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Call Me Steve

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 4:08am by Captain Claudia Drake & Master Chief Petty Officer Daniel Brooke

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Ops - SB900
Timeline: Current

Claudia walked into Ops of Starbase 900 and looked around, a few meters away seated at a terminal was the Task Force Master Chief Petty Officer Brooke. She walked towards him, she still hadn't changed into a uniform, not really thinking it was appropriate to be walking around an active space station in a Commander's uniform, it may have cause some confusion amongst the junior ranks.

She heard the cane clip across the decking, "Ah Master Chief" she said with a smile then she lent in conspiratorially, "Can I call you Daniel? I am not big on this whole rank, sir, ma'am bollocks." she smiled and offered him her hand, "I didn't get a chance to meet you properly at the meeting."

"Whatever floats your boat, Ms. Drake. What can I do for you?" Danny offered with a friendly smile.

"Please call me Claudia," she said lent against one of the terminals, "It would appear I was somewhat insensitive during the staff meeting." She paused for a moment and then continued to speak, "I focused only on the Commissioned Officer aspect of the Academy, and did not mention the training opportunities we will have for the Enlisted trainees. I am hoping to get a basic training course set up here and in the future then some specialist courses to allow enlistees to progress through the specialist rates"

"You weren't the first to forget about the working man, and you certainly won't be the last," the Master Chief chuckled at the apology, "But if we're being honest with ourselves here, then we might as well cut the crap and recognize the trend the recruitment department has been on since... hell, the Dominion War. We've been pushing garbage into the training camps, passing them even when they don't meet even the minimum standard just so we have some warm bodies on post. Much as I like seeing a full roster, Claudia, I'd rather have to joggle a schedule than have some shit bagger taking up precious oxygen on a posting that needs professionals."

Danny grabbed a PADD that was laying not far from him, "I think today alone I had to sign about a hundred different discharge requests from various postings, not just this station... And all of them for sailors who should have never made it past boot camp. If you want to do the enlisted ranks any favors, you need to first and foremost find people to run it that will stick to standards. Once you got that down pat, A-Schools aren't much in the way of difficult."

Claudia listened intently to the man, "I am not, nor have I ever been an enlisted-man. My colleagues on Earth nor myself are experienced in the life of the Enlisted to fairly decide who is fit to under-go basic training." she looked at him, "That is one of the reasons I have sought you out. I would like you, and the other senior Enlisted on SB900 to form a group to help me select and train the recruits."

Danny couldn't help but laugh, "You get a group of Master Chiefs together and the only thing they will be able to agree on is that they can't agree to a damn thing. If you want my opinion as the top dog on the pile, I'd have to say that the best thing you can do for your recruits and for Starfleet is to stick to standards. Standards on weight and fitness, discipline and integrity, performance and proficiency... these are the things that should never be compromised just to fulfill the warm body quota. You don't need a panel of Chiefs to tell you that those are the cornerstones of a good sailor."

After mulling it over for a second, "If you want, I could run a squad or two through boot, give me something to do in my down time. Been a while since I yelled at anyone for the sake of yelling. Might be good for a recruit company to have an old hand slap the snot off their baby faces."

Claudia looked at him, "Education has changed somewhat Daniel, we prefer a more experiential style of learning, rather than shouting and screaming. The whole 'break them down to build them back up'- thing is kinda out-dated" she smiled slightly, "I am going to being through some Training Petty Officers' from the main Academy to help, and I would be grateful for any help you could provide."

"Well, hate to nay say, but a good boot in the ass has done more for some people than coddling ever did, but it's your baby," the Master Chief shrugged it off, "Just give me a holler when you need something, I'll do what I can."

"It's not my baby Daniel, it's a job I have to do" she smiled as she made a move to walk away, "I will be sure to contact you if I need anything."

"You know where to find me, Claudia," the man chuckled before returning to his own work.


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