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Trouble, of Sorts

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2016 @ 9:24pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Ensign Reva Madhava & Lieutenant Janus Heyerdahl & Ensign Kozel
Edited on on Sat Jan 30th, 2016 @ 8:37pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: XO's Office

Reva had received a summons to Captain Hawke’s office; the entire way up there, she wracked her brain, trying to determine what she’d done to be called on the carpet. Was proposing to Riley such a bad thing? Or getting him to wear a betrothal band? When she entered Li’s outer office and saw Darwin there, her heart sank even further. He was a man she’d rather not cross. “Hey, Darwin,” she managed to sound casual.

“Ensign,” he looked at her with a disapproving glare, one that was entirely made up. He knew why they were there and it had nothing to do with anything Reva had done wrong. “Is Riley finishing up your move?”

“Ah... oh... is that why we’re here? Were we supposed to ask someone’s permission? I mean, we’re in different departments, it’s not like he’s my boss or anything.”

He laughed. “Reva, you’re not in trouble, for once. Relax.” He shifted his focus, “Kozel, is Li ready for us? We have a minute - Janus isn’t here yet.”

“She is finishing up a call to the rescue team for an update, but almost done.” Kozel paused as man entered wearing gold. “Welcome Lt. Heyerdahl.”

The man was tall with strawberry blonde hair. It was curly and pulled back in a ponytail and matched by a neatly trimmed beard.

“Ensign Kozel.” He turned to Darwin and Reva. “Hello Darwin, Reva.”

“Hi, Lieutenant,” Reva smiled at the older man. Now she was at ease, but thoroughly curious. So much so that she was tempted to touch Darwin to read his thoughts.

As the part-Betazoid sidled closer to him, Darwin greeted Janus. “Good to see you; seems like the Station keeps you hidden away in the dark recesses.” He reached out and put a hand on Reva’s shoulder. “Don’t, Ensign,” he said quietly.

She frowned and didn’t read him, other than to get that he was stressed; of course, that she knew just by being in the same room with him.

“Seems that way.” Janus laughed briefly. “I think I am closer to the computer than to the people here. So what’s up?” He noted Darwin’s quiet order to Reva. “Any idea?”

"Yes, but Captain Hawke will fill you in," he answered. "You," he pointed at Reva, "have the security clearance; you, however," he looked at Janus, "are getting it."

That surprised Janus. “Oh, well, that’s interesting. Very well.”

A soft beep sounded at Kozel's desk and he pressed a panel to one side. The doors to Li’s office opened. “Go on in.”

“Thank you.” Janus waited for Reva to go in first, then followed.

She smiled and preceded both of the Lieutenants in. "Captain Hawke, Ensign Madhava reporting as ordered."

"So formal," Darwin mocked her as he smiled and nodded slightly at Li.

Li raised an eyebrow at Darwin, then addressed Reva. “Welcome Ensign Madhava, Lt. Heyerdahl, Lt. Darwin. Please have a seat.” She motioned to the the sofa that curved around the far wall and corner of her office. There were refreshments on the table before it. “And help yourselves.” She stood and touched Darwin’s arm, holding him back and Reva and Janus moved away from the desk.

"Ma'am?" Darwin looked down at her.

“Have you started on Janus’ security clearance?” she asked. “Also, I want you to stay after we finish with them.”

"Yeah, I had Carter working on it. She should be about--" His commbadge chirped and Carter's voice announced she'd completed the task he'd given her. He thanked her then looked at Li, "Efficient."

“That’s what I like. Shall we?” She indicated the snacks, then led the way over. She reached for her mug which was already there and had a sip.

He followed as well, pausing to pour a glass of water. He watched the two junior officers for a moment then took a seat.

Reva went quiet; she had been telling Janus, quickly, about her current assignment working with Cyrus Thorne at the Academy. Now with both Darwin and Li in their midst, she looked from one to the other and wanted to yell at them to just spit it out. Why were they here?

“I’ve called you both here regarding a rather unusual situation,” Li began. She succinctly related the story of Aros, Seren, the sphere, the Devore and the Krenim, with occasional pauses for coffee. “We are in the beginning stages of coordinating with the various worlds who have a part to play in this. as you can see, it’s a rather complicated situation.”

Janus gave a low whistle. “You can say that again, especially given that they know Seren is Fleet Intel.”

"Are we working to harness this power source, then?" Reva sat forward, both eager and hesitant.

"No, Reva, we're posting a ship out towards Krenim space as a scout in case the Empire strikes at us. We want you two as the engineers on that ship," Darwin said.

An amused smile appeared on Li’s face. “Basically what he said. Commander Leroy and Lt. Sukotav will be dealing with that sphere.” She left it at that. “But yes, we are sending the Korenna out. Several Marine contingents will be patrolling the immediate area around the station and Archadia but we want the Korenna farther out. It’s not a Fleet vessel, so won’t be an obvious scout for us. Given the pervasive Borg alterations, they may be hesitant to approach you either. If they do, the ship has the capabilities to withstand an attack.”

Reva had sat bolt upright and gasped when Li had mentioned the Korenna. A smile slowly grew as Li finished. "The Korenna? Really?" She couldn't hide her absolute glee. Suddenly that brightness dimmed, "It is Borg tech; is... um...," she glanced at Janus.

"Yes, Six of Ten is going," Darwin filled in the blank and grinned as Reva's excitement ramped up again. "Ensign Carter will be in command."

"Lieutenant Commander N’Riss will be sitting in on this one as pilot. Given the nature of the ship and what we know of it from Six, his expertise will come in handy. There will be a few others but we are keeping the crew lean. I won’t beat about the bush, this may not be an uneventful cruise. What I said about the Korenna withstanding an attack is true - of conventional attacks. But keep in mind, we are dealing with the Krenim here.”

Janus nodded. “How soon can Reva and I get aboard? And with Six? We’ll need some time to get used to what’s there and make any other alterations she may think necessary.”

“I’ll see that it’s open to you by 0800,” Li answered. She now looked at Reva, who was all but bouncing in her seat. “Questions, Ensign?”

"No, Janus just asked the important one. Oh! Six knows already, right?"

Darwin nodded, "I talked to her earlier. Janus, this is why your security clearance had to be increased. Six of Ten has been working undercover, sort of, in the Pit. That she's still a Fleet officer is not something to be discussed. That we're sending the Korenna out as a first line scout is classified. The crew on the ship knows, but no one else."

"No one?" Reva asked in a small voice. "Riley...?" She looked at Li.

Li shook her head. “As Darwin said, classified.” She glanced at Darwin then. Riley is working on this project with Commander Leroy. Can he be informed? He'll want to know where she is.

She can't keep stuff from him, anyway, Li, at least not that I've seen. "Reva, you can tell Riley. He's working on the sphere, so he'll be aware of what's at stake." Darwin had the feeling Riley was going to be mighty upset about Reva's assignment, much like Suresh had been.

"Okay," she relaxed slightly.

“If there are no other questions, meet Six at the Korenna at 0800 tomorrow. If you need anything, call Darwin or me. If we can’t answer, we’ll find the one who can.” She looked from one to the other. “If there’s nothing else, you two are dismissed.”

Looking at Janus to see if he was going to ask anything, Reva shook her head. Her initial excitement about working on the Borg tech was quickly getting shadowed over by the slow realization that this was a serious assignment - one where they might face enemy fire. "Thank you, Captain, Lieutenant," she said as she stood and, with Janus following her, headed for the door.

Once the door closed behind them, Li sighed aloud. “What a hell of a week this has been Dar.”

"No kidding," he agreed. "I hope Gilroy isn't injured on this rescue." He just wanted to hand command of Security back to the part-Klingon. "What's the news from them, anyway? Kozel said you were on a call with them."

“They were about an hour out from the planet,” she answered. “The calm before the storm. I hope they are successful and we don’t lose anyone. I sent my own husband out to face this. There are times that command sucks….hard.”

“No kidding. I worked for an Admiral who had to send her ...companion into an active war zone,” he replied, thinking of his Amber. “I’d better go, Captain.”

“Stay in touch, Darwin?” she asked. “And give my best to Edana. It’s been a while. Also, I hear the Legate’s wife is missing? I’d like to know when she is found as well.”

“No problem, Li. I have people looking for her and keeping an eye on the Legate. He had a momentary breakdown in the Nexus when he was served with the divorce notice.” He paused, then added, “Actually, I just realized that it’s been a couple of days since I’ve seen Edana. Huh. I need to rectify that.” He kept on for the door. “You’ll hear from me as soon as we know where Indra is.”

Li watched as the doors closed and she sat in her silent office. With Sakkath gone, and Oz and Jackson gone, all of them in danger, she realized she suddenly felt far too alone. She opened the link to Kozel. “Find Seren and have him meet me at the Nexus in two hours.” She closed the link to Kozel, then re-opened it to call Kh’ali.

Ensign Kozel
Ensign Reva Madhava
Lt. M. Darwin
Lt. Janus Heyerdahl
Captain Li Hawke


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