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Taking The Baton

Posted on Sun Feb 21st, 2016 @ 5:37pm by Commander Patrick Leroy & Ensign Kozel

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: XO Office

* XO’s Office *

Kozel sat at his desk in the silence of the XO’s office, his mind racing in a dozen different directions. He had tried, once more, to reach Li via comm but without success. Jackson had reported seeing her and that she seemed well enough, but Kozel had detected the worry in his voice. It echoed Kozel’s own worries about the woman he’d taken under his wing. The thought was a little amusing, since he worked for her, but it was Kozel who kept the thousand and one things she had to do organized and running smoothly. And now, when she was facing tragedy, there was little he could do till she returned.

Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate, he reflected. He had gone to her quarters and taken care of the orchids that seemed to be everywhere. It wouldn’t do to have her return to find them all dead. Her quarters were as neat as they had always been when he had visited so nothing to do there. He’d noticed, however, that the scent of the Vulcan spiced tea that always seemed to hang in the air was almost gone. Life was already moving on, whether she was here or not and that concerned him. He knew she would notice it.

He also had things here at work to take care of, such as getting Commander Leroy up to speed as quickly as possible. He rose and checked the inner office, making sure the day’s report padds were all sorted neatly on the desk. The commander was due in any moment and it appeared everything was ready for him. Kozel returned to his desk and began to wade through the countless messages from those sending condolences and inquiring about Li.

It wasn’t too long before the doors of the office swished open to let Commander Leroy enter.

“Good morning Mr. Kozel,” He greeted him politely “Even if I don’t think it is one such.” Leroy ended with a hint of bitterness.

“Commander Leroy.” Kozel rose immediately to his feet. “Welcome. May I get you anything?”

“No thank you.” Was Leroy’s first response, then thinking better “Well… A cup of coffee will do.”

He walked to take a peek at Li’s inner office and at the desk that was therein “I’m new to this position, I’m confident you’ll brief me up a little?”

“I will.” Kozel led the way in and while Patrick situated himself at the desk, he ordered two cups of raktajino out of habit and a plate of cinnamon rolls. He carried them back to the desk and then realized he was simply doing his and Li’s usual morning routine.”

“Habit,” he said, indicating the rolls, and placed Patrick’s mug before him.

“No matter, I’ll have them.” Leroy smiled “I remember her passion for these rolls, we were serving on the Berkeley together before our transfer to SB900. And Sakkath was there too…” his voice trailed off as the smile died.

Kozel nodded. “I wish I had more news on her. Jackson and Lt. Gilroy beamed down and saw her and Commander Darwin only briefly. He is...concerned, to put it mildly. I know you have a long list of things to do, given your work on the sphere, so I’ll get as much done as I possibly can to lighten the load.”

“I appreciate that. Now… With what do we have to start?”

Kozel picked up his own cinnamon roll and after a bite, referred to his padd. “All the reports from yesterday are there on your desk, arranged by department. The new things….the recovered team is in Piper and we had arranged for hourly updates. The recovery process is underway, but it’s slow. The latest summary is optimistic, however.”

“Okay, let’s see.” Leroy took up a couple of padds giving a cursory look to them “Ah… This one speaks of a Niro guy, detained… Think this one can wait.” he said returning the padd to the desk and focusing on the other “While this one has an open issue waiting for completion… Ah, it’s about the progress about the Krenim sphere in Galileo. I’ll call Lt. Sukotav for an update in a while. I’ll see this one through to completion…” Then took another one “Uhm.. This one’s about the alert level to be reviewed and interfacing with Security department about the impending visit of Divitian ambassador Zee’Hrai… Oh, I know him.”

He stopped then not sure about what picking up first, wondering how Li could wade through all these reports each morning. He leaned back on the seat then exhaling.

“Is there anything really urgent that has to be solved quickly? I think I’ll need a bit of time getting used to XO procedures. But in reality I hope Captain Hawke will be returning to her post soon enough.”

Kozel looked at his own list. “The Patrol team reported in to say all clear for now, which is something of a relief. Your work with the sphere she had marked as a priority, of course. Also, there is the weekly check-in from Ensign Six. There was a suspected member of the crew from the ship that took Ensign Madhava down in the Pit but she reported that he hasn’t been seen in two weeks.” Kozel frowned a moment, realizing the tangle here, but if Patrick was going to be the XO for now, he had to be told.

“Until I get the grasp of things it would be better to postpone… What?? Who did you say??” Leroy’s eyes had widened with realization of the last infos. He leaned over and took the padd from Kozel’s hand, beginning to scroll it down with a very interested look.

“So… All that fuss about resigning from Science was just a cover to get her into Intel Dept.” He nodded slowly.

Kozel nodded. “Yes sir. Captain Hawke and Commander Zeferino felt that it would be more believable if it appeared she actually had resigned. Otherwise, those in the Pit might be suspicious. As for Suresh, well….that part is real.” He suspected that news wouldn’t make Patrick too happy.

“It makes sense, cleaning up the slate if you have to become one of Intel and providing cover for the operative…” a frown darkened Leroy’s face as he spoke “Forge a bond with a criminal though, that is highly questionable. Even in the face of service to Federation.”

Kozel cleared his throat. “They...uh….they got married about two months ago, sir.”

“Married??” Leroy exclaimed in disbelief “And Security or the same Intel department didn’t do anything about that? These are really strange times.”

Kozel shrugged. “She is an adult and an individual. The Fleet can’t dictate individual taste, strange as it may seem.” He sipped his coffee once more. “I have something else, a new arrival - the replacement for the former Betazoid ambassador who retired. The new one arrived last night, his name is Maxym Balasz.” Kozel shifted the padds and pushed one forward that contained the ambassador’s file.

“Let me say that individual taste stops in front of crimes… Even in Federation Mr. Kozel.” Leroy replied taking the padd from the desk “And what would we have to do with him? The name does ring a bell though…”

“His younger brother was a man named Rhys Balasz, formerly on the Berkeley for a brief time,” Kozel answered. “I understand his time there was...eventful.”

Leroy’s brow furrowed “Eventful indeed… That man tried to kill captain Hawke back then. She made it by a hair… But I’m sure you know all the story as it is surely filed in the database. And this is his brother coming here to SB900 of all the places, I wonder why… Perhaps we should signal him as a subject eligible for surveillance? Even if just being the brother of an assassin doesn’t automatically make you into one too.”

“Well aside from his taking up the post of ambassador, I’m not sure, though I could have Security check him out if you wish. One thing you should be aware of is that Li doesn’t know he was due to arrive. The replacement’s name was sent by the Betazed government just before she became aware of Commander Sakkath’s death,” Kozel said. “I didn’t have time to tell her.”

“We’ll tackle this thing when she comes back from Archadia’s surface. Her life has become difficult enough these last days without us adding more weight before due time. The name itself will stir bad memories in her no matter what.” He steepled fingers to his lips then thinking for some instants about the right things to do.

“If we’re done with this briefing I’ll issue orders about Ambassador Balasz and request an update from Galileo center about our other highest priority.”

“That is all I have for now, sir. There are some requests that needed Li’s approval on that padd,” he pointed to one in the stack. “I’m taking care of the mountain of personal condolences that have come in,. Commander Kh’ali sent word she would meet you here for lunch.”

“I’ll see to have them authorized. Thank you for your support Mr. Kozel,” Leroy nodded “I’ll call for you for any for any further insight I might need.”

“Of course, sir.” Kozel rose and picked up his mug. “Be glad all the departmental staff reviews were finished last week.” He smiled at Patrick and returned to the outer office.

Commander Patrick Leroy
Acting XO

Ensign Kozel
The Ultimate Organizer


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