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Out of Uniform

Posted on Wed May 18th, 2011 @ 5:00pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: SB900 -- Wegener's Office

Captain Bradley Harrison had heard that the Task Force 38 Commanding Officer had finally arrived at Starbase 900. Although his orders had him heading to Task Force 86 very shortly, he felt uneasy that the orders were not legit. He wanted approval from Rear Admiral Wegener that the orders were true and that they were heading out of the Delta Quadrant as quickly as they got here. Something had to be wrong with the operations around "The Triangle" for Starfleet and the Fourth Fleet Command to pull the Columbia as quickly as they did, and without even test the Galaxy class in the Delta Quadrant. Bradley's mind was running at a mile a minute; he was happy to be getting out of the Delta Quadrant, but upset that he would again not be able to explore the one region of space that has fascinated him since his time at the Academy. Having spent years in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, and the time with Task Force 9 in the Gamma Quadrant, the Delta Quadrant was a place he wanted to spend some time and see what was out there. It was not meant to be, well, at least until he confirmed the transfer orders.

Bradley, fixed up his Captain pips and saw the door to the Rear Admiral's office. He walked up and notified the aide that he needed to see the Admiral.

* * * *

Rick still hadn't had much time to get everything settled in his new office before the business of being busy fell upon him. He had just promoted one to Chief of Security for the base and was still waiting on his XO to finally arrive. As he hung a commemorative plaque on the wall behind his desk, just beside his diplomas when his terminal chirped. =^= Admiral, there is a Captain Harrison here to see you. =^=

"Send him in, but warn him of the mess!" he said, his back still turned to the door. Hearing it open, he turned and found the Australian standing in front of his desk. He circled and offered his hand, which the Captain took to shake firmly.

"Sir. Captain Bradley J. Harrison, Commanding Officer of the USS Columbia at your service. The Columbia has docked here for some rest after our journey through the gateway after service in the Neutral Zone with Task Force 93. I do have one question, Sir" he asked

"Fire away," Ricky said, now sitting behind his own desk.

"I received these orders when I arrived, which was a couple of days before you and the Berkley, which I saw docking earlier. The orders are for us to head back to Task Force 86 operations in the Triangle between the Romulans, Klingons and Federation. I am unsure if they are correct, and why the Fourth Fleet Command has asked us to go so soon after arriving here in the Delta Quadrant" spoke Bradley, he was feeling nervous

Ricky smiled. "I made the decision to send you back. They're hurting in 86 for commanding officers with your type of experience. I thought I would help them out by sending one of my most experienced to take control of a task group there."

"Well, can't argue with that, Admiral" finished Bradley, as he turned to leave the room

"Slow down, big guy," Ricky said. "You might miss something important." The admiral opened a drawer, took something out, and tossed it to Harrison. "You're being reinstated to the rank of Commodore."

"Are you serious, Admiral?" exclaimed Bradley, quite shocked to hear the word "Commodore"

"Do I look like a bullshitter?" he shot back. "You're out of uniform, Commodore Harrison." He smiled.

"Well, thank you, Admiral for this, I won't disappoint, and if you will excuse me, I will be on my way to prepare for departure in the coming days to head back to the Beta Quadrant. Thank You, Admiral" said Bradley, as he left and pulled off to the side, so Ricky could not see him, as he started a little song and dance by himself, as a young Ensign saw him and wondered why the Commodore was dancing. Bradley could not dance, and he looked crazy doing that. He walked back through the promenade and felt so much better with himself, things were again starting to look up


A joint post by:

RADM Ricky Wegener
Commanding Officer
Starbase 900
TF38 Commanding Officer


Commodore Bradley J. Harrison, PhD
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia
(written by Leam)


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