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Getting The Package Home

Posted on Sun Dec 13th, 2015 @ 3:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: IKS cha'Do

* IKS cha’DO *

“Wake up, sleepyhead.” Leto bounced as she sat on the edge of Seren’s bunk. “Don’t make me start singing…”

He grumbled and turned over. Jens did the same from the other bunk. Leto crossed her arms and sighed.

“Oh well, you asked for it….” She opened her mouth and before a sound came out, Seren’s hand shot out and clamped over her mouth.

“You do and we’ll fight,” he muttered good-naturedly. “And I’ll win.”

“Wllntmph,” was her response.

“Hey, I think I like her like that.” Jens sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Leto glared at him, then pulled Seren’s hand away. “Keep that off my mouth, I have no idea where it’s been. No touchy till you’ve been scrubbed and sanitized and shot up with Jens’ antibiotic cocktail.” She hopped off the bed and moved to the door. “I’ll leave you gents to get dressed while I go talk to Eldren who is more comparison,” she teased and stepped out, closing the door behind her.

She tapped on the the next door and called out. “Eldren?” She didn’t know him well enough to barge in and knowing what she did of this man, he might wake up swinging or shooting.

“Come in.” came Eldren’s voice beyond the doors. When they swished open he was standing already, finishing to don his T-shirt giving just a glimpse of the scars he bore on his back.

“Any good news?” he asked turning to face Leto.

“There is.” She’d caught a glimpse of the scars and again, wondered at this man’s story. “The Devore ship has changed course, back in the opposite direction. We still can’t sense them but they came close enough to get a visual, believe it or not. They may still be in the area but not nosing around here at least.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure… Well, what do we do now? Just take a peek out the asteroid field with our fingers crossed?”

“Well in a manner of speaking, yes. We are still cloaked and untraceable at warp 6. We will be out of Devore space in two hours. If we can stay off their radar till then, we can floor it and get home.”

“Lead the way then.” He replied none too convinced “Our passenger? Is he well?”

“Well enough to back talk me,” she grinned. “In two hours we’ll be entering Hirogen territory and the Devore won’t cross that line. It’s a dangerous route but shorter than the usual course. It’s one or the other, really.” She leaned against the door frame as they talked. “I’m interested in your opinion.”

“The frying pan or the fire… Much the same thing to me. The opinion you would be best interested in is that of captain Hawke… But she’s not with us so… We’ll have to manage.”

“Exactly. But at this point, the Hirogen aren’t hunting Seren or his rescue party and if it gets us back on our home turf, I’m all for it.” She watched another moment, then turned to go. You and Jens are taking the flight seats. I’m thinking about food and sleep.”

“Flawless reasoning… Agreed, get your rest. I’ll see to it with Jens.” Eldren responded stepping out of the cabin “See you in a while” he saluted her walking to the stairs leading to the cockpit.

Leto returned to the cabin next door and stepped inside to find Jens running a comb through his hair. “You look gorgeous,” she joked. “I’m sure Eldren will be impressed. “Now shoo. I’m going to have Seren tell me a bedtime story about his time on the Devore homeworld and get some sleep.”

Jens saluted and hurried out to join Eldren in the cockpit. “Have a nice nap?” he asked. “How long did she let us sleep anyway?”

“Two hours. No more, no less.” Eldren replied checking the console. “Of course nothing showing on sensors. We have to pick the straw and get out. Do you think you’re a lucky guy Jens?” the look on his face grim.

“Considering the spots I’ve been in and gotten out of? Which includes this one, by the way, yes. I am. At this point I’d rather take my chances with the Hirogen,” he answered. “Besides, if they give us any trouble, we can have Leto scare them off.” He grinned at Eldren and activated the deflector to help get them through the asteroid field.

Surprisingly enough Jens comment moved a smile on Eldren’s lips. “So be it.” He said in the end “The Prophets will light our way.”

“I’d be right grateful to your Prophets right about now, to be honest,” Jens admitted. “I’m hoping we can get through here without attracting attention. We’ve got one thing on our side though - the fact that the Devore don’t like us means the Hirogen might help us out just to piss them off.”

“Or they could see us as more food incoming. For what I’ve learned they have a strict hunter culture and show little compassion for other species. I really wouldn’t want to have survived the Cardassian occupation to have my bones end up in a collection of trophies. But then... The easiest choices to make are when you don’t have a choice. Let’s go out of here.”

“I’m with you.” By this time, they had cleared the asteroid field.Jens double-checked that the cloak was in place, then jumped them up to warp six. Moments later, they were cruising towards Hirogen space.

* Three hours later *

“Hello boys,” Leto greeted them as she approached the bridge and yawned. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing at the moment. Perhaps the party has yet to come, we’re cruising the ‘wild black yonder’... Of Hirogen space.” Eldren responded without looking up from the sensors console.

“I’m taking us along the edge,” Jens added. “It’s a little longer but a less populated area. At this speed, and assuming no trouble, we’ll be out of here in another six hours. Cross your fingers.” He grinned at Leto. “You want to take the help so Eldren and I can go down below and get something to eat?”

“Sure. You to go. I need to call home and let them know where we are anyway.” When Jens rose, she slipped into the pilot’s seat. “Go, Eldren. Eat and kick back for a few.”

Eldren nodded and left following Jens down the stairs.

“I’m not in the mood for a heavy meal,” Eldren addressed Jens as they got to the canteen “I’ll settle for Hasperat. I hope the replicator here have it memorized. Have you ever tried it Jens? Flavorful and spicy.”

“Make it two,” Jens requested. “I spent some time on Bajor and developed a taste for it.” Jens settled on a stool by the galley counter. “You mind if I ask what Li had to do to convince a civvie to come on a mission like this?”

Eldren went for the replicator, typed some rapid codes on the small keyboard, and in a minute got back to the counter where Jens sat bringing a plate with two large hasperats and two mugs of Raktajino. Setting the stuff before them he took a seat too.

“She is… Persuasive.” Eldren grinned taking a bite of his hasperat.

“You’re telling me. I’ve had to deal with her since she first got out of the Academy. Not many can withstand it when she goes after something.” Jens took a bite and swallowed it down. “I suppose with this one she has good reason. She and Seren are close and when her twin was killed, they got a little protective of each other, you know?”

“I didn’t know she had a twin and not even another brother. She sorted me out for this job but I’m not privy about her private life as probably a colleague can be, I’m just a civvie.” This time Eldren’s grin became a shade darker just before gulping down half of his beverage.

Jens nodded. “Seren’s her older brother. Her twin, Nahi, was killed several years ago. Shuttle explosion.” Jens left it at that, deciding that this wasn’t really the place for a discussion of Section 31 or a traitorous admiral. “So you can see why they look out for each other, even when it’s a little dangerous.”

“That’s right. Members of a family should always protect each other.” Eldren agreed assuming a stern expression.

Jens nodded. “Agreed. Those two and Admiral Hawke are a very tight-knit family. I suppose tragedy brought them even closer.”

“I think so. I’m sure each one of the Hawkes would do anything to have one of them out of danger. Anything…”

“I’d say that’s a safe bet.” Jens finished off the last of his hasperat. “That said, having any of them as an enemy would be a nightmare. As for you, I can tell you they won’t forget your help in getting Seren out.”

Eldren did not answer his last remark, his mind already focused on his own plans. Having finished his meal too he took the plate with the empty mugs of raktajino and returned them to the replicator.

“With any luck, we should be back home this time tomorrow, depending on how fast Leto decides to fly,” Jens remarked. “Once out of Hirogen space, which should be another eight hours, we can drop the cloak and run at maximum. I’ll feel better once we can get Seren checked by medical. Devore drugs can have bad side effects.”

“Well, we should advise Leto to fly as fast as she can then. Don’t think the captain would be happy if we deliver the boy a little screwed up”.

“Yup.” Jens hopped off his stool and started towards the stairs that led up. “You might go relieve Leto, or at least keep her company. I’ll check on our boy.” He trotted up the stairs and out of sight.

Following Jens’ suggestion Eldren walked his way to the bridge just to check things with Leto two pairs of eyes are better than one.

“All quiet?” He asked Leto sitting to the co-pilot console. “I’m here to relieve you if you want.”

“I am so relieved you are here,” she joked. “All kidding aside, you can take over, I’ll keep you company for a bit. Seren was going to get some sleep. There’s nothing around for several parsecs, so we should have no trouble. Since we have time, tell me a story.”

“Which kind of story?” He asked warily as he took over the helm.

“Hmm….something of the real Eldren?” She looked over at him curiously. “Or maybe what you plan to do once we are home and Li thanks you profusely? Well...and pays you?”

“The real Eldren is bound to a much deserved rest,” He responded smiling “And perhaps a small investment too with the reward I’m going to collect. One has to think about his future and, perhaps... Retirement, y’know?”

Leto snorted. “People like us never retire, honey. The boredom would kill us in no time. But, look me up once we get back. I owe you dinner.” She leaned back in the seat and propped her feet up. She was more tired than she realized, and the hum of the engines was soothing. Her eyelids dropped closed. “We’ll make it a good one.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” He chuckled.

“Good.” Moments later, Leto was fast asleep as they sped towards home.

Lt. Leto
Still Curious

Eldren Tohr
Easy Money

Jens Larsson


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