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Posted on Mon Oct 10th, 2016 @ 7:25pm by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Commander T'Rowl N'Riss C.Phil & Lieutenant Janus Heyerdahl

Mission: Beyond The Wormhole
Location: IKS cha'Do / EFS Kohana

* IKS cha’Do *

“Darwin to the Kohana!” Darwin shouted into the comms. “Kohana, tell me you beamed over our crewmembers!” Sensors already told him they hadn’t, but... he was an eternal optimist. To Rick and Li, he said, “Their engines are down. The rift is closed. I’m reading only male biosigns on the Kohana.”

“Same,” Li answered. “I’m reading massive damage to their nacelles. Even with the Borg tech it will take several hours to get them mobile again. Kohana respond!” she ordered.

An unhappy chuff came across the comm then a grumbly N’Riss answered, “Kohana here. We are... assessing the damage... We have injured crew.”

“How many?” Li asked. “Darwin and I can transport over and assist if needed.”

N’Riss growled an agreement, “That would be good.”

“The cha’Do could dock in the Kohana’s main hangar; it’s large enough,” Darwin pointed out, glancing at Rick. “Transport or dock, sir?”

“Dock with the Kohana,” Rick replied. “We might be able to use some of our power to get them back up and running. You three take medical, I’ll get to engineering.”

Li nodded, then opened the channel again. “Open the docking bay, Kohana. We will be settled in just a few minutes,” Li informed them.

“Got it, Li.” The voice was Seren’s and Li visibly relaxed. “Kohana out.”

As the cha’Do maneuvered to the Kohana’s docking bay, Rick grumbled. “I loathe the idea of asking that stuck up bitch for any help with this ship,” he said, nodding toward the Borg cube. “It’s as Borg as she is, but at least it’s under our control.” He turned to Li. “Patch up who you can, but send me some engineers as soon as possible--anyone who can help. We need to get back to 900 on the double.”

“Agreed. Janus is there and from what I understand, the Kohana will have already begin to self-repair. I wouldn’t ask her either. I don’t trust that she wouldn’t booby trap it and we’d find out too late.” Li doubled checked the medkit and closed it with a snap. “Let’s go.”

Darwin had already picked up a medkit as well and was ready to go. The cha’Do’s hatch opened and he stepped off the ship into the green glow of a Borg ship.

** Kohana Engineering Section **

Before disappearing into engineering, Rick had stopped to check on each of the crew to see how badly they were injured. There was no time to waste but he wasn’t so cold-hearted that he wouldn’t take a few moments just to check on them. Now, however, he wished he’d assigned someone else to this job. The Borg enhancements had made figuring out the system a bit more of a task than he’d imagined. It had even changed since he was last aboard her, confusing him even more.

Trying to remember how to get the ship to ‘listen’ to him, like Six had shown him when they were all shot back in time, was also difficult. He finally resigned himself to the good, old-fashioned tapping on monitors to work on things.

Life support was holding at 93%. Shields were at 42% but he could extend the shields of the cha’Do around it from the outside if needed. The engines, however, he was having trouble with. They needed to come back up and soon. He growled in frustration when he heard someone enter the room.

“Admiral Wegener,” Janus greeted him. “Welcome to the ship, such as it is right now.” He stopped at the monitor mounted next to the warp drive and scanned it with a frown.

“Your face makes me less relieved to see an engineering officer, Lieutenant,” Rick said, trying to smile. “What’s the problem?”

“Direct hits to the engines,” Janus replied. “GIven the similarities in the two ships, Niro’s crew knew just where to aim.” He watched as the monitor next to Rick changed and the admiral’s picture appeared there. “I think it recognizes you.”

“Then maybe it recognizes that I’m not in the mood to fiddle about. Can’t this thing fix itself? I seem to recall that from the last time.”

Janus nodded. “It’s already begun.” He touched the screen and when the display changed, pointed to the schematic that appeared. “See here? You can watch the progress. This looks as if it will take several hours though. If Six was here, she could speed it up quite a bit but since the nanites have to replicate to replace those lost, it’s causing the delay.”

Another frustrated growl. “What if we scavenge parts from the cha’Do to augment what the Kohana is doing? Will that help?”

“I don’t think they would be compatible, actually, sir.” Janus paused a moment, then continued. “What’s the deal with that cube? Why haven’t they attacked? It was the reason Niro pulled back through the rift. Well, one of the reasons.”

“It’s a long story, but the short version is that we have a temporary truce due to a common enemy.” He could tell Janus was still uneasy. Clapping his shoulder he added, “I’m not comfortable with them being here either, but they did help us pull you all out and I have the Queen’s assurances, such as it is, that none of us will be harmed.”

Janus studied him a moment, then finally nodded. “I suppose if they wanted you, or us, we’d all be part of the hive by now. Let’s do it. We have another big question too....the female crew. Right now we have no possibility of opening that rift.”

Rick though for a moment. With a heavy sigh, he replied, “We’ll have to deploy a buoy to mark this location and come back later. We have more pressing matters. The Krenim are currently planning an attack on the base. Oddly enough, the Borg are hanging around here to go with us and help defend. I don’t want to leave anyone behind, but I can’t forsake the entirety of the base’s occupants for a handful of personnel.”

“I think they would understand, sir.” Despite the subject at hand, Janus smiled. “Besides, I think that Niro is a little afraid of Six. After what she said to him, I would be too.”

“Kicking ass and taking names all over the place, is she?”

“No, but she raises her hand and points it at him and he backs off.” Janus made one more adjustment on the control panel. “So are you going to call the Queen?”

“You have no idea how much I loathe asking her.” He paused, pondering all that could go wrong in his mind. “But I guess we’re going to have to if we want to get up and running again soon.”

“Where are the Krenim now?”

“They were about four days out. That’s why we need to get running sooner rather than later.

“Then we should do this and get home. They need time to prepare and they need to start now.” Janus tapped the panel and turned back to Rick. “Channel open, sir.”

Rick gritted his teeth. He hated doing this, but everyone on the station depended on it. “Wegener to...the Borg.”

Admiral Rick Wegener
Captain Li Hawke
Lt. Commander MIchael Darwin
Lt. Commander T’Rowl N’Riss
Lt. Janus Heyerdahl


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