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Drekkar Phones Home

Posted on Thu Apr 14th, 2016 @ 10:10pm by Ronin & Rafael Hernandez & Drekkar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Starbase 900 - The Pit

Civilian Quarters - The Pit *

Rafael took a swing and the lamp took flight, crashing to the floor ten feet away. Under other circumstances, he would have smiled when Ronin ducked but not this time.

“Why is it that he is there and I am here?” he demanded as he continued to pace. “It’s Kae’s fault when you get right down to it.” He glared at Ronin. “It’s because of her they ran off with Isa in the first place.”

Ronin crossed his arms and propped his feet on the coffee table. “That’s true but Isa has her own issues with that bunch so it’s not entirely….”

“Save it!” Raf growled. “As long as she gets home in one piece, I might get over it. As long as he has kept his hands and other parts to himself.”

Ronin sighed. “Promise me something? When she gets home, you and her ...I am gonna lock you two in a room till you straighten all this out.” Raf growled again, which made Ro laugh. “I’ll do it, believe me.”

Rafael stopped pacing and smiled suddenly. The idea of being locked in a room with Isa had its allure. Before he could say anything, the comm terminal beeped.

“I know what you are thinking,” Ronin commented. “See who that is.”

Raf sat down at the desk and activated the terminal. The face in the screen brought an immediate scowl to his face. “What the hell do you want?”

Drekkar chuckled in the face of Raf’s ire. “I’m just checking in with you two. Oh, and Zarv. How are you three getting along? Good chums by now?”

“We always have been.” Rafael’s tone was measured. “This happy little circle doesn’t include you however. Where is Isa?”

“Oh... let’s just jump right to that, shall we? Isaura is quite safe, or has been the past few days, though I haven’t seen much of her since she’s been spending most of her time with her new toy: a Romulan named Tindam. Ronin, Kaeli is fine, by the way,” Drekkar said, delivering the news smugly.

“Thanks!” Ronin called out from the sofa.

Rafael, for his part, looked relieved at the news Isa was safe but at the mention of this Tindam, he tensed up immediately. “You’re lying. Pissed that she’s not giving you the time of day anymore?”

“No, not at all!” Drekkar mimicked Rafe’s accent, “I juss wanted to give jou a head’s up, so jou will know who she’s been doing. Tindam appointed himself as her shadow - everywhere she goes, he follows. Including her bed. You know, in case you didn’t understand that part. I know you have some mental deficiencies.”

Ro looked over and noticed Rafael’s leg bouncing as his anger grew. “Uh oh,” he muttered.

Rafael leaned in closer and began to spout off a stream of Spanish so rapid the translator was having trouble keeping up. He slammed his fist on the desk and continued, his voice getting louder by the second.

“Rafe…” Ronin slipped to the edge of the sofa in case he had to take action.

Drekkar didn’t help: he laughed at Rafe’s impotent anger. “Ooo... looks like someone’s not happy.”

“Where is she?!?” he demanded again. “I will speak to her, not you!”

“Yeah...,” Drekkar drew the word out and smiled, “She’s off trying to rescue someone; her new friend is helping her and will be in close quarters with her till... well, probably till they get back to 900. You and Ronin are heading that way, aren’t you?”

“Not yet,” Ronin called out.

“No,” was Rafael’s succinct answer. “At least she is not with you. The other situation I will deal with when they get home. Then, you and I will have a little talk about how it’s going to be from now on.”

“You go right ahead. Where are you headed, then?” Drekkar looked beyond Rafe to Ronin.

“Nowhere yet,” Ronin called out again. “Till I hear from them.”

“If they are successful,” Rafael added, “they will return here with Nyyar and we have no need to make the trip. What about you?”

“We are stopping on Cardassia for a few days, then we’ll return to 900,” Drekkar said, “So you’ll have plenty of time to alienate Isa, Rafe.”

“She is coming home without you?” Rafael actually smiled. “Good….good. Feel free to take your time, really. Or stay. All the same to me.”

“Would that we could stay,” Drekkar said, sounding almost wistful. “I could provide Isa with the lifestyle she’s accustomed to. Something you will never be able to provide. But Jarad is tiresome about Kaeli - he’ll make us return to her.”

“Pity he doesn’t want to stay there too,” Ronin grumbled and Rafael laughed.

Feeling rather more at ease now, he turned back to Drekkar. “We’ll see about that. And we won’t be thinking of you while you’re gone.”

“Well, I’m not hurt. But I am sure that Isaura isn’t thinking about you while she’s away,” the Cardassian grinned then closed the channel.

Rafael slammed his fist down on the desk and cursed again. Ronin dropped his feet to the floor and stood. “Come on. You need to lubricate that rage or it’s gonna eat you alive.”

Rafael sighed and stood as well. “Do you think she would…?

“No. A way to annoy Drekkar is all.” Ronin smiled.

Rafael thought about that and then he smiled. It made sense in an Isa sort of way. “ have a point. Let’s go.”

Ronin opened the door. “After you.”

Legate Drekkar


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