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Just A Small Distraction

Posted on Tue Jul 17th, 2012 @ 5:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Archadia III

* * * Archadia Prime * * *

Nenita and Nick had beamed down to the planet's surface the night before, checked in with the security and intel teams to let them know they would be out and about, then effectively disappeared. That was their job, and it was something in which they were both very effective.

The one problem they had, however, was that they would never actually pass as an Archadian. The entire race could be described as Amazonian, tall, muscular and serene-looking--more so the females, but Nick was short by their standards. That wouldn't stop either of them, however.
They checked into a small, out-of-the-way hotel on the west side of the city and planned their outings and how they would infiltrate the areas that were required. Their mission was twofold. They needed to find out any information on a potential station attack by either Section 31 or the Archadians, and now they needed to find out if the Archadian military were actually responsible for the terrorist attacks on the planet.

"We may have to have a little bit of a diversion here," Nick said as he pointed to the main government building, "so that one of us can get in and have access to a computer. We'll need to nab someone's password to get in but I don't think that's going to be a problem. I've seen many of their military personnel. They're awfully lax for being the Archadian's elite forces."

“Agreed.” Nenita frowned as she looked down at the schematic. “It might be better if I get some native clothing, then do my thing visibly, while you slip in here.” She pointed to an outside door nearest the main computer room. “According to this, there’s a utility conduit that reaches the main station as well as the rooms on either side. The left one is an office so you can slip out that way and take out whoever might be there if needed.”

The wicked smile that spread across Nick's face told Nenita all she needed to know. He'd taken her words, 'take out', the wrong way.

“Or I could lure them out....whichever you prefer.” Her answering smile was sly. “What do you think? I can check that office first, then distract the hell out of whoever is close by while you get busy.”

"Oh, my dearest Nenita, you know I don't mind spilling a little blood now and again," he said as he sat on the bed. He gently grabbed her thighs and pulled her to him. "It brings back memories of the old days." With a grope of her bottom, he kissed where her belly button would be, wondering if they could skip the planning and he could get her clothes off of her. "Speaking of getting busy..."

She rested her hands on his shoulders, stopping him. “I also know that this place is a protectorate and if you kill anybody, Li’s boot will be so far up your ass, your breath will smell like shoe polish.” Her fingers gently stroked his neck and she smiled once more. “Besides, I’d rather you not be noticed at all. In and’re good at that as I recall.”
"I'm the best. Always have been, always will be." He huffed. "Fine, I'll just...take other measures. And there's a small military station three blocks from the government building. I'm sure I could snag some high-ranking officer's credentials on the way."

“You are the best sugar.” She glanced over to the clock, then back. “It will be better if we get there not long before closing time so we have a couple of hours.....” She ended the sentence with the raise of her eyebrow.

"Now you're speaking my language!" he said as he let out a growl and pulled her onto the bed with him.

* * * Almost Two VERY Satisfied Hours Later... * * *

Luckily for the pair, Archadia was home to many alien life forms and other visiting races, so seeing Nick and Nenita walking through the town wasn't that much of an abnormality. The Archadians had even allowed some non-native species to hold positions within the government--low level positions, but that didn't matter. That gave them the opening they needed to be able to move about the facility with relative ease.

They had been able to obtain falsified credentials listing them both as Assistants to the Assistant Record Keeper of the Water Treatment Facilities, or somesuch, and their entry to the building went unnoticed.

Nenita took a moment to adjust the sari-like dress she wore. “How do I look Carlos?”

Nick stopped, looked at his credentials and scoffed. "Sorry. That's mine. Mr. Carlos Spi'ciweinr." Handing Nenita's to her he said, "You are Ivana. Ivana Humpalot."

“Oh hell, isn’t that the truth. But I swear to you, if that gets mentioned by anyone at the next department meeting, your ass is mine.” She took the pass and tucked it away in a place that would make Nick envious.

It was at that moment that Nick knew he had found one hell of a woman in Nenita Quidley. Anyone else would probably have slapped him silly for that name, whether they were screwing or not. But Nenita was not only one hell of an intelligence officer, and exceedingly beautiful to boot, she had a great sense of humor--almost as strange as Nick's.

But thoughts of their romance would have to wait as they were walking up the steps of the government building and needed to get to work. "I'll head up to the second floor office," he said as he all but drooled over the dress she had on. "Baby, just do your thing."

“You’ve got it. I’ll make my way up to that hall, then cause a commotion, shouldn’t be too hard.” She grinned back at him. “Once I do, I figure you’ll have about ten minutes tops.”

He walked leisurely through the foyer to the steps and began his ascent. Not too quickly and not too slowly. He knew what security personnel might look for in a suspicious person. Someone lingering about or someone that they didn't see regularly walking very quickly through an area. Both were cause to stop someone and find out more about them.

He struck up a little small talk with one of the other suits going up the steps. Nothing important, just something to make him fit in a bit better with the regulars. Once at the top of the steps, he nodded to the man and went the other direction. Finding a bathroom he went in and did his business, just to waste a bit of time while Nenita shook things up down below.

She watched him ascend the stairs, then covertly checked the time on the chronometer on the wall. Passing through the lobby herself, she went down a side hall and into an empty office. It was, apparently a spare as the desk and shelves were bare. It did, however, have a comm terminal on the desk that was till live. Perfect. She activated it, then requested the computer to call her terminal as a maintenance check. Moments later, her terminal beeped. She answered the call, sitting in silence for thirty seconds with the line open, then she closed it. Rising from the desk she crossed the office with utter calm.

Once she stepped through the office door, however, she took off at a run, back into the main lobby and to the security desk, screaming for Security. The men behind the desk jumped to their feet at the sight of the hysterical woman.

Nenita was breathing rapidly, gasping out the words between breaths. “Help! Gotta clear.....the building... just took a call....bomb threat! He said....two minutes!” She leaned on the desk heavily as if he might faint. “He called me right in my office! Do something!”

And they did. at the speed of light. One began shouting for everyone in the lobby to vacate the building. The other activated the emergency alarm, then hit the main comm channel that would take his vocal warning to every office on every floor in the building. Before long, people came streaming out of lifts and down stairs, running for the door. Nenita blended into the stream of people, checking the time as she left. Eight minutes.

Nick marvelled at Nenita's ingenuity. She had the entire building in a tizzy and it gave him the window he needed before security teams started moving in.

He made his way across the hall to the empty office, scanned the stolen ID on the computer and brought up the Archadian Database. He did searches for anything related to Starbase 900, the bombings, anything on specific Starfleet personnel on the planet, their dealings with Section 31 (when they had been posing as Starbase 900 personnel) and anything else that may be of help. Downloading it to a data PADD, he logged back out of the computer and shut it down.

Then the security officer walked in.

"Can you not hear the alarms?" she asked. She was tall, lean and muscular, like any of the females on the planet. "You are to leave this area immediately!"

Unfortunately, she was too smart for him. She recognized the name on the door and knew that Nick was not he. "Wait," she said, putting her palm in his chest. "Who are you? What are you doing in this office?"

"I thought this was--" He stopped. "Oh, fuck it," he said and jabbed her in the neck with a small injector. She immediately fell in a heap to the ground. He dragged her behind the desk and slid out of the office, closing the door behind him. She would be out for a few hours if left undisturbed.

Outside the office Nick looked down the hallway to the escape route he and Nenita had planned for him. There was no one there. Apparently the security teams were sweeping the building. He stopped at the corner overlooking the foyer and saw no one down there either.

"Holy shit," he said. "All you have to do is scream 'bomb' and they all leave their posts."

He strolled down the steps and made his way to the front door where a crowd had gathered. No security to be found, but there were six of them outside keeping anyone from coming in that wasn't supposed to.

"Can you not hear the alarms?" one of them asked.

Must be a pre-programmed question, Nick thought. "I heard them, but I was...well, indisposed." He leaned close. "I was in the gentlemen's room and I couldn't exactly just pinch it off and leave."

A look of disgust spread across the woman's face. "Go!" she said with a shove. "And next time you hear an alarm, you'll do well to...'pinch it off' and leave as expected!"

With his back to her he smirked and walked off into the crowd to find Nenita at the rendezvous point.

Outside the building, the office workers were milling about, standing in groups here and there talking about the bomb threat. Nenita had melted away from the group and now stood at the entrance to a restaurant down and around the corner. When Nick appeared, she nodded casually, giving a polite hello. That done for benefit of the public, she left the restaurant, slipped down the alley and waited.

"Well, that was pathetically easy," Nick said when he met up with her. "I thought there would have been a little more of a challenge. But I did have to put down one of the security officers."

Nenita crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. “Put down?”

"Nicely," he said. "Just a little knock out juice to the neck. She'll be fine in a few hours unless someone finds her and wakes her. It will also distort her short term memory so she won't remember my face." He grinned. "Something I picked up in--well, let's just say it's an alternative to killing them."

“I’m so proud, Nick.” Nenita’s smile was almost sappy. “Damn but I’ve missed working in the field with you. the last time was....” She thought a moment, then her smile widened. “Remember that little picnic we had on Nelvana III?”

"I don't forget anything I do with you, honey," he said with a wink then looked around. "We should probably get outta' here. There's quite a bit of information to go through."

“Back to the inn? I’d love to get out of this dress. How do the women down here get anything done all wrapped up like a sausage?”

"Thank the gods for birth control advances," he said. When she squirreled her face at him he replied, "So I don't have to wrap my sausage with you later!" They began walking and he rambled on. "Did you know that, back on Earth a long time ago, the men had to wrap up their pricks before sex so they wouldn't get women pregnant? Damn, and they started out using sheep intestines! I'm sure that was sexy as fuck..."

“Back then on Earth, some men just used the sheep.” She grinned back at him then winked. “Baaaaaaa..” Then after a poke in the ribs, she hurried off around the corner towards the door of their room at the inn.

Lt.(jg) Nenita Quidley
No Mutton For Punishment


SCPO Nick Marcinko
Sexy as Fuck


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