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Forewarned Is Forearmed

Posted on Wed Jan 11th, 2012 @ 1:27pm by Captain Li Hawke & & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Admiral Wegener's Office
Timeline: Following 'Redux'

Li emerged from her quarters, a woman on a mission. She wanted more than anything to go straight to Sakkath but first things first. Admiral Wegener had insisted some time ago that he be kept in the loop regarding the crystal developments, and she intended to follow through. It was late, very late, but an emergency call to him as she went roused him and he agreed to meet her at his office. Another thought occurred to her as well - Connor would be the perfect one to describe, from a mental standpoint, what they were likely to be facing tonight, thus lending a better perspective on the immediacy of the situation. Once she entered the turbolift, she put through a call to Connor, requesting he meet her at the Admiral's Office.

The turbolift doors opened, and Connor entered, his hand going over his chin as he took her in. "Li...what's going on ? Does this have to do with Sakkath summoning me to...?"

"It has everything to do with that Connor." She rubbed her eyes, muttering at their sleepy, sandpaper feel. " Rhys has done it. He's there, in Sakkath. Things got really strange in his office. We talked a good five minutes, then he shifted a bit and didn't even seem to realize he'd already greeted me. We went to the Nexus and he...." She stopped a moment, shaking her head. "He ran out and cut all communication, afraid he would hurt me. He called you to the science lab, yes? He intends to end this thing."

"Yes." Weary himself, stressed, Connor turned away, running his hand along the back of his neck, "Damn...this is my fault."

"Not at all. There was no way to predict any of this. He's dead, Connor! At least he is supposed to be." She sighed, rubbing her eyes as the turbo lift stopped and they proceeded down the corridor.

"I should have kept Sakkath for observation. From the moment I had those test results, I was responsible." Connor paused before adding, "He requested the crystal, along with neurocortical monitor."

"You cannot foresee everything, Connor. And as sure as we figured it out, Rhys would change his plans." She laid a hand on his arm, giving it a squeeze. "Sakkath will do whatever is necessary, once and for all."

The two arrived at Ricky's office, where, at the time of day, he waited in the foyer since Hope was now off duty. They found him leaning back in her chair with his feet up on the desk.

"I take it this is rather important?" he asked. They seemed shocked to see him, not in his uniform, but in worn blue jeans and a Starfleet Academy t-shirt. For an old El-Aurian, they could see he was in pretty damn good shape.

Quickly composing himself, Connor replied firmly, "Aye it is, Sir. We need to speak to you about Sakkath."

Thumbing the hidden switch that opened his office doors, he walked in with the two right behind him. "Let's have it," he said, not wasting any time.

Li composed her jumbled thought as well as she could and gave him a quick rundown of the episode on Sakkath's office, then the Nexus. "It is my belief that he is drawing near to a final solution, and we are on our way there now. I have taken some precautions to seal that area physically if it becomes necessary, and it will be shielded mentally, with....Iggy's help. Somehow, I think she is going to be a key to ending all this. This may sound crazy but this energy that is Rhys seems wary and fearful of her."

"I can see how he would be--she's a big goddamn spider!" Ricky said, his eyebrow cocked.

Connor looked down and away, shaking his head as he looked back to her, "I don't trust her."

This piqued Rick's interest. "Why is that, Doc?"

"She's a Terran arachnid, suddenly, unnaturally sentient, possibly by an alien crystal we barely understand. For all we know, her sentience, her consciousness, could be of the crystal itself, 'n' not her own." Connor worked his facial muscles, running a tired hand behind his neck, "We don't know what we are dealing with, not yet, 'n' yet somehow she's crawled her way into favor with some on the Senior Staff on this Starbase, enough so that Sakkath trusted her enough to mindmeld with her! I don't like it."

"That's because she seemed to have the ability to fend off Rhys. I've seen it myself. At this point, we'll need her." Li looked from one to the other. "If she becomes a problem, she is far easier to deal with after."

Rick harrumphed. "A little beer and she's toast." He smiled at the thought then looked to Li. "So, what do you need me to do?"

"From my side, stand by. I have no idea how this is going to go, but we may need to get hold of you quickly. I've set up an emergency message too, just in case. If the computer doesn't hear from me in a specified time, it will alert you." She turned now to Connor. "What about you Connor? Any last ideas?"

Connor was rubbing a hand across his forehead, "I have a Vulcan Healer meeting us in the lab," he extended the hand out, excepting defeat where Iggy was concerned for the time being, "She will be monitoring him, assisting him in any way she is needed. She'll be bringing with her Tetramyzol. It's a mild Vulcan sedative. It temporarily lowers brain activity n' induces crash, in cases of a mind meld in strife. I'm prepared to use it if he loses control."

"I'm not the doc, you are, but let's make sure we're using the correct amount," Ricky said. "I don't want to lose a good man, or a good operations officer." He paused. "Well, don't waste time here with me. Get down there and help him out. And if you haven't already done so, call a security team to stand by. He is Vulcan, after all. They can get pretty rowdy."

Swallowing down the Admiral's need to remind him on the correct amount of the sedative, Connor's eyes remained on his as he quickly turned away. Nothing more needing to be said, both he and Li were on their way out the door.


Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener
Commanding Officer
Starbase 900

Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase 900

Lt. Commander Connor McKinney
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase 900


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