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Back To The Nest

Posted on Mon Jul 25th, 2016 @ 3:53am by Sam Elliott III & 2nd Lieutenant Jordan Holbridge

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Dormeil Prime

USS Firenza

Lt JD Holbridge sat at the helm of the diplomatic gunabout carefully monitoring ship's course and speed. Sam Elliott, CEO of Holbridge Industries, sat in the Ops chair quietly adjusting the ship's internal mechanisms. Amanda Fulton was in the passenger cabin with JD's sister, playing games with her to keep her distracted.

"Sam, what's going on with Dad?" JD asked, his voice tight with apprehension

"Dunno, kiddo!" Sam answered cheerily. "The good news is he wants Kim at the Nest with him, and that is one of the safest places in the galaxy."

JD nodded in agreement. "I can't argue that point. What worries me is why Dad suddenly wants to isolate himself at the Nest."

Sam stopped what he was doing and turned to look at the young man at the helm. "Son, your dad is one of the slickest, most skilled operators I know. He doesn't scare easily, if at all; and if something has him worried enough to issue a ZEPHYR alert, then.....well, the sooner we get Kim to the Nest the better off she will be."

JD looked at his instruments, his eyes growing hard. "Sam, I know you have been in my life since I was a boy and you know me well. But I'm also a Marine officer now and I can help."

"No, son, you can't! You are a damn good pilot, but you have no experience in combat, unconventional war tactics and strategies, or even escape and evade tactics. Your dad trained me and the rest of Team One to be operators like he was. Did he show you anything like that?"

"No," JD answered sullenly.

"I know you're a capable officer and flier, or else you wouldn't be on this mission with Amanda and I. My advice is to be the best flier you can be and leave the James Bond shit to your dad and us."

"'James Bind shit?'" JD repeated, confused.

"Yeah, you heard me. NGSC is a private security outfit, but we also take on assignments too sensitive for Starfleet or the Federation to acknowledge. Your dad's shipyard and NGSC are...well, let's just say they aren't what they seem to be. I will let your dad explain more when we get to the Nest."

JD simply nodded, concentrating on his instruments and tuning Sam out. The boy was no fool and knew his father was still involved with Intelligence operations. Jim never once told his son about his activities since his retirement from the Fleet, but somehow he had stumbled into a working relationship with the Fleet even as a civilian. Sam was right about one point, there was nothing in the galaxy that rattled his old man, unless it was Mom chewing his ass for a late night out. JD smiled at the memory of his Mom and Dad arguing good-naturedly in their home on Archadia Prime.

"Time to Dormeil Prime, Sam?" JD asked suddenly.

"Sixteen hours, seven minutes." Sam replied with a smile. "Why don't you rack out? If something major shakes loose, I'll call you."

JD rose from his chair and left the cockpit. Sam watched him go, thinking that the young Marine was going to be really angry when he was told he had to stay with his sister at the Nest. The authorization from Marine Command had just come through, assigning the young Holbridge to detached duty with NGSC operative Sam Elliott.

Sam simply transferred helm control to his station and kept on flying.


JD, Amanda, Sam, and Kim materialized inside the spacious summer palaceof the Governor of Dormeil Prime, who also happened to be the mother of David Lorenz. The entrance was dark. Sam went over to the wall and tapped on a control panel, and the lights came on. "Eddie, are you online?"

=/\=My program is active, Mr. Elliott,=/\= The Nest's artificial Intelligence voice replied.

"Where is Jim Holbridge?"

=/\=Mr. Holbridge has not been at this facility in nearly three years. Was he expected to come here soon?=/\=

"He was supposed to be here two weeks ago!" JD Holbridge muttered angrily.

"I have noted that Mr. Holbridge has initiated Condition: ZEPHYR. I have detected the presence of Jordan Holbridge and Kimberly Holbridge. Condition: ZEPHYR is now set."

Sam looked at JD and sighed. "I might as well tell you now, kid; Condition: ZEPHYR is a safeguard protocol Jim set up to keep his family safe. Members of his family and Team One are the only ones permitted access to this facility. If anyone else tries to gain access, the Nest will initiate Failsafe Mode and self-destruct, erasing Eddie and all records of NGSC, Team One, and Holbridge Industries."

"Uh, hate to disappoint you, Sam, but I am a Starfleet Marine pilt who has to get back to base..."

Sam held up the padd with JD's orders on it and grinned.

"Oh, yeah," JD sighed. "Guess I'll go see if my old room is still made up."

=/\=Mr. Jordan, this facility is no longer manned by domestic staffers. I am afraid your quarters are in an uninhabitable state. I will initiate self-cleaning sub-systems.=/\= Eddie reported.

JD simply walked up a flight of stairs, ignoring the AI's warning. "Ewwww, gross!" he exclaimed.

"Welcome home, kid," Sam muttered hauling his gear up the stairs to his old room.



Sam Elliott III

LT JD Holbridge
Annoyed Flyboy

Amanda Fulton
Babysitting Amazon


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