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Back In The Fold

Posted on Sat Dec 19th, 2015 @ 1:05pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Seren Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener
Edited on on Sat Feb 6th, 2016 @ 12:53pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: XO's Office

* XO’s Office *

The doors opened and Seren strolled through them as if he’d been doing it every day. He didn’t speak, however, he stood waiting for Li to look up and notice.

“I’ll be with you in--” Li stopped, sensing her brother and in an instant she bounded around the desk. Before he could move, she wrapped him in a tight hug. “Thank the fates,” she whispered. “I’m so glad you’re out and alright.”

His arms tightened around her and he nodded as much as he could. “I owe the team a huge one. It’s been way too long Li, but you know --”

“How it is? I do. Sakkath would appreciate that sentiment. What did the doctors say?”

“No signs of permanent damage and will continue to monitor in case of those weird side-effects the Devore are known for. I think it helped that half the time I didn’t eat what she gave me. She was far more likely to drug the food than liquids.” Seren released her and smiled. “How is Sakkath? You haven’t driven him insane yet?”

Li laughed and swatted her brother. “Hush you. He’s fine, but his ship is about to depart with a team to recover several of our people who ran afoul of a downed Borg cube.”

Seren’s smile faded in an instant. “That’s no small pick-up errand, Li.”

“Don’t remind me okay? I’m trying really hard not to think about the fact that he’s going and I'm the one who ordered him to do so.” She shrugged lightly. “Good thing there’s always plenty of distractions here.”

“Like me?” he asked.

“Like you. I am so glad you are here. I have a story for you too about an incident a year or so ago. But later.” She sat back on the edge of her desk. “Now then. I want you to hide in the bathroom.”

“Umm...why?” Seren perked a brow at her.

“Because. Dad knows they went to get you but not that you are home and safe. Rick has no idea at all. So, I called them to come here and I want to surprise them. They’ll be here any minute so go on, shoo. I’ll call you when it’s time to come out. Dad is rather pre-occupied with something pretty big right now so I doubt he’ll be bothering to read my office and sense you are there.”

“Big how?”

“Oh boy. That’s another long story that I’ll save for tomorrow, okay?” They could hear voices approaching and she waved him off to the bathroom. The door closed just as her office doors opened.

“Dad, Rick. Come on in,” Li greeted them.

“The gang’s all here,” Rick said as he entered. “What’s so urgent that I had to put off my lunch date with El’Shar? It had better be good, little lady,” he said as he arched an eyebrow, pretending to be very perturbed.

Li snickered. “She will forgive you. First the immediate news. The rescue team is preparing to depart. Your Cardassian situation is being very closely monitored Rick, by crew and a couple of ‘consultants’ we use at times. Nothing new to report. That said, I have a little surprise for you both.”

“So what is it honey?” Lucius asked.

Li smiled and sent a silent call to Seren. Moments later, the bathroom door opened and Seren stepped out.

“Hi Dad, Rick.” He smiled and gave a casual salute. “It’s been a while.”

Without a word, Lucius dashed over and Hugged Seren tight. “You made it!” Thank the gods!”

“And the first thing you had to do was use the shitter, eh?” Rick laughed and made his way over to shake his hand then pull him in for a hug of his own. “And it has been a while, kid. I’m glad you’re back with us.”

“Damn it’s good to see you too, Rick.” Seren clapped him on the back. “To answer your question, no. Li made me hide in there.” He stuck out his tongue at his sister.

“Have a seat all of you, relax. Anyone want coffee?”

“Me,” said Lucius and Seren together. They sat down in the sofa in the corner, a rapid mental conversation flashing between them.

“I’ll help,” Rick said, joining Li at the replicator. Standing together, he said, “Yep, definitely worth the interruption.” He gave her a playful nudge and, once she moved off with their drinks, ordered his own.

Once seated, he could tell he was being a bit left out of some conversation. “Okay, okay, enough! If we’re all gonna’ catch up, let’s do it out loud so the old man can take part. I’ve missed him too, you know!”

Seren laughed. “First up, doctor’s report. Dr. Harding said things look good. There’s no sign of any breakdown from the Devore drugs but if I ‘go offline’ telepathically speaking, to call him.”

“That’s good.” Lucius smiled, then sipped his coffee. “That was one of the first things I asked Li. “How about Leto and..who was it who went with her? Any problems with them getting you out?”

“No. They left my caretaker with a lot of questions to answer.”

“And Eldren left with a hefty bit of latinum in his pocket,” Li informed them. “But well worth it.”

“So, what now?” Rick asked. “Can you stay with us for a while? It would be nice to catch up.”

“Dr. Harding threatened to skin me alive, a direct quote, if I set foot off here for at least two weeks. Jens has contacted Intel. Your XO, Dad, approved leave for the next few weeks.” Seren looked back to Rick now. “So the short answer is yes. Anything I can do for you while I am here? My leave is standard, given the length of time in the field, not because of anything wrong.”

“Well, he’s not actually under my purview, Lucius, but I think I may pull command rank and order you not to a damn thing while you’re here. Live it up, relax, visit, just take your leave and enjoy it,” Rick said, raising his coffee. “I think you deserve it.”

“I think I can do that but I may get to the point I pester you three so much you beg me to find something to do.” Seren laughed and reached for his mug.

“So what else is new?” Li nudged him with her toe. “There are a few things you’ll need to do while here but we’ll get to that tomorrow.” She shot a glance to Lucius, who nodded slightly.

Seren’s eyes narrowed a moment as he caught the look. “To quote Rick, none of that. Save it for tomorrow. Now he turned back to Rick. “Wait...who is El’Shar?”

“Oh, man, have to meet her,” Rick said, his face breaking out into an enormous smile. “She’s the most amazing woman I have ever met. We’re engaged, by the way.”

“Ohh, someone’s got it bad,” Seren laughed.

“Wait till you see them together. Makes you believe in goodness again,” Li commented. “ The rescue team will be departing any minute now. I’m standing watch till they are gone but once they are, why not dinner tonight? Call El. She needs to meet this ruffian anyway since he’s family.”

“Sounds great. Want me to reserve a room somewhere or something more informal in one of our quarters?” Rick asked. “I do have that reserved section in PortÍn that we could use.”

“My place. That way Seren can dress down and go shoeless if he wants. we can all kick back since it’s been a tense few days all around.” Li paused only a moment. “It will also be easier for Sakkath to find me if needed.”

“And if we get to subjects best kept underwraps, no worries,” Lucius added.

“Sounds like a plan, then,” Rick said as he stood and returned his mug to the replicator. “Seren, give the old man another hug. I need to run and meet El, but damn it’s good to have you here.” After a few good thumps on Seren’s back for good measure, Rick looked to Li. “Seven sound good?”

“Sounds perfect and tell El she doesn’t have to bring anything.” Li gathered up the rest of the cups and carried them over to recycle them.

“Yeah, well, you try telling her that,” Rick said as he headed for the door. “I’ll see you all tonight,” he added as he disappeared into the corridor.

Seren waited until the doors closed behind Rick before turning back to Lucius and Li. “Alright, what am I missing here? You two are definitely hiding something, which is saying a lot for us.”

Lucius nodded. “It is a long story as I believe Li mentioned. We’ll get to it over dinner since it involved Rick too. Good enough?”

Seren could sense the turmoil in his father and decided to let it lie for now. “It is. Whatever it is, you’ll make it work. You always do.”

Lucius smiled at his son’s confidence. “Let’s hope so. Now, I need to go see….to a few things before dinner.” He rose and squeezed Seren’s shoulder. “See you soon.”

Lucius hurried out and Li grabbed Seren’s hand, pulling him from his chair. “Come on. Since I volunteered to cook dinner, we need to go get something to cook.”

“Aye Captain,” he joked. “Are you always this bossy?”

“Only if it’s you. Now move it.” She practically pushed him through the door.

Captain Li Hawke
Seren Hawke (On Leave)
Admiral Lucius Hawke
Admiral Rick Wegener
Family Reunion


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