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No Time For Amusements

Posted on Sat Dec 12th, 2015 @ 1:09pm by James Holbridge & Sam Elliott III & 2nd Lieutenant Jordan Holbridge

Mission: Further Challenges


The office wasn’t too bad, as far as CEO offices went. The view of Archadia Prime was exquisite from the aft transparasteel bulkhead. Jim Holbridge was looking at the planet, thinking of how his wife had perished, missing her like crazy. His eldest child, JD, was a cadet at the Satellite Academy, ready to graduate and take his place as a Marine officer, hopefully under Dave Lorenz or Pat Smith’s command. His daughter, Kim, now a precocious thirteen-yea-old teenager, was happily enrolled in school on the surface of Archadia Prime, studying with the children of several other officers and civilians. Jim didn’t have any problem with the base school; he just wanted both of his kids to have a broader experience of life.

The doors hissed open admitting Sam Elliott, VP of Nebula Gold Security Group. The job had originally belonged to David Lorenz until he had returned to command the Marine detachment of Starbase 900.

“What’s new, Sam?” Jim asked, turning his chair to face his friend.

“Plenty; I’m hearing whispers of enemy activity in the woods. I have NGSC at yellow alert, I’ve increased security at the shipyards to Level 2.” Sam’s basso profundo voice was thick with worry.

“Couldn’t hurt to be ready for trouble. Notify 900 Ops that we’ll be deploying some of our operational fighters in a defensive formation along the perimeter. See if Smith’s bunch has any p9ilots that wanna fly?”

“Major Smith is not on the station at the moment, Jim.” Sam replied.

“Fine, ask his deputy!” Jim retorted good-naturedly. “What’s the situation with Poltergeist?” The Poltergeist was the latest edition of the Ghost-class vessel designed by HSI. She was based on a modified Excelsior-class frame and had undergone nearly eighteen months of retrofitting.

Poltergeist is ready for her maiden flight, crew is assembling as we speak.” Sam reported.

“Good. I want Baker and Delta Flights as escorts for the mission. Her course takes her awfully close to some disputed territory and I don’t wanna lose this ship. Eddie, what’s your download status?”

EDDIE was the informal name of the HSI artificial intelligence interface. “I have uploaded seventy-five percent of my files to the Poltergeist. Full download will be completed within the hour.”


The doors to the office opened again admitting Cadet JD Holbridge to the room. “Hi Dad, Sam!”

“Looking good, JD!” Sam smiled at the boy.

“I have to, I passed my exams! 88% average!” JD grinned.

“Shit hot, boy! This calls for a celebration!...”

JD held up his hands. “I’ll take a raincheck, Dad. I need to get my gear together. I report to the Marine Barracks, effective immediately.”

“No time for celebration?” Sam asked. It was tradition to allow cadets time to celebrate after they completed their training and Academy coursework..

“No time, Sam. I need to get organized.” With that, JD abruptly left the office.

Jim looked at the closed doors worry on his face. I wonder what’s on his mind


Jim Holbridge
Worried Father

Sam Elliott


JD Holbridge
No Time For Fun


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