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Addressing an Issue

Posted on Wed Dec 14th, 2011 @ 4:31am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Wegener's Office

After having gotten qeraQ' settled from his return, Rick had one more item on his list of duties that needed to be addressed. He tapped his commbadge. "Hope, contact Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e and have him report to my office."

=^= Yes, sir. =^= came the reply.

** Admiral's Office **

Rick took a glass of water with lemon from the replicator and waited for the Caitian to arrive. It didn't take long. He was nothing if not punctual.

Kit'rin'e had expected this, still confident in his resolve that what he did was right, even if his ways permitted him to kill the man for what he did. Leaving him alive, devoid of the luxury of freedom was punishment enough along with some time in Sickbay to patch him up. Dressed in his uniform it only took him a few moments to arrive, he didn't want to keep the Admiral waiting but Caitians were by nature on time, polite and friendly sorts. Kit'rin'e arrived in the foyer and Lt. Beckman signaled the doors to open for him.

Rick stood when the doors opened, as he tried to do with all guests, and asked him to sit. "Welcome, Commander." Rick sat as well. "I'm sure you probably know why you're here."

It didn't take much. "The incident on the Promenade." Kit'rin'e replied. He doubted the Admiral would be interested in a small domestic violence complaint.

The Admiral drank from his glass. "Don't worry, I'm not going to come down hard on you. Hell, if I had been born with your skills and prowess I would have probably done the exact same thing. But," he said, picking up the glass again and holding it, "you have to remember that, whether you're on duty or not, you're a Starfleet officer. Do only what you must do, not what you can do. I'm sure you could have torn that man in half, but it would have been a bit of overkill."

"He is lucky to be alive, my Mate stopped me." Perhaps the Admiral's first hint that Sulan held such a control over him. "In the early stages of bonding the scent of my Mate is important to me, when he stole from my Mate I could smell his scent on her." Were he on Cait, he would have killed the man especially since the act of touch and theft was seen by so many others. "A disruption in her scent has troubles consequences for me, my Mate washes her hands and arms after work because she comes into contact with so many given what she does." Highlighting that scent, at this early stage of bonding has a major effect on him and his stability and just how far he'd go to protect it.

"I completely understand," Ricky said. "And I'm not one to tread on your race's traditions by any means. I just want you to bear in mind that, while you do have your own traditions to uphold, you may have to curb them a bit when it comes to this sort of thing. Starfleet does not look kindly on its officers maiming others. Imagine what would have been done to you on a world that doesn't recognize the Federation, or is unwilling to work with us at all? You could have been imprisoned, or worse. I would not like that to happen, especially to someone who has just started a relationship, or to your mate. Not to mention the fact that I would be losing a good officer and a good person." He despised using the word 'person' as it was more of a human acknowledgement, but 'being' just sounded so cold. He hoped Kit'rin'e wouldn't object to it.

He understood the Admiral, however was loath to go into more detail about Caitian customs and traditions to an 'outsider' or non Caitian. His Mate however being the only exception. "Understood." A simple one word reply.

There was a brief silence in the room as Ricky listened to the reply. "Well...uh, I guess that's all I have. I won't keep you any longer. Dismissed."

Rick watched as the large Caitain stood and, with a nod, exited the office. "I'm sure glad I wasn't on the receiving end of that one," he muttered as the doors closed behind Kit'rin'e.

A joint post by:

LCDR Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Ops


VADM Wegener
CO, SB900


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