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The Patrol Team Departs -Part II

Posted on Sat Feb 6th, 2016 @ 12:48pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Seren Hawke & Ensign Six of Ten & Vic & Lieutenant Commander T'Rowl N'Riss C.Phil & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Ensign Leela Carter & Ensign Reva Madhava & Lieutenant Commander Marie O'Donnell & Lieutenant Janus Heyerdahl

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Kohana

Six reached engineering and breezed through the doors. “Reva??” It had been a while since she and Reva had had time to get together and she had missed her friend. Now, the prospect of a little time together to enjoy getting technical had buoyed her spirits.

“Six!” Reva bounced into sight from around the back side of the engine and wrapped her arms around Six. “This is so bloody exciting!”

“I thought you’d like it. Hi Janus.” She greeted the other engineer. He wasn’t bouncing but was smiling from ear to ear. “So what have you had time to do already?”

“We’ve checked all the relays and sensor readings; everything looks good. The engine readings are astounding, frankly,” Reva rattled off a number of other things she and Janus had already checked, looked over or generally poked around with. “What about you, --?” She paused as a voice called out.

Marie hadn’t been on this ship before and, quite frankly, had no idea where she was going. She only had a small bag of things to carry with her so it wasn’t a hassle carrying it with her, but she’d hoped to find her bunk soon. She did hear voices coming from the back of the ship, at least she thought it was the back from where she was standing, and decided to head that way.

“Hello?” she called. “Anyone know how to find the quarters on this ship?”

“In here,” Six called out. She mentally opened the doors, to reveal Marie. “Commander O’Connell,” she greeted her. “Quarters are two decks up but come on in if you’d like to see the place.”

Janus watched the doors open without Six moving and shook his head. “This will take some getting used to.”

Walking into Engineering, Marie took a moment to look around. “Are these...Borg enhancements?” she asked, running her hand over part of the bulkhead. “How did this happen?”

“It’s sort of a long story,” Six replied. “You saw the report of our trip back to 2360?”

“I did,” Marie replied, she saw Six and it jogged her memory. “Ah, yes. Six,” she said, as if that were the answer. “I take it this was your handiwork? I don’t know what it was like before, but I have to admit that the green lights make it look pretty snazzy,” she said with a smile.

“Thanks.” Six returned her smile.

“Before, it was pretty dull,” Reva said, grinning as she looked around the engine room, “but now? It’s just... wow.” She saw Janus chuckle at her.

“Let’s just hope it’s as awe-inspiring to any we meet out there,” Janus said. “That’s what we’re counting on.”

“I may come back in a bit, but I’d like to find my bunk,” Marie said, heading back to the door. “Two decks up? And just pick one, or are we going to be assigned? I’m not even sure who the mission commander is,” she admitted. “I was a last minute addition to the group.”

“Leela Carter from Security,” Janus answered. “Aside from the captain’s quarters, and one that is occupied, take your pick.”

Six nodded. “If it helps, I think number 8 next to Reva and me is open.”

Reva blinked at Six. “We’re bunking together?” She was about to say something more when the Engine room doors opened again and Darwin pointed at her then beckoned for her to follow him. “Oh, be right back.”

Six nodded to Reva, then turned back to Marie. “If you need anything, just yell.”

Marie rolled her eyes. “Keep your ears tuned. I may be yelling soon,” she said as she disappeared and tried to find her way up to the next deck.


Wondering just what Darwin wanted, Reva trotted along behind his long stride till he stopped and turned towards her. His gaze was unsettling: harsh, almost angry, with dark eyes and a hard frown. “This might be a real trial for you, Reva. You’ve been chosen for this mission because you’re Six’s friend. And because you’re an Orion, in appearance at least. The Krenim won’t expect to see an Orion on a Starfleet vessel. None of that negates that you’re a damn fine engineer. Just so you know: that’s why Jenkins didn’t bounce you out.”

She looked up at him warily. “Oh. Um... thanks? What’s all this about? A last minute warning to behave myself? You know I’m over that, right?”

He sighed. “I do. What caused you to grow up was pretty harsh. Actually, I do want you to behave yourself. But... be like Seyla, when warranted.” He passed her a tiny vial that she recognized instantly.


“Really. Be careful. It’s not for everyday, obviously.” gods, if she used it every day, Vic would likely want to find him and skin him. “But if the ship is boarded...,” he shrugged.

“Oh, I get it,” she nodded and grinned then slipped the vial of Seyla’s pheromones into her bra. “Thanks, Darwin.”

“Don’t mention it.” He turned and walked away from her.

Cabin 2

“Vic?” Seren called out as he entered the quarters. “You about ready? Carter’s arrived and the LCDR from Temporal Affairs. I think she was the last.”

“Huh!” Vic woke with a start from his nap. “Temporal wha..? Shit.” He sat up, coughed, shook his head and generally did what he could to wake himself up. “Okay, I’m awake. I think. I need some coffee,” he muttered. He’d worked his shift at the Nexus, closing the place down and leaving it in Jan’s (highly capable) hands while he was gone, then come to the Kohana to make sure Engineering went through and did a thorough cleaning of the quarters and common areas. Niro’s crew hadn’t been exceptionally clean. Once Engineering had finished, he’d settled in for a ‘short’ nap.

“Sure.” Seren ordered two coffees from the replicator and passed one to Vic. “The mess hall stores are in and the medical supplies along with a medic. Throw on some clothes though, Carter’s probably going to be looking for us.”

“Oh, good,” Vic went to his kit and pulled out pants and a shirt, pulling them on quickly. He then took a mug from Seren. “Let’s go find her, first. And can I mention how much I appreciate that this is a non-uniform assignment?”

Even as he said that, Darwin’s voice came over the intercom: =^=Crew of the Kohana: as you all know, you’re about to set off on a dangerous mission, one that we hope will remain as boring as possible - the more boring, the safer you will be. The replicators will not create any Starfleet uniforms; you are to choose your own attire, within certain parameters. Your mission commander is Leela Carter; for this mission, she is your captain.=^= He rattled on about a few other bits of information about the mission and ended with: =^=May the winds be at your back and bring you home safely.=^=

“And there you have it,” Seren stated. “I hope he’s right and it turns out to be boring enough that I can catch up on my knitting.” He grinned at Vic. “Ready?”

Vic nodded and led Seren out of his cabin. The trip to the bridge was quick. “Captain, ma’am,” he saluted Leela with a wink, “tactical and...,” he glanced at Seren, “and observer reporting in.”

Leela smiled. “Good. Take your places. We have clearance to depart in ten minutes, long enough for those who were wearing a uniform to change. Six will be here in a moment.” She glanced back as the bridge door opened again and Reva breezed onto the bridge, smiling broadly.

Vic’s face fell. Oh shit, he moaned mentally and looked away. It wasn’t just Reva; it was also Six. He could guess that Reva had picked both outfits, what there was of each.

Seren greeted Leela. “I’ll sit in at the conn and assist the pilot.” He also turned as the two women entered the Bridge. “Reva, Six.” He mentally slapped himself so he wouldn’t stare.

“Hi, I’m Reva,” she said, holding out a hand in the human custom of offering to shake hands.

Seren shook her hand. “My pleasure. I’ve been hearing good things about you. Six says you are an engineering whiz. I’m Seren Hawke.”

“I see. Darwin said that, too,” she smiled and flirted, “That I’m an engineering whiz, not that he’s Seren Hawke.”

Six snorted. “Well, he did say that too. You know, Captain Hawke’s brother?” She grinned at Seren. “So where would you all like us to be?”

Seren coughed for a moment, and hurried over to sit at the conn before he said something stupid.

Reva caught enough from him that she had to laugh. She stopped when Carter cleared her throat. “Six, you are to be at the helm. Reva, take the engineering assistant’s conn.” Carter was frowning, thinking that she’d made a too-conservative choice with her clothing: unlike Six and Reva, she was covered from neck to toe in material. But the way Seren had eyed Reva’s short skirt... or, rather, Reva’s legs exposed by her short skirt, made her think that maybe ...she shook her head. Coverage was comfortable and she didn’t need to attract Seren’s eye. “Seven minutes till we depart. Six, please make sure we are ready.”

Six rested her hands on the helm controls that now also glowed green. She grew still, her palms resting there unmoving. Seren had turned to watch, more than a little curious. Suddenly they could feel the hum of the engines and Six smiled. “All systems a go. We should be showing peak efficiency. Reva?”

“We are,” Reva confirmed. “Bay doors are opening.” She pressed several commands into the console then announced, “Space control advises we have three minutes till our window opens.”

“Confirmed, Captain,” Six answered. Behind them the doors opened and she greeted N’riss as he entered the Bridge. “Two minutes, thirty seconds.”

“Crew, meet our XO, N’Riss,” Leela said, gesturing towards the Caitian.

When he was greeted, N'Riss purred and bowed politely. Though he hadn't exactly liked it, he willingly did wear boots because of the type of mission that they were on. "It will be an honor serving with you on this mission, murrr." Blinking carefully, he looked back toward Reva and allowed his tail to twitch in response. "Should you have something you had wanted to say, you have permission to speak freely." He had no idea that Reva was considering his fur as the topic of a query.

Blushing a dark green, Reva shook her head, “Oh, no, sir.”

“Good, we have other things to do,” Leela said sharply. Darwin had warned her about the part-Orion. Leela opened a channel to Space Control, “Independent Craft Kohana prepared to depart.”

=^=Affirmative. Window is open in thirty seconds, will be open for three minutes.=^= The voice gave them a countdown before announcing: =^=Kohana, you are set to go.=^=

“Six, take us out. Second star to the right,” Leela ordered.

“Sounds like a fan of Peter Pan is in here,” Marie said, entering the bridge. She stuck herself back and away from the other consoles so she wouldn’t be in the way. She had taken, and passed, the bridge officer’s exam but this wasn’t a Starfleet vessel, so not being a hinderance was foremost on her mind. She had changed out of her issued uniform and wore a black jumpsuit, zippered in the front, with high collars like their uniforms and pale blue piping that matched her eyes. Her hair was back in a messy bun. She liked the jumpsuit but wasn’t sure about the black boots that came with it. The whole thing had been available in the ship’s replicator with only the option of changing the color of the piping. She wondered who owned the ship before it had been taken by Niro that they would have uniform-type clothing available?

“Ten seconds and we’ll clear the hatch,” Six informed them. The ship moved slowly and steadily through the lit frame around the opening, beyond which they could see stars. “And….we’re clear. Ahead one-quarter impulse till we clear the shipping lanes. Two minutes to warp.”

“Course laid in,” Seren announced. Ready when you are, Six.”

Six was silent as the ship moved forward, and finally she announced, “Going to warp.” The ship seemed to stand still for an instant, then the stars on the main viewer streaked out as the ship jumped to warp, leaving 900 behind.

Captain Li Hawke
Lt. Leela Carter
Lt. Cmdr. Marie O’Donnell
Lt. Cmdr. T’Rowl N’Riss C.Phil
Lt. M. Darwin
Lt. Vic
Lt. Seren Hawke
Ensign Reva Madhava
Ensign Six of Ten
Lt. Janus Heyerdahl


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