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Holding Hands In The Dark

Posted on Mon Dec 21st, 2015 @ 1:32am by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia

* Archadia - Suresh's Beach House *

Dinner had been a pleasant, relaxed affair. The presence of Chance and Eli meant plenty of laughs and for that Six was glad. They had a way of putting everyone at ease and right now, she and Suresh needed that. They were still circling each other warily. For Suresh, his relief at having her home was tempered with uncertainty. He wanted to simply scoop her up and not let her go but he was afraid of pushing too hard and ruining everything. Six could sense that every time she looked at him. For her, it was a matter of trying to get back to what was, to work through the mush in her head that obscured the real emotions.

Eli had begun to make progress and that was cause for hope. He had managed to remove the one big false memory that had so embarrassed Six, as well as beginning to uncover the ones Niro had locked away. Now, when she thought of Suresh, at least any memory not associated with Archadia, a few of the memories of home came through. She turned away from the bedroom window, knowing they'd reached an awkward impasse. It was getting late. The boys had already gone to bed in the spare bedroom, leaving Six and Suresh to puzzle out who would sleep where. Suresh had finished cleaning up and now the house was quiet, meaning he was outside. Even from in here she could sense he needed her.

She moved back through the house and stopped as she reached the doors leading out to the verandah. Suresh stood just where they had been earlier that day, looking out over the water and lost in thought. He moved not a muscle, despite the turmoil she sensed in him. Watching him, her breath caught in her throat. The moonlight washed over him, leaving his face in stark relief against the dark. Beautiful, she thought. A man of such deep emotions, so very far from what most thought of him. Her hand tightened on the door handle as she remained still, watching.

"I know you're there, my darling," he said softly. "I can always sense you, even without being a telepath. Our connection runs deeper than that. Why don't you come on out?"

His words brought a smile and she stepped out, taking her place at his side. She hesitated an instant, then covered his hand with her own. A thrill ran through him, easily read by Six.

"The guys are in for the night," she informed him.

"And now we are both being self-conscious and wondering where we're going to sleep," he added.

"Are you sure you're not a telepath?" She laughed softly. "That thought did occur to me. How are you holding up?"

"Honestly, I've been better," he admitted. "I'm fighting with the urge to storm into the brig and break Niro's neck with my bare hands but I know that would be counter-productive, no matter how personally satisfying it would be. I'm also deliriously happy that you made it home alive and am grateful he didn't do more damage....or anything else...than he did. You are, at least still speaking to me, so I am hopeful."

"Of course I'm still speaking to you." His words pained her. He really had no idea how close they had been to her avoiding him completely. Another day under Niro's sway and that likely would have been the outcome. That slimeball hadn't succeeded, however. He had tried but hadn't been able to erase her love for Suresh. "Why wouldn't I? He tried to make me believe so many things but he made an error. He missed us here." She waved her free hand in the direction of the ocean and an inspiration hit. "Come on, let's go for a walk."

"I'd like that." He smiled down at her and for now, was content to let her take the lead.

Once they reached the water's edge their pace slowed. The breaking of the waves was soothing and overhead the vast scattering of stars made a lovely backdrop to the warm night. They walked in silence for a little while, just enjoying the scene. Finally, Six slipped her hand into Suresh's.

"Eli is hoping that as he releases more memories, it will have sort of a cascade effect," Six explained. "So that those memories will release others and so on. Once that happens, I am hoping that a few regeneration cycles in the alcove will finish it up. I want us to be us again. You have enough to worry about up on the station and don't need this throwing you off."

Suresh stopped them and rested his free hand on her shoulder. "Six, what's happening up there is the least of my worries. The job can wait. It doesn't matter until I have you back and things are normal. You and our life together are what's important. You know I'll do whatever it takes...."

"I do." She smiled. "You've always been willing to do whatever was necessary for me. I was recalling earlier, the first night you took me to dinner. You were nervous then, afraid of doing something wrong and that's what you feel like to me now. You have to stop worrying about that. Don't tread so carefully around me. I think....what I need is for you to be the man you are used to being with me. My husband. That, more than anything, will help bring it all back. Just be you. I fell in love with you because of who you are. You don't need to be anything else."

Suresh nodded and had to admit to himself that what she said made sense. If he wanted things to be normal, then he had to be the man she was used to. That gave him more hope than anything and when she started to speak again, he cut her off with a kiss. It was a gentle one but then he pulled her closer and deepened it, needing the contact. She was still for a moment, then wrapped her arms around him. For the first time since she'd returned home, he felt right again. Finally, he pulled back and pressed her against his chest.

"We will get there, Six. I promise." He also intended to make Niro pay for this but that was something to think about another time.

"We will," she agreed. "I may be missing some memories still but I haven't forgotten that I love you. The rest will come but as long as we have that, we'll be okay."

"We will," he agreed. The tide had begun to move in and now the water swirled around their bare feet. "I have an idea. Let's get back and stretch out in the hammock. It's so warm tonight, it will be the perfect place to get comfortable and I can tell you some stories to help jog your memory."

"That sounds lovely." She hugged him tight once more. "Race you back?"

Suresh began to laugh and bent down, tossing her over his shoulder. "I don't think so." He began the walk back, his laughter mingling with hers.

Ensign Six Of Ten
Starting To Cross The Divide


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