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The Unlikely Alliance Continues

Posted on Mon Mar 14th, 2016 @ 9:00pm by Captain Li Hawke & Eldren Tohr & IKS Ning'Tao

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: CIS Intira

* CIS Intira *

Jarad had kept Kaeli wrapped in his arms until she cried herself to sleep. Finally, he had removed her dress and tucked her in to let her rest. Doing so had shown him evidence of Rekar’s attention on Romulus and it made his blood boil. He could heal up the burn marks, of course, but decided to let her sleep undisturbed. Rekar’s days were definitely numbered, even if it meant paying allegiance to the Order for a bit longer. He stepped out to the main room, sat at the terminal and opened a channel to Eldren Tohr’s ship.

“I was starting to wonder if that was a ruse you were trying to get me into, Cardassian,” Eldren greeted him as soon as his face appeared on the screen. “Not that I exclude the possibility… Any news? I’m almost there.”

“Yes, I do have news. First, we ran into a little heat getting the women from Romulus. Farak took advantage of that and slipped Nyyar off on a shuttle to Cardassia. Let’s put it this way - Farak is paying for that. He’s also learned that in choosing who to suck up to on Cardassia, he chose poorly.”

Eldren mumbled something unintelligible with the news that Jarad ascribed probably to some form of bajoran cursing “I’m confident you called to reveal this shuttle position then. I haven’t made all the way from nine-hundred to here for nothing.”

“No, you haven’t and I have a plan.” Jarad looked down to tap a command into the panel before him. “I’ve sent coordinates for your approach to Cardassia. It’s a public port and the busiest close to the capitol. It’s also within transporter distance. A Bajoran ship won’t raise any attention there since it’s not a Starfleet ship. Dock there. Drekkar and I have some business with Boroca, so he will be away from Nyyar. We’ll send Kaeli and Isaura to you and you three can get her out.”

“Why not having simply me board that shuttle getting back Nyyar and leaving all of you to your pretty family reunions?”

‘Because they have too great a head start on you,” Jarad answered. “Romulus took us a little longer than I planned. There was shooting involved...long story. How soon can you reach Cardassia?”

“Shaken by a little firefight? C’mon… “ Eldren sneered “Well this Raider can be pretty fast if need be still it will take almost eleven days of travel this little detour…”

“Unfortunately yes.” Jarad frowned. “However, I can check in now and then and make sure she’s safe if you wish. I’m sure Boroca will be glad to have the chance to brag a little.”

“Yes do that. I want to hear she’s safe and sound. I look forward to meet your partners in Cardassia the sooner this thing is over the better.”

“You already know Kaeli I believe?” Jarad smiled for a moment. “Though she may not have mentioned her association with me did she?”

“Just met her once in Saturnalia and for a time too brief to get acquainted on personal frequentations, but I liked the way she verbally wuss-slapped that one… Zikar.”

That got a laugh from Jarad. “He deserved it. They had a long and very unpleasant history. I am surprised she didn’t corner him in a dark alley somewhere and get rid of him. Perhaps it’s just that she hadn’t found the right time but as I understand it, you took care of that problem.”

“He tampered one time too many with Nyyar’s life. He got also a long list of things to pay for though…”

Don’t we all.. Jarad thought. He decided it was best to keep that to himself, however. “Agreed. My personal grudge with the man ran deep and wide, so I get it.”

“So there is one thing on which we have the same point of view… I’m changing the route to Cardassian space now. If you haven’t anymore to say I would leave you and your comrade to your business.”

“Very well. I will report as soon as I have news of Nyyar. Safe travels.” Jarad closed the channel and considered the situation. He was right, the shuttle carrying Nyyar was a good two days ahead of them but he was sure Boroca was checking in with it often. It would be simple enough to coax any information out of him so it could be reported to Eldren. In the meantime, he needed to check in with Drekkar. They had some plans to make.

Playing Both Sides...For Now

Eldren Tohr
In Hot Pursuit


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