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Umm...Good Morning

Posted on Fri Jul 6th, 2012 @ 7:19pm by Ensign Kai Sarkozi & Lieutenant Zachary Chase

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Kai's Quarters
Timeline: Just Before "In With The New; Out With The Old"

* * * Kai’s Quarters * * *

A hideous pounding in her head rudely prodded Kai towards wakefulness, and it was a painful process indeed. Her brain was fuzzy, leaving her thoughts fractured, especially where last night was concerned. She recalled the summit clearly, then changing to go to the Nexus. Things were hazy after that. One thing she did know was that the warmth in her bed was not an extra blanket. A vague, pleasant ache lingered in her thighs and other lower regions and she smiled. The remnants of her dream returned....Gilroy.... Fate smiled upon her, however, and before she could whisper the name, a flash of clarity hit - the images of Chase pulling her into a kiss, lifting her, carrying her off to bed. Chase?

“Merde! Je suis perché!” she whispered as she forced her eyes open.

“Ah... yeah, you have been.” A smarmy smile on Chase’s face let her know he’d enjoyed it, too. He was coming back from the living area, carrying a tray with orange juice, strawberries and toast. He didn’t know French, but the computer did a decent translation. “Quite well, too.”

“Ohhhhh....good morning. My kills me.” Kai’s internal distress at seeing the wrong security man walk through her bedroom door played hell with her English. At least her stomach was cooperating and the food actually looked good. She started to sit up but the pounding in her head increased and she collapsed back into the pillows.

“Stay,” he ordered her as he placed the tray on the bed then went back out. He came back with two pills and handed them to her. This time, it was unlikely she’d miss that he hadn’t bothered to pull any clothing on before getting her breakfast. “You had a bit to drink last night,” he smiled as he leaned in and kissed her neck. “Normally I wouldn’t take a girl home in that condition, but... you were insistent, Kai.”

She closed her eyes as his lips brushed her throat. The sudden stirring deep within her was a surprise. Apparently, last night had been most enjoyable, judging by Chase’s manner. With her eyes still closed, she saw him as he stood by her bed, completely nude, and she had to admit, he was incredible.

“So beautiful you are Chase,” she murmured.

“I know, babe,” he smiled smugly. “Go on, take those pills. I need a shower, and then I need to get to work. Zeferino wants me for something.” He rolled his eyes, as if to say, ‘Bosses, they suck, right?’

She sat up and swallowed the pills with the orange juice. Setting it aside, another moment of clarity hit and she recalled his words form the night before.

“I don’t want this to be just a one-off, Kai....I wouldn’t want you to lose respect for me...”

“Then let’s see how it goes....”

Had she really agreed? Apparently so, he seemed so very comfortable being here and rather happy. That kiss to her neck? Just as revealing. But what about....? She pushed that thought aside, she had to deal with this first.

“A moment, Zach.” Setting the juice aside, she looked up, way up, at him. “Last night you said you did not wish for one night only. Is that the truth?”

“I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it, dear,” he smiled down at her then sat on the bed, facing her. “I’m not the sort to go around telling pretty girls lies.” He most certainly was the sort to go around telling lies to pretty girls, and to whomever else he deemed it necessary to lie to.

She met his gaze, seemingly transfixed by his blue eyes. “And I agreed.” Her tone was hesitant despite her words. Chase all but overwhelmed her, but there was no denying her physical reaction.

He laughed, “Well, it’s not like I said we had to get married, Kai. But, yeah, you agreed pretty readily.” Pausing, he gave her a concerned frown, as if, perhaps, his ego was on the verge of being bruised. “Are you regretting that?”

Was she? She really didn’t know. Her traitorous thoughts turned to Gilroy again, but when Chase reached out to run a finger over her bare shoulder, her mouth took off on it’s own and spoke.

“No, not at all.” Well, merde again. But was worth a shot.

“Good. I know I’m not bad in bed, so if you had...,” he smirked, brushed a lock of her hair back then stood. “Rest up, it’s still quite early.” He turned to head for the shower and a fresh uniform.

“I have to get moving as well, I am to meet Admiral Hawke early this morning.” She was glad to see that the headache was receding. After a languorous stretch, she slipped out of bed. “Want some company in there?”

“Of course, Kai, your company, I’m always happy to have,” came the answer. Chase followed up with a question, “What is the meeting with the Admiral about?”

“Going over the draft of the summit agreement. You read the report from...Gilroy, I am guessing?” There was only the slightest hesitation over the name, and Kai was pleased that she’d managed to slip by it, hoping she’d not made it obvious.

The male heard the hesitation, but then, he knew to be looking for it. He needed to cut that little connection between the two. “Ah, the report that let his gir--,” he stopped suddenly, winced then continued, “...ah, Kh’ali maneuver the Archadians into reconvening the Summit on the ‘base?” He nodded. Yeah, I did.”

Kai blinked, utterly stunned at Chase’s words. Kh’ali? She was the one? It made sense, and also showed how you couldn’t listen to gossip.

“Kh’ali...But I thought she was seeing...never mind, doesn’t matter. Stupid station gossip. We are starting on the draft today and at this point, she should get whatever she asks for.”

“Excellent,” he pulled her under the streaming water, kissed her and let her feel his arousal. “Let’s be a little late, Kai.”

Whatever had been simmering in her thoughts vanished without a trace and she pressed close against him, giving in to his kiss. Her body apparently had no reservations where he was concerned. “I’d like that very much.”

“Good thing... I doubt Zeferino would appreciate me showing up in this state,” he whispered even as he took advantage of her lack of reservations.

She only heard part of his whisper, but as Chase began to take what he wanted, she had to agree - it was a very good thing.

* * *

Out of the shower and dressed smartly in a newly-replicated uniform, Chase smiled at Kai’s backside as she moved about her bedroom. He’d be late for his meeting with Zeferino, but, in his relaxed state, he didn’t much care. “So, finalizing the summit draft? What was it Kh’ali was asking for again?”

“Besides the moon and the stars? The real issue was the Archadians’ considering ordering 900 out of its orbit but that won’t happen now. We’ll be here as long as we want to be.” There was no harm in revealing that, it was already common knowledge among the Security staff that had been standing watch at the summit last evening. “I think Lucius...Admiral Hawke I mean, has a few other tricks up his sleeve though.”

“Really?” Chase made himself sound almost bored, as if getting an answer wouldn’t matter to him, “What tricks would those be?”

“That’s what I will find out when I get there.” She finished winding up her long hair into a neat French twist and tucked in the last pin. “Busy day, but you me when you are done. If you wish.”

“Oh, you can count on that,” Chase moved to her and embraced her from behind, planting a kiss on her neck.

“Good.” Kai blushed, a faint pink tinting her cheeks. “Who is on summit duty today?”

“Hmm... Gilroy’s been handling that. I’m sure he’ll be there, watching after Kh’ali, but I don’t know who else he picked to be on that detail,” he smiled at her image in the mirror and curled the one bit of hair that had escaped her twist around a finger.

“Then he can brief me when I arrive, he was on the planet longer than I was.” She gave Chase a shy smile as he played with her hair. “Have a good day at work, I will see you later on. I...I can’t wait.” That simple touch sent a current zinging through her and his blue eyes, where they met hers in the mirror, were mesmerizing. She had to admit, a man who knew what he wanted and came after it with determination, as Chase was doing, was exciting.

“Neither can I,” he said and gave her his most charming smile before turning and heading out the door. Soon as he was in the corridor, his smile fell away.

Still in her bedroom, Kai checked her reflection and turned to go. The zing of excitement shifted to nervousness now. She had to face Gilroy and hope like hell he didn’t hear about this. With a glance at the clock, she hurried out. There was just time to stop and get coffee for herself and the Admiral, if she was quick. She would think about Chase later.

Zachary Chase

Ensign Kai Sarkozi


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