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Reflections - Conclusions

Posted on Sat May 28th, 2016 @ 9:22pm by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & El'Shar Blackhorse

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: IKS cha'Do

* Later *

When Rick returned, Li was more than ready to get off the bridge. “Have fun,” she said to Rick. “I’m going to drop in and see El for a few before I sack out.”

She rose, patted him on the shoulder, then departed. She peeked into her cabin first. Darwin was sound asleep and so she closed the door, then knocked on the next door. “El?”

“I think it’s open!” El called. “I’m not used to this ship, but come on in.”

Li entered and stopped to get a mug of hot chocolate from the replicator. “This ship is somewhat primitive but it works...mostly.” Li grinned as she carried the mug over to a chair and sat down. “Just don’t walk on the targ pit cover down in the galley. It’s a little shaky.”

El set down the PADD she’d been studying and smiled. “I noticed that earlier. Kinda’ scared me, especially after Rick told me what it was. are you doing?”

“Better, actually.” Li sipped the cocoa and smiled. “I’ll feel better once we get there and find the Kohana and have Lt. Carter laugh at us for panicking. At least I can hope that’s what will happen.”

“That would be ideal. And if that’s the case,” El said with a smile, “maybe we can actually take the vacation,” she said using air quotes, “that we’re supposed to be on. That would be lovely.”

Li laughed aloud. “You’re with three bad ones when it comes to vacations. I don’t think any of us know what that really means. Unless forced, that is, as I was. Though only a few days of it has been a vacation.”

“Well, good news! You’re currently in the quarters of a world-class vacation taker! Stick with me and I’ll show you the ropes. And don’t worry, I’ll school Rick on the whole idea. I almost have him trained the way I want him.” She laughed.

That got a raise of the eyebrows from Li. “Then you truly do have super powers. I didn’t think such a thing was possible. He’s still wise, despite his wicked ways, so I suppose that makes up for it.”

“Ha!” El burst out. “I think you know better than that, Li,” El added, still chuckling. “He’s seen more than almost anyone, so I guess he has the experience. Wise, though? Heh.”

“He was the one who insisted I get away from it all and do what I needed to do. It was Rick who said I shouldn’t care what anyone else thought about what I did. He’s right.” Li took another sip. “Max proposed.”

“Congratulations, Li! It’s a little quick, but if you think it’s the right move then go for it. And sometimes Rick does know exactly what to say, and he was right in that aspect. It’s not anyone else’s business what you do in your personal life or when you do it--not even your father, and least of all Rick, despite all of his grumbling and his overprotective nature.” She leaned up and put her hand on Li’s for a moment then removed it. “You do what you think is right.” She winked. “So, tell me about Max. Rick hasn’t said much, other than that Max was on the station and he thought you two might have been an item. What’s he like?”

“He’s Rhys’ brother, did you know that? He was the one I wanted know how things are on Betazed.” She shrugged. “Consider me now older and wiser I guess. And not giving a damn about uniting families for the wrong reasons.”

“I know all about tradition from my Vulcan side of the family. But I’d say that you’ve more than earned the happiness that you desire after all you’ve endured, united families be damned.”

“Yeah. That is the absolute truth. I think it’s the right thing. For a lot of reasons.” Li set her mug aside and jumped to another subject. “So tell me, when’s the wedding? The trip to Earth? Is everything ready?”

El’Shar’s eyes went wide with excitement. “Yes! Rick has been in contact with his people back home and they’ve gotten everything ready to set up for the ceremony. We’ll be sending out invitations soon. I guess your plus one will be Max? That’ll be interesting. But we expect most of 900’s senior staff to be there, so I guess it’s good you two added a few more people to the command list to cover for you while you’re gone. It’ll be the better part of a month for you guys with the travel time to and from, and Rick hopes most of you will stay at least a week at his house.”

Li nodded. “He said he won’t take no for an answer, though I’m a little panicky about being gone so long after so much time off. Which he still hasn’t returned me to duty yet,” She grumbled good-naturedly. “But it will work out. You two need some time away. I don’t think he’s been home in years.”

“No, he hasn’t. He’s looking forward to it, I can tell you that. Maybe just to not have to worry about being in charge of everything and actually having some time to ourselves that won’t be interrupted by his communicator.” El crinkled her nose and giggled. “And don’t tell anyone I said this,” she said quietly, “but he’s trying to press the Counselor to let you come back to work when we get back to the station. He doesn’t like it when you’re not there, you know.”

“Neither do I. I hope Robin will agree. I haven’t told him about this proposal, and I don’t think he’d be thrilled about it, so soon after...everything. But I don’t like having too much time on my hands. So keep your fingers crossed. I can get a little time in before we all hit the trail for earth.”

“You know Rick. He can be pretty damned imposing when he wants something. Not with me, of course,” she said with a scoff. “He likes to pretend it’s so, but it’s not.”

“We know his soft spot is there, even if most don’t.” Li frowned a moment as another topic occurred to her. “Like Darwin. He doesn’t really know it’s there. He is...concerned at Rick putting himself in possible danger on this trip.”

“The way I understood it, we were all in almost mortal danger just taking our postings on 900. So going on this little jaunt is no different. Maybe Darwin just needs to be reminded of that. The base’s defenses add a little more protection for everyone, but even they can be compromised, just like this ship could be.”

“Agreed. I think that out here he’s worried that Rick is too exposed. I can understand that but it’s the admiral’s prerogative, no?” Li smiled for a moment. “It speaks volumes, though, for how protective Dar is of the Admiral. It’s in his nature. He can’t help it.”

“In his line of work that’s a good thing,” El agreed. “But he has to know he won’t win if he wants to butt heads with Rick. He’s going to do what he wants to do. The good thing is that when he does something like this he won’t blame anyone but himself if it goes south on him. I guess Darwin just hasn’t spent enough time around him to realize that.”

Li nodded. “I think so too. Maybe this trip will be a good chance for Darwin to do that. Sometimes it just takes a little time with someone to get used to them and find common ground. Often, you realize you have a lot more in common than you ever thought.”

“There is, of course, the problem of rank,” El’Shar added. “People will always be a little more protective of Rick because of his position with the fleet. You’ve known him forever, even before you were a captain, so you’re used to his shenanigans, to use one of his words. But someone like Darwin will still see the rank pips before anything else. That’s a hard thing to get past, especially because they drum it into you in the Academy and afterward. Rick’s not like the rest of the admiralty, though, and it drives him nuts sometimes that he can’t just get to know everyone like he knows you or Commander Zeferino.”

“Dad says the same thing.” Li reached for her mug and rose to return it to the replicator. “It gets hard on them I think to be at arm’s length. Hell, I get the same thing often so I understand. Darwin used to be that way until we went hunting for Suresh. He sort of regained it once we were home but then it changed after Sakkath died. So there is hope.”

“It’s hard to overlook the collars of those we want to call friend and have to call a superior. It just takes time. They’ll figure it out.”

“Well, we have almost 2 weeks of it.” Li smiled and resisted a yawn. “And on that note, I am going to hit the sack. Rick’s on duty the next four hours, then I’ll roust out Darwin for his turn. Just bang on the wall if you need me.”

“Will do. Sleep well, Li.”

“You too.”

* Li & Darwin’s Cabin *

Li stepped out and returned next door. Quietly, she slipped inside, not wanting to wake Darwin, her conversation with El replaying in her thoughts. She was so intent on that, her foot caught the end of her empty bunk and it knocked against the far wall.

“Damn,” she hissed as Darwin stirred. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Mmphf?” Darwin was awake but not yet verbal. Some might argue he wasn’t awake as he sat up and grabbed Li, pulling her back onto his bunk, wrapped in his arms. “Whadaryoudoin’?”, he slurred.

“Just sneaking in to get some sleep. Rick’s manning the conn for a shift,” she whispered. “What are you doing?”

“Waking up,” he shifted their positions and leaned in to kiss her. His hands went to familiar places.

She was silenced for several moments, both verbally and mentally, by Darwin. Finally she gathered her wits. “What about your promise?”

“What promise?” He didn’t have Edana in or on his mind; he had having sex in mind.

“Ed?” she murmured, even as he peeled her shirt off over her head. Max rose in her mind as well but Darwin’s mental presence there was too much, overshadowing him. He had gotten stronger, telepathically speaking, there was no mistaking it.

“She’s not here, Li,” he said, nuzzling her neck. “You’re thinking of Max and there’s an edge of... guilt?” He pulled back slightly.

”Yes.” She nodded slightly. “But perhaps not for the reason you think. You’re in my thoughts, take a look and see.”

He did. “Comfortable?” He drew back even more and sat on the edge of the bunk. “You think we’re getting too comfortable with each other? I don’t see why that’d be a problem?”

“Edana? I’m supposed to be getting married?” She reached out to slip her fingers through his hair. “I like being here but it’s complicated...for others.”

“They don’t have to know,” Darwin reasoned. “Well, Ed doesn’t. I suppose that Max will know whether you tell him or not.”

“Yes, he will. I don’t know that it will upset him too much but it does bother him more than he lets on. My question is, why do we keep coming back?”

“Why don’t we keep coming back? The sex is good, we work as friends with benefits. Why not?”

“Ed may have a reason for why not. So might Max. I don’t. What happens when coming back happens more than being apart?” LI slipped into his lap, facing him. “It could happen.”

“No offense, Li, but I don’t see that happening. Right now, we’re in close quarters, literally.” He glanced around the room. “For now, it’s easy for us to fall into bed with each other. Back on the station, though? You have your areas of the Station and I have mine.” He shrugged. “When we’re not tripping over each other... this won’t be as comfortable.”

She nodded. “True enough.” Finally she smiled. “Your situation at home is for you to deal with. I’ll stay out of the way.”

“Well, it’s the whole life in the Pit, being thought of as Suresh’s paid-off Security officer. It isn’t so difficult so much as just.... All encompassing.”

“I meant Edana. As for the Pit, many there think I’m Suresh’s side thing. It comes in handy at times, I’ll admit,” she replied. “It also helps his deception, since they all knew how obsessed he was...the old one I mean.”

“Yeah, it does. Edana is complicated. I’m not sure what’s going to happen there,” he said. He worried that Ed might have been a bit further along in the feelings department.

Li frowned. “Do you really?” She’d read the thought easily. She had wondered the same about Max but she hadn’t admitted it. Of course now, she realized Darwin would read it.

“I’ve never been one for the fast track in relationships.” He knew that’s why he liked dating Orions and women who were otherwise involved... like the married ops officer he sometimes saw. “What if she is ... in love with me? That’s not a great idea.”

“Why not?” Li asked. “You like a connection more than you let on, I think. We have one, though it’s less invasive than it was before. But your new abilities, you’re already using them more than you realize and you are in here.” she tapped her temple. “You have been since I stepped in the door.”

“Then teach me not to be there,” he said. “I’m fine not having a connection.”

“We have time for me to do that.” She stroked his face gently. “There’s a lot I need to teach you. And I lied a little,” she confessed. “I may not always be out of your way at home.”

“Good. I don’t want you out of my way,” he smiled and kissed her gently.

“We’ll figure it out.” She gave in to the kiss as he pulled her back down to the bed.

* Some time Later *

Li stirred as something woke her. Something had changed and she wasn’t quite awake enough to put her finger on it yet. She’d been deeply asleep, lost in mingled memories of hers and Darwin’s. She wanted to stay there for a while longer but it seemed that wasn’t to be.

“Dar?” she murmured. She tilted her head up to brush his cheek with a kiss. “Dar?”

“Hmm?” He woke with a mild start. “What’s wrong. Are you okay? Why are we awake?”

“I didn’t want to be. I wanted to be curled up with you, strolling through your mind and enjoying ourselves but…” She disentangled herself from Darwin and sat up. “Something’s coming.”

He touched her arm and breathed, “Oh, you can sense them from this far away? The ship hasn’t even...,” a klaxon went off, cutting him off. “Ah, there it is. Proximity alarm.” He started to get up, then realized he’d need to dump Li on the floor to do so.

She scrambled off of him and began to search for her clothes. Her comm badge had fallen off and she dropped to the floor to look for it.

He started to stand, saw her on the floor and joked, “Stay like that and this alert might have to wait.” He reached over her and grabbed his shirt, yanked it on, then looked for his pants and boots.

“Later.” She winked at him, and finally found her comm badge under the empty bunk. “We’re on our way,” she informed Rick and closed the channel. “As soon as I find my clothes.”

“I’ll take you up on that later,” he said, smiling. He found his other garments and dressed quickly before heading out of the quarters. He paused to look back, “Ready?”

“I am.” She straightened her shirt and attached her comm badge, then followed Darwin out.

Lt.Commander M. Darwin
Captain Li Hawke
Captain El’Shar Blackhorse (Ret.)
Admiral Rick Wegener


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