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Posted on Fri Dec 2nd, 2011 @ 4:20pm by Captain Claudia Drake

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: SF Academy, San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: 2 Weeks Ago

The Hall was filled to capacity, from her seated position on the stage Claudia could see the 3 hundred or so expectant faces of the future of Starfleet looking up at her and the collected staff of the Academy. As a Dean she was seated in the front row along with the Commandant and her fellow Dean of Operations. Alongside them sat Admiral William Ross, and a few other Admirals from different branches. They were already 30 minutes into the ceremony, with the graduating class having listened to speeches from several prominent Starfleet Officers, and dignitaries from the Federation. The Salutatorian of the class had opened the ceremony with a long winded speech about trust, honour and loyalty, the usually stuff.

It was usually at about this point in the ceremony that Claudia would take her place at the end of the stage and read out a the list of names, and each one of them would come to her and salute, before making their way to the centre of the stage where they would salute the Commandant and other staff, before leaving the stage to take their place back in the auditorium. But not this time, as Claudia was about to stand up, Commandant Stocker made his way to the podium, "Assembled guests, in a change to the published order of ceremony, I would ask you all please be up-standing for the President of the United Federation of Planets. Cadets; ATTEN-TION!"

A hushed silence ran through the large cavernous room, the Cadets knew that the President very rarely attended graduation ceremonies, and when one did it was usually during a time of war to give a rousing speech to give hope to the troops. The room was suddenly filled with the anthem of the United Federation of Planets, and at the far end of the stage a transporter beam activated, placing the President Hisrak in full view of the staff on the stage and the graduating class. As he walked across the stage he was met with rapterous applause from the Cadets and their families, as he reached the centre of the stage he turned his back on the cadets and faced the Staff, each of them in their dress uniforms worn under their formal academic robes. He slowly bowed his head as academic protocol required, and moved to podium where Stocker stood. The Commodore saluted the President who smiled and returned it, then shook his hand.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United Federation of Planets" the applause crew to a crescendo and stopped as the President took control of the podium, "Thank you; thank you." he said with a broad smile and the occasional raising of a hand, Claudia looked at the man, he had changed a lot since his days at the Academy, although he was still expertly coiffured within an inch of his life, "Believe it or not, some 30 years ago, I was sitting exactly where you are. I was celebrating 4 years of hard work, the best 4 years of my life." he smiled again, "It was the proudest day of my life, and the start of a career that finally led me to where I am today." he looked around, he knew how to work an audience, "I am sure a lot has changed in 30 years, but in those 30 years, one thing has always remained the same. Claudia Drake." he turned to face Claudia, and gestured for her to come to him. Claudia stood up and made her way towards the President. As she walked, she was also met with loud applause from the auditorium, "Professor Drake, or Prof Duckie as we affectionately called her in my time here, has served in Starfleet for 212 years. She has dedicated the last century of that career to educating the future generations of Starfleet officers. You are all aware of Professor Drakes achievements in her lengthy career, and we don't have the time necessary to fully catalogue them. This morning I signed two of the most pleasant orders of my time as President. As of today Commander Claudia Drake was promoted to the rank of Captain with all the rights and privileges held there-in." there was another round of applause and several 'woop' calls from some of the Cadets. "The second is also in recognition of Captain Drake's dedication to principles of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets." he paused as Commodore Stocker lifted a small velvet box and opened it, "As of this day, it is my great honour and pleasure to announce that Professor Claudia Drake, is here-by awarded the Medal of Honour for her meritorious, distinguished and dedicated service to the United Federation of Planets."

He lifted the large neck ribbon and medal from the box and Claudia removed her mortar board, he placed it around her neck and saluted her. The Entire room fell into silence, and the Cadets and Starfleet personnel came to attention and rendured a salute. Claudia turned around to face the Cadets and bowed, a tear forming in her right eye. She was lost for words, and was shocked by the sudden cheers and applause triggered by the President and the Academy staff clapping. She looked around and smiled, and heard a chant begin to resound around the auditorium, "Drake! Drake! Drake! Drake! Drake! Drake! Drake! Drake!" it reached a crescendo before the President spoke again.

"I would like to ask Professor Duckie to say a few words."

Claudia turned and looked at him, she had not been expecting to make a speech. She smiled and walked towards the podium, the chant of 'Drake! Drake! Drake! Drake! Drake! Drake!' still echoing throughout the auditorium.

"Mark this day in your diary everyone, today I am at a complete loss for words" she smiled and was met with a large burst of laughter from the hall. She stood in silence for a few minutes, trying to gather her thoughts., "I really don't know what to say, other than to thank you." she turned to the President, "Thank you Mr President for deciding to bestow this great honour upon me. Thank you to my colleagues at the Academy who have put up with my eccentricities for over a century." she then turned to the cadets, "And most of all, thank you. Without people like you wanting to become Starfleet Officers, to take up the mantel of exploration and discovery, I would not have been able to serve for so long."

She smiled, "Ex astris's a phrase we all see on a daily basis, but have you ever stopped to consider what it actually means? Not only the words, but the idea and ethos behind it, and what it means to you." she looked around, "It is from a language that died out a long time ago, even before I was born," she smiled and there was some laughter in the room, "From the stars comes knowledge...after all that is the entire reason we are here. We have all realised that our own destiny does not lie within the confines of the world on which we were born, that our true destiny is to reach into the heavens and expand our knowledge, not just for it's own sake, but for the betterment of all. You have decided to dedicate your lives to the expansion of understanding." she paused, "In my short, yet colourful, life I have seen 216 graduating class, that is over 500,000 young people make the ultimate oath to dedicate their lives for the Federation and our founding ideals. That may mean dedicating your life to better others, or giving your life in the defence of others, either way I am proud to have had some small input into helping you reach this point. I thank you all for the privilege and honour of allowing me to play a part in your lives. Thank you."

Claudia was suddenly awash with applause from the auditorium, and saw that the entire assembly were standing, giving her an ovation. She wiped a tear from her eye, "Now then, back to the reason we are all here. You're commissioning." she smiled, "Mr President I am sure the graduands would be honour for you to assist in the next stage of the ceremony."

The President nodded, "I would be honoured Captain Drake" her said as he walked over to the other side of the stage with the Commodore Stocker and Admiral Ross where a table was set out with rolled up scrolls and appropriate pips.

Claudia cleared her throat and began to call out the names of the class members, "Anjanka Aabana, Shimon Abraham, Anrik of Vulcan...."

It took close to 40 minutes for each person to come to the stage, take their scroll and shake hands with the President, Admiral and Commodore. Once it was completed, Claudia turned to them, "All graduands please stand for the oath of office." As they stood, Claudia spoke in a commanding and clear voice,

"I, your name, do solemnly swear and affirm that I will support and defend the Charter of the United Federation of Planets against all enemies, foreign and domestic; I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and will observe and obey all orders of the President, his successors and of the admirals and officers set over me. I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."

As the Cadets repeated the oath with their right arm raised, Claudia could feel the pride emanating from them. Once completed she turned to the assembled Academy Staff. "Assembly, ATTEN-TION!". They all stood up and came to attention and rendered salutes towards the Cadets. After that they broke out into applause, Claudia spoke from the podium again, "I present to you the Class of 2386." the room burst into applause and cheers again, with Cadets hugging one another and running to find their families. Claudia smiled and stepped away from the podium as the academy staff began to leave their allocated places and mingle with each other. Soon would follow the large drink reception and the Cadets painting the San Francisco red before leaving for their assignments.

Claudia walked across the stage towards the group of Admirals fawning around the President, as she approached him he smiled, "Captain Drake."

"Professor Duckie?" she said incredulously, "We agreed that ended when you retired from Starleet!" she laughed deeply and walked out with the group towards the free drinks.


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