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Trouble in our own backyard...

Posted on Wed May 25th, 2011 @ 4:24pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Various

=Commodore's Ready Room, Bridge, USS Arizona=

Commodore Nathan Cowell had been amazed at just how quickly things had been moving. Not even two days in port, and the entire hull had been repairs, as well at the most critical of systems. If Nathan had ever seen a more motivated bunch of people, he couldn't recall them. They had, however, more than likely done it in violation of his shore leave policy, that being twelve on and thirty-six off. Under normal circumstances, the old man most likely would have raised a rather large mess of hell over it, but with everyone still reeling from the attack, it didn't seem overly useful to condemn anyone for wanting to put their lives back together as fast as humanly possible.

"Bridge to Commodore Cowell," the sudden announcement came through the comm, forcing Nathan to set down his PADD or else he probably wouldn't give it much attention.

"What is it?" Nathan asked grumpily.

"We've received a message from the Starbase Operations Center, Admiral Wegener wishes to speak with you in his office as soon as you can make it up there," the officer relaying the message offered up.

"Fine..." Nathan grunted and closed the channel via his desk, only to open another one to the transporter room.

"Merriweather!" Nathan bellowed, the sound of tools clattering to the ground the reception his yell received. A smirk graced his face as the Chief regained his composure.

"Yes Commodore?" the man asked meekly.

"Sight to sight transport, from my Ready Room to Admiral Wegener's Office, yesterday!" Nathan ordered as he rose to his feet.

"Are you sure, sir? Won't the Admiral be upset with you suddenly beaming in like this?" the Transporter Chief dared asked.

"He said ASAP, this is as ASAP as I can manage... make it happen, son!" Doc Cowell demanded.

The reply Nathan was given was that of his body suddenly feeling the cool stream of the matter stream wash over him, moving him instantaneously from his position aboard the Arizona to that of the Admiral's Office aboard Starbase 900.

"You rang?" Nathan asked what would most likely be a slightly bewildered, if not down right flabbergasted Admiral... not that Nathan gave a damn.

Ricky couldn't help but chuckle at Nathan's grand entrance. "You really know how to enter a room, Nathan," he said, walking towards the man for a formal introduction. "Commodore Nathan Cowell, it is a pleasure to meet you, finally. Rear Admiral Ricky Wegener." He stuck his hand out towards the much shorter man and awaited a return.

"I'm sure it is," Nathan said, giving the man a handshake that might have easily come from a man who looked about half his age, "So what's with all the urgency? Somebody get thrown in the brig from my boat?"

"I think you may have mistaken my message, Commodore," Ricky said as he returned to his desk. "I asked for you to come as soon as you could make it up, not immediately. Meaning, you could have taken your time." He waggled his eyebrows as he sat, and invited Nathan to do the same. "But, since you're here, I have your next mission for you."

"Faster I get here, the faster I can get out of your hair," Nathan said bluntly as he took the offered seat, "So what's been happening? Didn't expect a new mission so quick."

Ricky appreciated the man's candor, but it was obvious they wouldn't exactly become drinking buddies easily. "It's the Archadian Confederacy," he said, slidding a large PADD across the desk, "One of the protectorates in these parts. It appears that they've suddenly become cut off from all communication with us. I didn't even have to tell the higher ups about this one to know that this may be a big problem."

Nathan frowned, "Are we thinking attack, disaster, what?"

"That's the problem," Ricky replied, "We have no idea. What contact we'd been making had been through subspace communications. Now, those have stopped altogether. You're gonna' have to put boots on the ground and find out what's happening. If we need to divert resources to rebuild them, or defend them, let me know and I'll send everything I can get my hands on."

He sighed, "They're not called 'protectorate' for nothing."

"Yeah, I get that part..." Nathan said gruffly, "What I meant was, did we have any intelligence that might suggest what could be happening, or are we flying out there into the unknown. I'd like to have at least some idea before I go waltzing in there like I belong there. Not that you could tell... but I'm not much of a diplomat, so if I need to brush up on being nice to people, I'd be better off with enough time to practice..."

"Well, you may not be the best diplomat in the world, but I need someone with some real authority out there. With you as my XO, you have it." He shifted in his seat. "I gotta' admit, I'm a bit concerned that another power has sent representatives out there to steal them away. Granted, if that's what the Archadians choose, so be it, but I want it to be their choice and not something coerced."

Nathan's brow drew down at the mention of another power. This might very well be what Commodore Pike and Lt. DeVries had been talking about...

"I'll handle this," Nathan declared suddenly, "We'll be leaving as soon as I can get the green light from my Chief Engineer. I'll be sending you some requisitions shortly... I've been carrying a lot of tri-cobalt devices lately, never know when you need them... hope you have about a hundred to spare me..."

"I'm sure you know how important this is, Nathan. If we didn't have their permission to be in the Archadia System, we'd have to move Starbase 900 somewhere else. So, do what it is you do and get to the bottom of it." He looked at the base manifest. "We have ten tricobalt torpedoes, but we do have industrial replicators. I'll put the order in and have them sent directly to you."

"Good," the Commodore said, getting to his feet, "Sounds like I have some work to do. I'll get at it then..."

Without waiting for the Admiral, Nathan slapped his combadge, "Merriweather!"

Again the sound of equipment clattering to the floor could be heard coming from the link, "Aye sir?"

Nathan smirked at the timid sound of the man's voice, "Bring me home!"

"Right away!" the man said.

"That's how you run a boat..." the old man smirked before shimmering out of existence.


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