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The Doctor & The Dagwood

Posted on Sun Jan 17th, 2016 @ 3:13am by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener & IKS Ning'Tao

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Guest Quarters - The Cherry Pit

* Guest Quarters *

As soon as Isaura and Kaeli left, Jarad waited a minute or two to make sure they weren’t coming back, and that Kaeli was out of ‘listening’ range. Then he turned to Rafael.

“That was interesting,” he commented. “What did that conversation tell you, Rafael?”

Rafael considered the question and frowned. “They gave in far too easily,” he answered. “Isa would normally have argued the point.”

“And Kaeli would have flat out refused to be told what to do. It’s one of her more...endearing habits.” Jarad smiled. “Which means they are doing exactly what they just said they were not going to do.”

“I don’t like it,” Rafael muttered. “Zikar made it clear that he’s not playing games and I am no telepath, but even I could see he was on the edge.”

“If he gets his hands on them, they will vanish. That means we have to do make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“What are you thinking?” Rafael asked.

Jarad rose and crossed to the terminal. “I am thinking of the one person who’s not on Zikar’s list, besides you that is, and can keep them out of trouble.”

A slow smile appeared on Rafael’s face. “Joe,” he said.

Jarad nodded. “Joe.”

* * *

“Hey. Hi. Hello. Howdy. Oh, nice boots! Hey there.”

For some reason, Joe was very talkative today. He said something to everyone he’d passed and had made even a millisecond of eye contact with him. Of course, because he was carrying a very large, very messy sandwich, which he’d learned was called a Dagwood sandwich a long time ago, named after a comic strip character, it was no wonder that almost everyone he passed was looking at him. It had three slices of deli bread, Genoa salami, ham, pepperoni, turkey, cheddar cheese, provolone, lettuce, tomato, roasted red bell peppers, banana peppers, red onion, deli mustard, and mayonnaise--the makeup of a sandwich that was sold under the same name many centuries ago. But he loved it and wasn’t slowing down.

Using both hands on the sandwich, he came to the door and couldn’t activate the chime. He decided to kick the door to announce his presence.

“My guess is that is Joe,” Jarad remarked. “Get the door Raf.”

Rafael rose and crossed the room to open the doors. As they parted, he saw the sandwich first and blinked. “What the hell is that?” he asked.

“A...sandwich?” Joe answered as he walked on in. “A good sandwich?”

Rafael shook his head as he followed Joe back across the room. “Have a seat.”

Jarad looked from the sandwich to Joe and snorted laughter. “That sandwich is bigger than Isa,” he commented. “But takes a lot to feed a growing boy I suppose. Remind me to check your cholesterol level later.”

“It’s taking me longer to eat this one,” Joe said as he kicked a chair around and flopped down. “That first one went quick. I liked it better.”

“That is..your second?” Jarad asked in disbelief. “Oh my...that defies description Joe. Then again, I’m not yours and Rafael’s age either. I called you for a special job, however. Once you’ve finished that monstrosity you call a sandwich.”

"Ah ki muffitass,” Joe said, his mouth full.

“There are other things I’d much prefer to kiss,” Rafael joked. “I’ll leave your ass to...well...anyone else.” He rose and grabbed a towel from the small kitchen and tossed it at Joe.

He swallowed the large bite, cleared his throat and said, “I can multi-task. I didn’t say anything about my ass!” He used the towel to wipe some of the mustard off of his face. “Anyway, what’s the job?”

Jarad laughed for a moment, but then grew serious once more. “Kae and Isa. I I know they are up to something stupid and dangerous, as in trying to draw out that infernal Cardassian Zikar. They swore they were not but I know them too well. I want you and Rafael to track them down and make sure nothing happens. Just in case. You two are not on Cardassia’s most wanted list so you can moved about the Pit with no problem.”

“I offered to kill that Zikar guy. Kaeli said just to steer clear and keep an eye out on any Cardassians I didn’t know.” Joe shrugged. “But, yeah, sure. Gotta’ protect our own, right?”

“Exactly and if you killed him, it might bring on a whole host of problems we don’t want, at least for now,” Jarad answered.

“We don’t want you ending up in the brig,” Rafael added. “We need you and I like you. Unlike Drekkar, who I’d happily hand over.”

“Come on, guys,” Joe said as he eyed the last several bites of the sandwich with doubt. “It’s not like I would have honked a big horn to draw attention before offing him. I can be a little stealthy.” He burped loudly, which actually made his eyes cross for a second or two. “Holy shit. Do one of you want to finish this? I think…” he belched again. “Wow. I think I’m done.”

Rafael bellowed laughter at the sight of Joe and his eyes crossing. “You could use that as a weapon, my friend. You should try that next time you and Kae decide to spar. It would blow her out the portal.”

“I wouldn’t burp on Kaeli. That’s just wrong,” Joe said, wrinkling his nose. “One of you guys, though?” He’d managed to work up another one, belched loudly and began blowing it toward Rafael. Then he started laughing as pieces of the leftover sandwich started to fall on the floor.

Jarad closed his eyes and wished for patience. Finally, he got a grip and looked at Joe and Rafael. “Time to get moving.” A beeping came from the bedroom - it was Jarad’s comm badge. “Hold on, that may be one of them now.” He hurried to the bedroom and they could hear his voice, low at first then it turned to a loud curse.

“Ooh!” Joe said happily. “I think that last burp dislodged something.” He crammed the last bit of the sandwich into his mouth as he waited for Jarad to finish cursing.

Jarad’s voice continued for a few more seconds, then they heard the closet opening and closing.

“Something’s up,” Rafael commented. “Jarad? What is it?”

The Cardassian appeared back in the living room, his medical bag in hand. “That was Isa.” Seeing Rafael’s sudden worried expression, he shook his head. “She’s fine. It’s Kaeli who is not. One of Zikar’s men stabbed her in Saturnalia and Isa thinks it’s serious.” He didn’t want to repeat what she’d actually said because he didn’t really want to think about that. “I...I need to go and see if I can fix her.”

“They went to a medical place here?” Joe asked. “That might not be a great idea.”

Jarad shook his head. “No, they are in Zikar’s quarters. Luckily, he’s not there but left them with his attaché, who has his own plans and will get the girls out once Kae isn’t bleeding to death.”

“Bleeding to death? That’s an exaggeration, right?” Rafael asked.

“I wish but no, it’s not. Isa’s a decent medic, she knows the difference.” Jarad checked his bag once more, then started for the door. “I don’t know how long I’ll be but I will call as soon as I know something. You two? Check the Arboretum. His lackey says he’s been there a lot since his wife likes it, hoping he’ll find her there.”

“And if we find him…now can I kill him?” Joe asked, actually showing signs of impatience instead of the normal absent-minded look he wore so well.

“If you find him? Knock his ass out and bring him back here. He and I have some scores to settle before you kill him. And find Ro. I have to go.” Jarad opened the doors and ran out.

“He’s walking right into the lion’s den,” Rafael growled. “That better be true too, of whoever that man is letting them go, or I’ll kill him myself.”

“Don’t you guys ever watch movies, for fuck’s sake?” Joe asked. “You don’t bring the bad guy along and start a big conversation--that’s how he gets away! You find him, you stop him and you blow his brains out. Roll credits.”

Rafael nodded. “I think he’s made a grave mistake in harming Kae. Jarad might have been reasonable otherwise but not now. At least he’ll be there to keep Isa in one piece and she wasn’t harmed. But it’s time to put an end to this. Let’s go.”

Joe started for the door to follow Rafael and stopped. On the ground he was a large chunk of meat he’d dropped. With a shrug, he picked it up and popped it in his mouth. As he stood, he was looking at Rafael who seemed to be wondering what Joe was doing.

“What? It’s still good! I need to have my energy if I’m gonna’ waste this wacko.”

“If we find him. We could always force feed him one of those sandwiches. That would likely kill him quicker,” Rafael grumbled as the doors closed behind them.

Rafael Hernandez
Joe Ferguson


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