenna *

Several other Bajorans had been beamed aboard and the least injured were doing triage on the others. When Darwin’s group appeared, the first question was: “Any injuries?” Darwin shook his head and gestured at Julisa slung over Lucius’ shoulder, “She’s just stunned. Lucius, let’s get her to a bunk.” He showed the way.

As Lucius settled her on a bunk, she groaned and started moving. “Prophets...,” she cursed, “What happened?”

“You’re on the Korenna,” Lucius answered. He pulled out a blanket and covered her with it, tucking it in carefully. “You’re safe. We’re going back to the camp now. We uhh….had to stun you to keep Darhe’el from vaporizing you.”

Her eyes stayed closed a moment longer then she opened them and looked at Lucius, Six and Darwin. Her hand went to her belly and she whined, “Ow...!” Her gaze settled on Darwin, “You bastard! You shot me!”

“Well... I made sure it was the lightest possible stun and I aimed for the fattiest part of your body.” The words earned him a hard glare. “Ah... well... I’m going to go check in on Ad... Wegener.” He turned and hurried away.

“Chicken,” Six teased as he hurried out. She looked from Lucius to Julisa and decided it was time to hit the road as well. “Call if you need anything Jules.” She shot Lucius a hopeful look, then darted out through the door.

“I appreciate your timeliness,” Jules said. “I was all out of stalling tactics and had just pissed him off to the point that he was ready to kill me.” She chuckled. “You don’t have to stay with me. I’ll be fine in a minute.”

“It’s alright Julisa.” He looked back at her and wondered it she had pieced together their relationship. He wondered if he should mention it or leave it alone and let those in her own time deal with it. “I’m...we’re...glad we got there in time.”

Sensing his hesitancy, she looked at him sharply, frowning, “You’ll explain everything later. Don’t worry, I’ll come find you when I’m back where I should be.”

Lucius nodded. “Yes, you will.” He took her hand just for a moment. “Relax and get over being stunned. We’ll be back at the camp shortly.” He rose and moved towards the door.

Suddenly Tora was at the door, “Lucius! We have to get our people off this ship! Poh says the sensor scans are showing some sort of weapon, something we haven’t seen before, is being powered up. That guy, Niro, said it’d be best if we transport down and let him and the others draw the fire from the weapon.” She paused and looked behind him at Julisa on the bunk. “It’s good to know you’re safe, baby.”

“A weapon? Darhe’el’s men were talking about testing a weapon, and having it cause some anomalies.” Julisa sat up and grabbed her mother’s hand. “Make sure I learn Cardassian.”

Tora laughed but then nodded seriously. “Of course.“

“Let’s go. Niro can get everyone beamed down.” She stood and clutched at the flimsy bathrobe she wore. “First, clothing. Go, you two, I’ll find you in a minute.”

“Yes, of course.” Lucius hurried out and he and Tora made the quick trip to the bridge. “How long till we’re in transporter range of the camp?”

“Five minutes,” Niro answered from the captain’s chair. A quick scan of the two brought a slight smug grin to his face. “Good, you’re following my orders.” He looked to the young Bajoran at the conn. “Step on it. Darwin, get ready to transport these folks and the rest of their group to the surface on my order.”

“On it,” Darwin said. Niro had already brought him up to speed on the plan. He replaced Poh at the console and said, “ETA three minutes.” He continued scanning the console’s readings. “I can do six at time, get the first six ready.” Poh nodded and started clustering the Bajorans.

“Before we go, Mr. Darwin,” Tora stepped closer to him and said, “If you ever shoot my child again, I’ll have to kill you.”

Taking the admonishment lightly, and looking slightly chagrinned, Darwin nodded. “Duly noted, Ma’am.” He was about to add that it wasn’t as if Julisa hadn’t ever been shot before, but Julisa walked in just then. He glanced up and had to stifle a laugh: Jules was wearing clothes that did not fit her: an oversized shirt and pants, held on her frame by a wide belt tied around her waist. The replicators were off because the ship needed the power for shields; she had raided the closet of one of Niro's crew and looked like a child playing in her dad's closet. "Glad to see that stun didn’t incapacitate you. Looks like it hurt your fashion sense."

She shot a glare at him. She’d checked the closet in the room she’d been in; it must have been Reva’s: all of the items were either formal gowns or barely-there dresses. She'd had to go down a few quarters before finding anything suitable.

Niro laughed too, highly amused at her appearance. Then he turned to Darwin. “You might want to watch your tongue. I hear she beat the crap out of Darhe’el. Women will put up with a lot of insults to just about anything...except that. Jules, take over the sensor array? I want to know what’s going on out there.”

"Got it,” she started to move to the console but paused and quickly hugged her mother. She frowned at Lucius, See you soon, Dad. Out loud, she teased Darwin as she moved into place, “I promise, Darwin, I’ll wait till you’re not prepared and get my revenge." She smiled sweetly at him before turning away to the sensor station.

“One minute to transport. Dropping shields temporarily,” Six reported as she took over at tactical.

“Ready with the first group,” Darwin announced. “Transporting.” A moment later, he sent another group and they were down to just Ricky, a couple of Bajorans and Lucius and Tora.

“Alright, kids, this is where I get off.” He took a moment to bore into Nero’s eyes. “And you. It seems that you and I may be in the same circles in the future. Watch yourself. I don’t know what I’ll be doing then, but I’m damn certain I can make things very painful for your way of life.” Without waiting for a response he clapped Darwin on the shoulder. “Good work, Lieutenant. Do get everyone home safely. And, Six? It was nice meeting you.”

“Stay safe all of you.” Lucius turned to Julisa and looked at her intently.One warning...stay away from any Cardassian associated with Darhe’el. That’s probably breaking a million temporal laws but just do it. He squeezed her shoulder, then stepped back to Tora’s side. “Ready.”

She nodded slightly, knowing why he’d said that. She called out, “I told him I was your daughter, Li!” Darwin saw the nod and transported them off the Korenna, unintentionally preventing Lucius from replying to Julisa's last statement.

Lt. M. Darwin
Ensign Six of Ten
Lt. Bajun Julisa


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