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Weary Wildecat

Posted on Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 3:18pm by Cassidy Wilde
Edited on on Mon Aug 6th, 2012 @ 7:17am

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Vic's Quarters
Timeline: After 'Cass's Out of The Brig'

Somewhere between leaving Jackson’s room in sickbay and reaching the turbolift, Cassidy decided maybe showing up at Vic’s doorstep ‘as is’ might not be such a good idea. She’d been locked up in a room with a bloodied Jackson and a deadman. A glance at the other person in the lift with her confirmed he smelled something bad. That was enough to send her to her quarters for a hot shower with scented shower gel. Paranoid about smelling like a corpse, she washed her hair three times.

Once out, she went into an odd auto-pilot mode; slathering on sweet smelling lotion and getting dressed. Nothing fancy, just jeans, a black v-neck cashmere sweater and cowboy boots. She didn’t have the energy to get made up, though she knew it would at least make her look like everything was normal. Frankly, she didn’t give a shit at the moment. Auto-pilot was also keeping her comfortably numb.

By the time she found herself standing in front of Vic’s quarters, her hair was mostly dry, falling in soft waves down her back. She wasn’t really even sure how she got there. Pressing the chime, she wondered if she should have checked with the computer first to make sure he was home.

It was only an hour or so before Vic would normally have awakened and so, he was close to consciousness when the bell rang. He sat straight up in bed, trying to decide if he really heard it. Then he was immediately out of bed, grabbing the first pair of shorts he saw and rushing to the door. It could be news of Jackson and Cass. The doors opened to reveal Cass and he blinked at her, so surprised he was speechless.

She blinked back at him for a few moments, taking in his state of undress. It dawned on her suddenly that he’d been sleeping. “Hi Vic. I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about what time it is.”

“Cass! Come in, please.” He stood aside to let her in, then without a word swept her into a hug. “You’re home and in one piece. We were all worried beyond belief.”

The rib along her back that had been broken was repaired, but still a little tender, so she flinched slightly and shifted just enough that his arm wasn’t directly on it. His embrace had taken her by surprise, but her arms finally came up to wrap around him, her palms coming to rest against his bare back. “I came by to let ya know that Jackson’s gonna be fine. I had asked Lieutenant Darwin to notify ya, but seein’ how ya just rolled outta bed, I can see he ignored my request. Figures.”

Vic noticed flinch and softened his hold. “I’m sorry. Are you hurt?” Vic yawned as his brain finally caught up with his body. “No, they called, woke me up and when I heard that things were mostly okay and that he was in recovery, I crashed again.” He breathed in Cass’ scent and smiled, perfectly happy to stay right where they were for the moment.

“Not really, just a little sore. The doctor in the brig took care of what he could, but where the rib was...” she looked up, realizing it sounded like she was complaining, she hesitated. “He fixed the break, but it’s a little sore. It’s nothin’.”

“Been there, I understand.” Vic closed his eyes as he held her, hoping he didn't say something stupid. “I’m glad you’re here. How’s Jackson? If he’s yelling for dumplings, I’ll have to break down and take him some.”

“By now, he should be restin’ again. The nurse was gonna give him somethin’ for the pain, but he’ll be okay.” Cassidy shifted, worried if she stayed where she was any longer, she’d end up leaning on Vic more and more until she fell over. “He’s not yellin’ for dumplins...yet.” She turned her head and ended up mumbling against his chest.

“What was that, Cass?” He didn’t mind having her pressed to his chest but he knew she had to be wiped, so without waiting for an answer, he turned and led her over to the sofa. “Now answer.”

“Umm...I’m sorry I woke ya up. I know the hours ya keep.” Looking around his quarters, she saw the room without really seeing much. Just enough to know it wasn’t a dark room that she was locked in. Turning back, she once again found herself noticing way too much of his skin. “Do ya want me to go so ya can get back to sleep?”

“No, I was planning to get up soon anyhow. I’m off tonight so I can go to bed at a decent hour. Stay. Please.” He met her gaze and he could see the bone-deep tired, the stress, sense the frayed edges of Cass. She felt as if she might come apart and once more, he wrapped her in his arms gently, hoping to hold her together.

After a moment, she relaxed in his arms, the tension slowly, but surely draining away. Was it wrong of her to take comfort from someone that freely offered it? From someone, according to Jackson, that she wasn’t invisible to?

“Better. You look like you could use some rest too. Have you eaten within...oh...the last few days?”

“No. Meals weren’t included with my accommodations over the past few days. I won’t be recommendin’ that place to anyone. Housekeepin’ was positively clean linens...and the staff...don’t get me started on the staff.” A silent laugh shook her slender frame for a few seconds. “What a buncha deadbeats,” she muttered and covered her face. Wow, her sense of humor had taken a definite jump into new territory.

Vic smiled at the jokes but down inside, he was mad as hell that she and Jackson had been subjected to something so dangerous. Jackson was like a brother and Cass.....well Cass was complicated. The urge to go find whoever was responsible rode him hard and he grumbled aloud.

A wave of anger washed over her and considering how hyper-aware she was of others emotions still - call it paranoia or still being stuck in self preservation mode - it made Cassidy sit straight up. The only thing that stopped her from twisting and rolling all the way out from Vic’s arms was the last minute recognition that it wasn’t directed at her. Wide-eyed, she watched him closely until she sorted it out.

“What was that?” Tilting her head, she dug deeper, once again wishing she could read more than just emotions. Thing was, she was pretty damned good at it, sometimes even discerning traces of thoughts that were tied too closely to strong emotions.

“Easy, Cass.” His dark eyes held her own. “Just the urge to strangle whoever did this to the two of you. You could both have been lost forever and I don’t know that I could’ve handled that.”

A strange look settled on her face and then she did pull loose from his arms. Free to move, she got up and slowly paced back and forth a few feet away from him. Shoving a hand through her thick hair, she sighed and came to a stop. “There’s no one left to strangle,” she said quietly, looking back at him with an odd calmness.

“Meaning what?” He watched her as she paced, recognizing the need to move and so he stayed where he was, giving her some space.

“Zachary Chase was the one that kidnapped me, then he used me as bait to lure Jackson to the warehouse where I was bein’ kept. It would seem he outlived his purpose once he got Jackson there, because someone killed him, then he was the first to die.” Her nose curled at the memory of the smell coming off of the dead man. “He used a stun gun on me. When I woke up, I found Jackson, shot twice and unconscious and Chase dead from a shot to the back.”

Glancing down, Cassidy inspected her fingernails. She knew there wasn’t any remaining symbiot flesh under them, but she still found herself wanting to make sure. “There were three others, a woman that Jackson...knew. Natalia Bren. She was the one behind all of it. Wanted it to look like the Archadian military had killed us both. She came walkin’ in talkin’ ‘bout how one of us was gonna die. Anyway...damn...I was there and it seems completely surreal to me.” Looking back up, she shrugged. “I did what I had to do. Didn’t ya wonder why I was taken to the brig instead of sickbay upon our return?”

“You have to remember, Cass. I’m a civvie. I was only told that you all had been recovered and that Jackson was in surgery and that you were okay.” He looked stunned, however. “Natalia? The Doctor? The woman that I didn’t see that one coming.”

Her eyebrows went up briefly. “Neither did he...and yes, I know about her.” It looked like it was up to her to fill in the blanks. “I’m not really up to goin’ over every little detail again, but the skinny of it is...I killed them. The one that came in first with Nat, I did my best Babe Ruth impression usin’ a table leg, but goon number two had the disruptor aimed at me, so I couldn’t go after Natalia right away. I don’t know why he didn’t shoot me then and there...his mistake.” There was an ominous undertone to her words, as if they weren’t bad enough on their own. “That Trill bitch wanted me shot in the back, like Chase. So when he took me outta the room to carry out the order, I didn’t acquiesce to his request. I charged right at him.” Another short little laugh escaped. “Boy, did he look surprised.”

“It’s over,” Vic said gently. He smiled up at her, but there was more than a hint of worry in his eyes. “You need something to eat and you need some rest, somewhere you know you’ll be safe.”

“Safe,” she echoed him. “I won’t have to worry ‘bout Natalia. I overheard a nurse mention she’s dyin’. So it looks like I killed her, too.” Cassidy came back over and sat down beside him, her light gaze searching his eyes. She wondered if it bothered him that she hadn’t hesitated to kill others in defense of herself and Jackson.

“Safe doesn’t always mean the lack of bad guys beating down your door. It’s knowing that even though it’s over, there is someone looking out for you while your mind and body begin to heal. Good thing I’m off tonight.”

“Why? Ya feel like lookin’ out for me?” Her long fingers tangled in her hair as she played with the pale golden strands.

“Do you even need to ask that?” Vic’s smile returned and he reached over, taking her hand in his. “Just try and stop me.”

Closing her eyes, she nodded. “Yeah, I kinda needed ta ask. I didn’t wanna assume anythin’.” Kicking her boots off, Cass scooted against the back cushions of the couch and tucked her legs up. “Well, since yer volunteerin’ and all, could I trouble ya for somethin’ to drink and somethin’ for my head, please?”

“Whatever you need just ask.” He squeezed her hand gently. “Headache first, then food. Then we can curl up and watch some boring movie till you’re asleep in my lap and I carry you to the bed and tuck you in.”

She opened her eyes and stared at him. Her ears were playing tricks on her, a side effect of an over-tired mind. Did he say...she giggled. No...he said tuck not fuck.. Once the giggle started, it was difficult to stop. “I need my hearin’ checked.”

“Exhaustion. Do I want to know?” He let go of her hand and stood to get her drink and aspirin.

Smiling, she shook her head and immediately regretted it, but it didn’t wipe the smile off her face completely. “No, prolly not. I should warn ya...I seem to have lost my filter. So I might say the damnedest things at this point.”

“That I don’t mind. Be right back.” Vic turned and hurried off to the bathroom.

Her gaze followed him out of the room, then turned towards the door. She could see the display panel from where she sat. It was unlocked. Unfolding her legs and rising, Cass crossed the room. With the press of a finger, she locked the doors and sighed. “Give yourself time, it’ll get better,” she whispered to herself and turned to go back to the sofa.

Vic returned and handed her first a glass of water, then two small pills. “That should help some. What do you feel like you could eat?”

“Thanks, Vic.” Popping the pills into her mouth, she chased them down with more than half of the water in the glass. Licking a stray drop of her lips, she shrugged. “I don’t rightly know at the moment. Somethin’ easy? Maybe fettuccini? I’m not sure I should eat too big a meal or anythin’ too heavy right away.”

“No, you shouldn’t. Something light now, and a proper meal when you wake up. It will just be a few minutes, so why don’t you stretch out while I get it ready?”

“Okay.” She didn’t move to stretch out though, just picked up a large throw pillow and hugged it to her body, curling up in the corner of the couch. Each time she blinked, it took longer to open her eyes again, but Cassidy was acutely aware of the sounds coming from the kitchen. Normal sounds of someone fixing something to eat. It was surprisingly soothing to listen to as her lids drifted shut once more.

Several minutes later, Vic emerged from the kitchen and when he reached the sofa, he smiled. Cass had dozed off, curled up with the pillow. He debated letting her sleep or waking her to at least eat something since she hadn’t had anything in too long. His heart squeezed tight as he watched her, the thought of days locked in some room with a dead man and Jackson injured....too much for someone like Cass to have to deal with. She had come through like a trooper though, and he was proud of her for that.

A small frown furrowed her brow as she sensed someone near her. Despite her fatigue, she forced her eyes open. Looking first at him, then the plate of food, she smiled sleepily. “It smells good. Thank you.” Taking the plate from him, she put it on the low coffee table and slid down to the floor, landing with a soft thump. She groaned realizing she found one area the doctor had missed. “Oh my achin’ a -” Glancing up, she smirked and rolled her eyes. “Ass. Ow.” She laughed. “Oh hell, that sounds WAY wrong. It’s not what ya think.”

Vic gave in and laughed as he sat down across the coffee table from her with a big cup of coffee. “Dig in, sweetheart, at least eat some of it.” As he watched her over the top of his coffee cup, a fierce protectiveness rose within him. He knew she would sense it be he couldn’t stop the emotion as it took hold of him. He needed to see Jackson too, but he knew his friend needed his rest. He’d call once Cass was asleep to check on him, but for now here is where he was needed.

He didn’t need to tell her twice. After a quick thanks, she picked up her fork and twirled it in the long noodles before lifting it to her mouth. It was interesting how terrible experiences tend to make a person appreciate even the small things. Right then, the fettuccini tasted divine and the soft little moan proved how much she liked it. Earlier when Vic had offered to make something for her to eat, she could have sworn she didn’t have much of an appetite, but Cassidy managed to finish over half the plate of noodles before she had to push it away.

“I can’t eat another bite,” she confessed, wiping her mouth on a napkin. She leaned back against the edge of the sofa and watched him watching her and wondered about the emotions she was picking up off of him. “Thank you, it was delicious. Did I make a pig of myself of somethin’? Ya just sat there and watched me.” Yawning all of a sudden, she covered her mouth.

“It’s something I don’t tire of, Cass,” he said softly, then looked away embarrassed.

“Why are ya embarrassed?” The question was asked without guile, and as always, wrapped in her honeyed southern accent. “Did ya say somethin’ wrong?”

“No, not by my way of thinking.” He stood and took her half-empty plate, moving off to the kitchen.

“Hmm...” Was he embarrassed or not? Crawling back up onto the sofa she reclaimed the pillow and the corner. When he came back out, she was treated once again to quite an eyeful of prime male on display. Dammit. She was barely blinking now, but it really was from being so tired. At least that’s what she’d say if asked why she was staring. “I don’t think I’m gonna last another ten minutes. I’m finally windin’ down.”

“Good.” Without another word, he moved over to the sofa and scooped her up as if she weighed nothing. “Time for you to get some sleep.” He carried her into the bedroom and settled her on the bed. He’d laid out one of his t-shirts for her and on the nightstand was a big insulated water bottle. “If there’s anything else you need, just call.”

Auto-pilot kicked in again and she stood, reaching for the front of her jeans, unbuttoning them. “Okay.” Her sleep deprived brain didn’t register anything odd until she slid the denim all the way down and stepped out of it. Pushing her hair out of the way, she risked a peek at him.

“Sorry, but unless ya want the full show, yer gonna have to leave...’cause I’m too tired to give a shit if ya see a little bit of skin.” Every once in a while, her Betazoid side came screaming to the forefront. Obviously, this was one of those times. That and the exhaustion. Wiggling her fingers in a ‘shoo’ motion, Cassidy turned her back on him and reached for the t-shirt.

He stepped outside the bedroom door and leaned against the wall. “Yell when you’re in bed.”

Sweater and bra were shed, then she pulled on the borrowed shirt. Her eyes widened at how she practically swam in the thing. It skimmed the tops of her thighs as she scooped up her clothes, folded them and put them on a chair. Pulling back the covers, she slipped between the sheets and groaned at the bliss of laying in a real bed instead of being on a hard floor.

“Okay, Vic...I’m in,” she called out, looking toward the doorway. “...and covered up.”

“Covered? Pity.” He laughed as he stepped back in and crossed to sit down by her on the edge of the bed. “Now then, I want you to close your eyes and relax.” He reached out and ran his fingers through her hair. “Get some sleep and don’t worry about anything. I’ll be here.”

Oh sweet heavens. Vic had somehow managed to hit the nail on the head with his fingers in her hair. It was one of her favorite things. Rolling over, she mewled in the back of her throat and scooted over until she was curled up right next to him.

“Mmm-kay.” She aimed a smile up at him, then closed her eyes. “Don’t stop, please. That’s heavenly.”

He snuggled her in against him and lowered his voice to a whisper. “For as long as you want.”

“Dangerous words...” Reaching out, on the edge of slumber, she draped her arm over his legs. “Stay with me...till I fall...” The words were just a whisper as she faded fast. “Asleep?”

Asleep, or anything else.

“I will.” And as her eyes closed, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and leaned back against the headboard.


Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Being Looked After
The Nexus Club

Standing Guard


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