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Those Left Behind

Posted on Sun Sep 18th, 2016 @ 4:49pm by Major David Lorenz & 2nd Lieutenant Jordan Holbridge

Mission: Further Challenges


David sat in his chair behind his desk, staring in stunned silence at the padd in his hand. I, Captain Quentin Harrison, do hereby resign my commission as a Starfleet Marine officer, effective immediately. Lorenz read to himself, his eyes scarcely able to believe the words on the padd. Quentin was the textbook Marine, big, brawny, and badassed to the bone. He thrived in this unit, so why in Hell would he go off with Jim chasing some fairy tale happy ending? David's mind raced as he struggled to come to terms with his friends' abrupt departure.

The biggest hit came from the loss of Amanda Fulton. David and Amanda had been intimate for nearly a year, which was the longest relationship David had been in to date, minus his marriage of state. Lorenz had spent the night on a cot in his office, unwilling to go back to the quarters he and Amanda shared. Too many memories of the warm nights he had shared with the hot-blooded Xenexian woman, the mornings of warm intimacy, and a thousand others.

“Major, JD is here,” Chief Doyle announced.

“Show him in.” Dave sighed, turning on his man-in-charge mode. “Come on in, lieutenant,”

“Thank you, sir,” JD replied stonily, coming to the position of parade rest.

Great, the little one is copping an attitude, just like his dad would have, Dave thought ruefully. “When I called you here, I was hoping you would be receptive to a little advice, and I see now that you aren't. So, here's the situation; your father, along with Rhona and several other friends of ours, disappeared into deep space as of nine hours ago.”

JD's eyes widened a little, then refocused. “Understood, sir. Shall I go after them and bring them back to the station?”

Lorenz laughed. “Your dad taught me how to escape from cocky little jackasses like you. You will remain on the station and participate in the battle drills I have set up. Is that clear?”


Dave sighed. “If you need someone to talk to, I am here....”

“Why would I need someone to talk to, major?” JD almost shouted. “My father chose some refugee El-Aurian whore over his own son. He didn't even care enough to ask if I wanted to go with him, he just rounded up his buddies, my sister and his whore...”

“That's enough of that!” David snapped.

“....and jumped in his personal ship and left without so much as a 'see you 'round, son.' He didn't even have the balls to tell me he was leaving!”

Maybe because he knew you would still be angry with him for having Rhona in his life! David shot back, raising his voice. “He left like he did to protect you from what's coming!”

“What is that, sir? A ticker-tape parade down the Promenade for his whore??”

STAND DOWN, LIEUTENANT! Lorenz bellowed. When he regained his composure, David continued. “To answer your question, there is an inspector-general officer due here anytime. He was going to investigate the security incidents at the shipyards, but now he is going to be very interested in how and why your father disappeared, and with most of Team One.”

JD softened his voice. “Who is left, sir?”

“Me, Matt, and you. Matt has been approved to become chief engineer of the station once the inquiry is concluded. As for me, I am still in command of my unit. You were attached to my unit, so the inspector won't bother you very much. I have appointed Ray Benson as your lawyer, should you need one.

JD nodded, looking like he was going to cry. “He's really gone isn't he?” he whispered, his voice cracking. “When I was a kid, he was gone, flying fighters in some war or other, then he came home after his capture and drove Mom to leave. He stayed in touch, but it wasn't the same. When he and Mom got back together, I was ecstatic. The last four years were the best in my life. Then Mom died and it's like we lost him all over again. We finally get him back and wham, he's gone again, this time for good!” Tears were streaming down the young man's face. “Why did this happen? WHY, GODDAMIT!”

Dave quickly took the younger man into his arms and held him as he wept bitterly. “I wish I could answer that, son,” he whispered. “All we can do is honor your father's memory by going forward.” Lorenz wanted to tell JD that the man who orchestrated his father's demise was in a cell on this station, but thought the better of it.

“Lorenz to Dr. Swift's office; I have a young pilot who is going to need some therapy sessions. Can you set something up for Lt Holbridge, ASAP?”

=/\= We can take him today, major,=/\= was the reply of the automated Duty Officer.

“I'll send him there in a few. Lorenz out.” He pushed JD away from him and held him by the shoulders, looking him square in the eye. “Suck it up, Marine! We have enemies at the gates and I need you at 100%. Do you read me?”

“Aye, sir!” JD sniffed wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

“You will report to Dr. Swift after your scheduled patrol. Dismissed.”

As JD moved out, David wondered if he shouldn't schedule himself a few sessions with the headshrinker, but thought the better of it. I'm already fucked in the head, and that's too much!

“Doyle, get me a roster of replacements for Harrison.”


Major David Lorenz
Comforting Uncle


LT JD Holbridge
Grieving and Angry


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