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Holding Steady

Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2016 @ 2:18am by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Suresh & Six's Quarters

* Suresh & Six’s Quarters *

Six stepped off the lift and made her way to their quarters in a hurry. She was a little unsettled about the coming trip and Vic - not on her part but on Suresh’s. But that aside, she really wasn’t looking forward to being away from Suresh. Vic was right about that. It seemed as if she’d just gotten home from her trip to 2360 and a good chunk of the time after had been wasted trying to get her memory back. Now that things were settling down, she was taking off again, but such was life in the Fleet.

She entered and immediately smelled dinner. Two glasses of wine sat on the coffee table. She bypassed them and peeked into the kitchen.

“Hello handsome.”

“Hello my beauty,” Suresh smiled and hugged her. “Dinner is nearly ready. Where have you been?”

“Intel. Last briefing before we leave in the morning, then I took….a look at the ship.” She kept her arms around his waist. “It was...difficult being back on it.”

He held her tighter, rubbed her back. “It’ll be okay, babe,” he said. He didn’t necessarily believe that; he hated that she was leaving - again. “This will blow over and then you’ll be back here, safe at home.”

“The sooner the better. Did I miss anything interesting while I was gone?” she asked. She still hadn’t let go of him and realized she didn’t want to, though that would make it difficult for him to finish dinner.

“No, not really. Let go, I’d better flip the salmon,” he said. As she did and he grabbed a spatula, he casually said, “Niro was sentenced today. Fifteen years.”

“Fifteen years…..” she repeated slowly. “Good. Maybe by then he’ll be over his obsessions. Or someone will have killed him in whatever prison he’s being sent to. That would be nice.”

“Yeah...,” he said slowly. “He’s serving his time here, on the Station. Darwin said he’ll be on a neural inhibitor, so he can’t influence anyone.”

“But he’ll be here? For the next fifteen years??” Six looked at Suresh, hoping this was a bad joke. She could sense he was speaking the truth and she turned away, moving back to the living room. Her target was her wine glass and once she had it, she drained it and dropped heavily onto the sofa. “Here.”

“Yeah, here, where Darwin and Oralia will be keeping an eye on him. Remember the other Suresh? He escaped from Elba II, which is where they originally proposed to send Niro. Instead, he’ll be here and he’s not going to escape.” He had started to follow her, but stayed near the kitchen.

“You have a point. At least I don’t have to see him and this saves my having to face him at the trial.” Six sighed aloud. “I wonder if Reva knows yet? Or Falasin? I won’t have time to see Fal before I go, can you check on her tomorrow?”

“Relax,” he came over and bent to kiss her forehead. “Darwin called to tell us; I’m sure he’ll tell the others as well. I think it’s one of the tasks they have to do when a trial is avoided. Though, to be honest, I’d rather have him facing a firing squad than just fifteen years in prison.” He sniffed the air. “Be right back.” He headed for the kitchen.

Several minutes later, he came back, carrying two plates of food. “Dinner.” He smiled as he set a plate on the coffee table in front of Six.

“This looks delicious.” She leaned over to kiss his cheek before starting to eat, deciding that her news could wait.

They ate quietly for a few minutes. Suresh set his plate aside; he’d eaten very little of the food on the plate. “I’ll miss you, Six. Right now, knowing how much I’ll miss you, I want to smuggle you to Archadia and hide you there. Keep you someplace where Darwin can’t find you, can’t make you go on this mission.”

“I considered it, to be honest.” She, too, set her dinner aside. “But when they offered this spot, I knew it wasn’t simply a means to let me remain in the Fleet and do nothing. Captain Hawke said plainly that moving to Intel was a move to difficult territory.” She took Suresh’s face in her hands. “At least this time I am not being kidnapped and brainwashed. Reva will be there, as will several others and we’ll keep each other safe.” She paused a moment. “Vic is going too.”

He paused, trying to decide how to take that news as he gazed into Six’s eyes. “Vic.” He nodded, deciding to be cool about it, “I doubt he’ll let anything harm either of you. Darwin probably picked Reva specifically because you’re going. This time, you’ll be among friends and with people who are there to protect you, not trying to harm you.”

“Yes. So you should try not to worry. Vic will make sure I get home in one piece.” She smiled back at Suresh. “Not hungry my darling?” She ran her fingers through his long hair. “You should finish your dinner, keep your strength up.” The last was a joke and a hint at the same time.

He smiled lopsidedly. “My strength is fine, my dear. Are you done with dinner? I have post dinner plans that involve nothing but the two of us in our bed, uninterrupted until you have to leave in the morning.”

“I am finished and it’s getting late. I see I have talked you out of smuggling me off to Archadia. I am still considering stowing you away and taking you with us.” She kissed him, then rose to carry the dinner remains off to the kitchen.

“Okay. I’ll go,” Suresh said, completely serious. “Why not? Wouldn’t that just help your cover story on this?”

“But it would mean you’d be away from here too long. With things as they are now, with the Cardassian legate stirring up trouble, you need to remain here. You know they need to see you.” She returned to rest her hands on his shoulders. “Besides, I’ll have plenty of time to talk to you whenever you have time.”

He frowned. “Why do you always have to be right? Leave the dishes, let’s go to bed so I can hold you all night.”

“Agreed.” She pulled him to his feet and led the way.

Six of Ten


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