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Guest Of The Tal Shiar

Posted on Sun Feb 28th, 2016 @ 12:29am by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Ensign Reva Madhava & IKS Ning'Tao

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: RIS Sidus

* RIS Sidus *

D’nar Lerius materialized on the transporter pad of the cloaked scout ship, the unconscious Isaura draped in his arms. Two crew members stood ready and relieved him of his burden as he stepped off the pad.

“Confine her,” he ordered. “I suspect this one will awaken kicking and screaming.”

“Aye sir,” one of the officers answered and the pair departed.

D’nar tapped his comm badge. “Colonel Lerius to the bridge. Take us out of orbit and set a course for the wormhole. Remain cloaked. I am on my way.” He closed the channel and an amused smile lit his face. He could already imagine the lengths Kaeli would go to retrieve her friend. It had been almost too easy, really. And remaining cloaked in orbit around Archadia, and opposite the station, had kept their presence unknown. He exited the transporter room, rubbing his hands together. He couldn’t wait to reach Romulus and then….welcome Kaeli home.

* Four Hours Later *

The tall Romulan pressed a disruptor to Isa’s chest with one hand and a hypospray to her neck with the other. It was a revival agent and he waited for her to open her eyes.

“Wake up!” he ordered.

Her eyes snapped open but it took a moment for her brain to register just what her eyes were seeing. “Huh! Wha...?” She blinked and lifted a hand to rub her face. Instead of reaching her face, though, her hand ran into the disruptor. She startled. “Hey! Turn that somewhere else! What the hell is wrong with you?”

“No and I’d suggest you be still and listen.” The Romulan pocketed the hypospray but the disruptor remained pressed to her chest. “You are now a guest...Isa is it? Of the Tal Shiar. We are four hours out from 900. In three days you’ll be on Romulus as our guest. Specifically as the guest of D’nar Lurius, an old friend of Kaeli i-Mnaeha t'Khellian.”

“Are we going to spend the whole three days in this position?” She waved a finger at the disruptor. “I mean... at some, I’m going to have to pee and that might be messy. Just sayin’.”

Baier rolled his eyes, then stepped back. The containment field re-established around Isa. “I’ve heard that you Bajorans are uncivilized, I see it’s true. I am required to ask, though. How do you feel? Any ill effects from the sedative?”

She relaxed a bit, standing and brushing at her clothes... or, the lack of clothes. Looking down, she recalled that she had just put this scrap of a dress on when a Rommie had knocked her out. “Huh... yeah,” she nodded at the guy, “I seem to have lost my clothes. Goddammit, I hate it when that happens. I’ve had some Terran drink, tea-keela or something, do that to me, too. Did you at least pay the vendor for this dress? If not, that’s really rude of you.”

”I don’t give a damn about a vendor. What I cared about was getting you secured. I left Kaeli a note, by the way, with an offer she can’t refuse.” He smiled slightly. “You. Apparently, she will do anything for you, including leaving her darling Jarad back on 900. Word reached us that she sneaked off without telling him.”

“Huh... usually I can tell when someone has a crush on me. Like you, for example, you have a crush on ...well, not on me, but on these,” she pointed to her boobs, which his eyes hadn’t really left since he’d stepped back. “Unless you think they’re going to give away my attack plans and you’re just watching them for clues? But Kaeli... willing to do anything for me? Wow. I think your intel is wrong. Or stupid, I could go with that explanation, too.”

“Suit yourself but she is in pursuit. Once we have her at home, you’ll be free to go. Assuming you don’t piss off D’nar and he kills you, that is.”

“Take me to him, then! Let’s just get that over with right now!” She knew that if D’nar killed her, Zarv would know immediately; right now, the t’garev was probably driving Ronin and Rafe insane because she was in danger. Hell... he’d probably been doing that ever since Drekkar had hit her. Likely his puppet had already told Rafael all about that. “Although, I’d really appreciate some regular clothes first.”

“I think not.” Baier tapped his badge and summoned D’nar. “He will come to you.”

Baier stood waiting and soon the doors opened to admit D’nar to the small sickbay. He nodded and Baier departed. Once the doors were closed, D’nar turned to Looked Isa up and down.

“Interesting dress. Something that appeals to Cardassians, is it?”

“Males, actually. Those who like women, at least.” She looked him up and down. “I can see why you can’t appreciate the beauty in it.”

He growled at her and put his hand on the panel close at hand. “One more insult and I’ll suck all the air of of there. Then we’ll see how sharp your tongue is.”

“Can’t hack it, can you, Rommie? Figures. I’ve found that Rommies like you - those that hide in the Tal’Shiar - are weaker than Ferengi females, particularly in intelligence and looks,” she taunted him, laughing.

D’nar lowered the containment field and stepped into Isa’s space in a flash, his long fingers wrapping around her throat. “I said I’d keep you in one piece to make sure Kaeli comes. All that means is you have to be alive. It doesn’t mean you have to be in perfect condition.”

Baring her teeth, Isaura let him get close, let him grab her neck, then brought her knee up, fast and hard between his legs. “It might not be big, but I’ll bet it hurts,” she growled.

The pain was intense and it caused his hand to tighten on her throat. “That was a mistake,” he wheezed. “You’d better hope Kaeli reaches you soon. Then I can deal with her and get you out of my sight.”

“I’ve had boyfriends who are more threatening than you,” she rasped out, barely able to breath. While he was touching her, she read him, looking for ship’s codes, the layout, anything that might help once he was gone. Unless she got him to kill her first.

D’nar dropped her to the floor and summoned Baier. “Feed her and if she opens her mouth for anything but food, sedate her.” He turned and stormed out of sickbay.

Baier studied her, noting the bruises blooming on her throat. Finally, he turned, replicated her meal and passed it through to her.

“Are you curious?”

She took the plate from him and assessed him. “Curious as a cat, as the Terrans say.”

“What do you know of her past?” he asked. “You hired her, do you know who is sleeping under your roof?”

“I know who she’s sleeping with,” she answered. “Jarad, the Cardassian’s Butcher. I wouldn’t want to be you if something happens to her because of this little fantasy of D’nar’s. What’s his beef with her? Did she nail him in the ‘nads, too?”

“She betrayed the Tal Shiar, because of that Cardassian. We found her and took her home but never could crack her to know if she had told him anything or not. Then she escaped. Now, it’s time to put matters right.” Baier shrugged. “D’nar really has no beef with you and between us? He won’t seriously harm you. He knows that won’t get him where he wants.”

Her lips thinned as she pressed them together. “So I can call him anything I want and knee him in the nuts as much as I want? Good to know. What about you, sailor? Where are you in this whole ‘get Kaeli’ scheme?”

“I want her as much as he does. The Tal Shiar doesn’t stand for traitors. She will regret it but that’s not your concern.”

“Hmm... well... I don’t know about that. I mean, she’s part of my crew now. You do know that I’m Captain Isaura Panossian? Dreaded scourge of the Delta Quadrant? Um... not actually a scourge, really... more of a very independent business woman who takes no crap.” She paused then added, “Unless it comes from a certain Cardassian... ho boy... anyway.” She waved that away and when she looked at Baier again, noted that his eyes had gone to her boobs again. She supposed she’d brought that on herself - her hand movements had made them bounce. “Kaeli: part of my crew, therefore my concern.”

“Your choice.” Baier shrugged. “I’d suggest that you stay out of the crossfire if you want to live. It’s her we intend to crack open like an egg. She has a lesson to learn.”

“What if there’s no cracking her because there’s no information that she gave Jarad? Have you considered that? Torture really doesn’t get you any true information; it just gets you what you want to hear.”

“We have ways of getting the real scoop, trust me.” His gaze swept over her once more. “You’d better eat, it’s getting cold. I’ll be back.” He rose to go.

She looked at the food then crossed her arms over her breasts. “Think I could get a blanket at least? Or is part of the plan to freeze me out?”

“That cabinet behind you in the corner,” he answered. “Likely some scrubs in there too. I’ll be back.”

“Oh, I’ll pine for your company with every passing minute,” she quipped sarcastically. She waited till he was gone, then went digging through the various cabinets and drawers, wondering the whole while why she was in the medbay and not a brig cell. The thought brought up some unpleasant ideas.

D’nar Lerius
On A Mission

Isaura Panossian
Underdressed for the Occasion


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