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Homecomings - Part II

Posted on Fri Dec 11th, 2015 @ 8:53pm by Suresh & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center

Edana watched Suresh go, then ducked back around the corner to the nurse’s station. “So what’s really going on?” she asked.

The nurse looked up at Edana and hesitated. “I can’t --” She stopped as footsteps sounded behind Edana. “Dr. Crane’s handling this one. You can try prying it out of him if you like.”

Edana turned to see Earl drawing near and she stepped closer. “Hello, Earl.”

"Are you here to promise me a night like no other?", he joked, fully aware he could get in trouble for doing so. "Or harass me about a patient?"

“That depends on which one will get me an answer faster.” Edana moved closer and looked him in the eyes. “Tell me the story on Six. Why can’t Suresh get in to see her? They let me see Darwin without any problems.”

"That's because he didn't set any restrictions on who could see him. Six, though, right off started saying she wanted to see Niro. Ophelia asked her if she meant Suresh. But she was adamant that she didn't want to see Suresh. We're checking her for a head injury now." He shrugged. "So, Suresh doesn't get to see her."

Edana was close to speechless. But what Darwin had said now made sense. “I may have something for you regarding that request. The Niro one. Can I see her? Or is Admiral Wegener serious about keeping everyone out?”

"Ahh... Admiral Wegener?" Earl looked around, as if the man might jump out from somewhere. "Haven't heard any order preventing folks from seeing Six. She hasn't said she doesn't want to see you, so go on in. Erm... knock first, though."

“Niro’s not in there is he? He’s supposed to be in the brig,” Edana replied. “But if you want to know what’s wrong with Six? There’s your answer. Darwin said he was messing with her memories.”

“Yes, we know. Darwin told us to check her brain. There are some issues there. But go on in.”

She rested a hand on Earl’s arm. “Thanks. I won’t be long.”

She turned and followed the nurse to Six’s room, waiting while the women keyed in the code to open the door. Once Ed was inside, the door closed and locked behind her.


Six emerged from the small bathroom and smiled at seeing Edana. “Ed! We’re home!” She rushed over to hug the tall Orion hard. “Thank goodness. I’m glad they let you in to see me. What about Niro? He hasn’t been here yet and I’ve asked several times.”

“Ahh, he’s in the brig, Six. For kidnapping the three of you and that’s just for starters.” She paused, watching Six carefully. “Suresh has been wanting to see you though. He’s worried sick.”

Six frowned and moved away to sit on the bed. “Why?”

“Why what?” Edana felt as if she’d wandered onstage during a play and didn’t know her lines or the plot. “Because he’s your husband? The man you gave up pretty much everything for?”

Six frowned as if the words confused her. “He didn’t give up Xerena.”

A lightbulb went off in Ed’s head. Oh boy. This was going to be hard to explain. “Umm...Six, I tell you what. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. I need to get back, Darwin will be out of surgery anytime now. But I’ll make sure Raj comes to see you and I’ll stop in tomorrow unless you’re home by then.”

“Sure.” Six smiled back at her. “Thanks. I can’t wait to get out of here and go home and….oh. I suppose I’ll go to Intel.”

“Yeah...we’ll work something out. You take care.”

At Edana’s knock, the nurse let her out, then secured the door again. She was relieved to see she’d gotten in and out before Suresh came back. He would lose his shit if he knew she’d been let in to see Six. With a thanks to the nurse, she turned and hurried back down to Darwin’s room.

* Darwin’s Room *

“Stop!” Darwin shouted, holding out a hand at Suresh. More calmly, he went on, “I’ve told you what I know, Suresh. I’ll say it again: Niro had time alone with Six while I was incapacitated and Julisa was in a Cardassian’s bed - unwillingly. Jules was my top concern... well, surviving a disruptor blast was my top concern, Jules came a close second, though! Six and what Niro was doing was a distant third. If he erased her memory, sorry! but she’s alive and she’s here and you can start showing her why she loved you all over again.” Darwin was not at his most sympathetic.

“Alone??” The word was little more than a growl. “That’s a lovely sentiment, Dar, but I cannot get in to see her! There’s no telling what he’s put into her head - or taken out!” He paced away from Darwin, then turned. With a glance around the room that was empty of anyone but them, he hurried back to Darwin’s side. Leaning down, he spoke softly. “I am going to need your help.”

“You’ll have to wait till I’m on my feet again, Suresh,” Darwin said, realizing that moment was only a short nap away. “But, what is it?”

Suresh pulled a chair over and sat down, getting eye to eye with Darwin. “This ends now. He’s gone too far with Six, with Reva, Falasin...even Seyla. He’s going to destabilize everything we’ve worked so hard to settle here and if I don’t do something soon, it will all go to hell. Suresh will be seen as backing down and we’ll lose our hold. None of us want that.”

“That’s a given. This does end here. He’s in the Brig and we have enough to send him away for a long time. So things will settle down again.” Darwin sighed and looked at Suresh blandly. “I haven’t heard anything I can help with.”

“I can give you something you can help with. His little boy toy is going to turn against him. We can be rid of both in one fell swoop.” Suresh frowned. “So no worries, none of us are going to kill him. Not directly.”

“Not directly, huh? Oh, well that makes it all okay and above-board!” Darwin’s sarcasm came out in full force. “Super shiny and wonderful,” he glowered at Suresh. “What boytoy, anyway? Are we talking about Owain? You think I’d spring a guy in the Brig? You're nutty than Niro.”

“Do you want this done or not? He’s gone over the line now and he’s violated her mind and done his best to rip us apart. He’s done his best to play hell in the Pit and if I don’t take a stand, it’s going to get worse. Much worse. I may not be the one they think I am but they believe it and if you want this to continue, I’ve got to do something.” Suresh ran his hand through his hair. “It can be done without any of us getting our hands dirty.”

"Releasing Owain isn't the way to go - that crosses my line. I can just see that conversation with Oralia: 'did you let Owain out?' 'Yup.' 'Are you stupid?'" He glared at Suresh. "See how that conversation doesn't end well?"

“So what do you suggest?” Suresh asked. “A sudden mysterious ailment? An escape attempt gone wrong? I have the means of making that happen.”

Darwin sat up and stared Suresh down. "I agree that Niro needs to be dealt with. But if you're asking me to help with an escape from the Station's Brig, you're asking the wrong man! Don't tell me these things. Go talk to Patch or Farco."

Suresh sighed. “They can’t get to him and I don’t trust him to end up wherever security wants to send him. Remember Marat? Thanks to Niro, he mysteriously escaped the prison transport and I found him on Archadia. So I’ll ask you again. How would you do it?”

Seeing that Suresh was going to be a pain in his ass till he gave him something, Darwin sighed and said, “I’d dismember him, make sure each packet is less than five pounds, and dump them in recyclers throughout the station, far enough apart that the computer doesn’t find out what you’re tossing. The recycler processes the body, breaks it down and uses the material for... other things. Um...,” he frowned, looking quite disgusted, “Ew... if anyone does something like that, I’d appreciate a heads up so I don’t use the replicators for food.”

Suresh laughed for a moment until he realized Darwin was serious. “Good idea but there’s still one small issue. Isn’t he in the brig?” Suresh asked. “Or is he up here in sickbay?”

“Brig.” He shifted on the biobed and added, “Good luck getting him out of there. I recommend ...getting Starfleet to bring him out rather than trying to go in then get him out.”

“I suppose they will just escort him right out because I ask.” Suresh frowned, but then a thought occurred to him. “We’ll see. It would be better if Owain did it, though.” He sat back in his chair with a sigh. “Now, I just need to figure out what to do about Six.”

“Woo her, have fun with it. She fell for you once. Although... if he really messed with her memories, she might... huh,” Darwin fell silent. “Nevermind. It’ll work out.”

“I can’t even consider that, Dar,” Suresh murmured. “I’ll find a way somehow. Maybe Li can….I don’t know...something.” He shrugged. “I should get back down there. I can’t get in to see her but I’m waiting anyway. You need anything before I go?”

“No, I’m good. I’m going to be asleep in a few minutes, I think,” Darwin waved to Suresh and laid back, closing his eyes. “You’re welcome, too.”

Suresh smiled tiredly and patted Darwin on the shoulder. “Thank you. Sorry, it’s been a hell of a few days and not the homecoming I was expecting. Get some rest and I’ll check on you later.” He rose and turned to go. “Ed’s on her way back. It’s good to have you home Darwin.”

Lt. Michael Darwin
SCPO Edana


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