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Posted on Fri Aug 17th, 2012 @ 8:21pm by Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Cassidy's Quarters
Timeline: Next Day/Afternoon after 'A Much-Needed Night Out'

* * * Cassidy’s Quarters * * *

Images rose out of the dark, flirting with the edge of her consciousness, trying to pull her up and out of her slumber. Hot, wet, deep kisses that seemed to go on forever. A tangle of arms and legs. Heated skin against skin. Soft moans and sharp cries of joy. Bodies moving together in ways that curled her toes, even in her sleep. Cassidy’s dreams were so sensuous, they left her longing for more.

Rolling over, her naked body came into contact with more than just silk sheets. Sighing softly, she pressed in closer, wrapping herself around the warm body next to her.

That warm body murmured softly, drawing her into the circle of his arms.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Vic’s voice was still husky with sleep.

Smiling sleepily and refusing to open her eyes, she mumbled. “Sleepin’ Beauty doesn’t wake up unless she gets a kiss.”

“Happy to oblige then.” he rolled just slightly, rising over her, then lowered his head for a soft, sensual kiss. As it had happened last night, the connection was instant, drawing them in, sweeping the rest of the world away until Vic finally pulled back to breathe. He wondered suddenly how much was his own senses and how much was Cassidy’s. “Better?”

Fully awake now, she stared up at him and waited for the room to stop spinning. She knew she was sober, but kissing him was intoxicating. The images from the dream came back to her and it suddenly became clear that the dream had been echoes of their night together. Heat spread through her, but not from embarrassment. Blinking, she realized he was waiting for something; an answer. “Yes. Much.”

“Good. Hungry? I can whip up something if you are.” He smiled down at her and as if to convince himself she was real, leaned in for another kiss.

Reaching up, her fingers plunged into his hair. Holding him there, Cassidy took over the kiss; deepening it and turning up the heat. Pure light and sensation swept through her and suddenly she couldn’t get close enough to him. She didn’t bother to wonder about the hows or the whys. Hungry, but not for food, she thought to herself and growled slightly.

Yes, me too. he answered the thought without thinking as his body took over. It was only moments later that he realized he’d heard her in his head.

His voice in her head startled her, but she was too far gone to stop at the moment. She was drowning in desire. Too long she’d hidden from this side of herself; kept her passionate nature buried. Sliding her hands down Vic’s well muscled back, she pulled him closer and urged him on. Don’t hold back...please. I want...I want to feel...everything.

He gave in gladly, only one thought echoing between them. There’s nothing stopping us now Cass.....

* * *

Cassidy didn’t want to move yet. How did one move when they’d melted? All she could do was lie there and try to catch her breath. She needed to get a grip...and not on someone else’s body parts. The thought brought a smile to her lips. Eventually, her breathing and her heart rate returned to something close to normal and her bones seemed to become solid again. Shifting against Vic’s side, she let her hand drift over his stomach.

“What...?” She struggled to find a way to put it into words, but her brain wasn’t working yet. “That’s never happened before. Not that...but the rest of it. Yer telepathic. Start talkin’.”

“So are you,” he answered her, his voice quiet. “I didn’t know....or even suspect. Not that it matters. I am Mari.”

Mari. She didn’t know anything about them, but that wouldn’t last long. “Yes, I am,” she confessed, lifting up to look down at him. Her long hair fell forward and spilled across his chest and shoulder. “Well, sort of. I’m more an Empath, but my telepathy kicks in big time with other telepaths.” Brushing his hair away from his forehead, she couldn’t help but smile. Neither one of them had any outward characteristics that gave away their species. “I’m Betazoid and El Aurian.”

“Which explains why you don’t have black eyes.” Vic smiled gently. “This certainly makes some things whispering things to you at work.”

“Two of my brothers have black eyes. My family line has a...genetic ‘fluke’. Most of us have light colored eyes.” She shrugged and batted her eyelashes at him dramatically, being silly. “It’s why no one ever knows just by lookin’ at me what I am. You, on the other hand...yer not a hybrid. And how is it that I didn’t pick up on ya bein’ telepathic before?”

“Very good blocking. Working at the Nexus, I have to or I’d lose my mind from all the mental noise. Especially the sort of mental noise that goes on in bars.”

“I don’t get the mental noise, but others’ emotions? Those come through loud and clear, unless I block them. It’s not very easy for me to ignore them though. I’m very sensitive to them.” Running her fingertips down the side of his face, she watched him. “It’s worse with people I get close to or am around a lot. I get tuned into them.”

“That include me?” He turned his head to kiss her hand.

“It’s startin’ to. I don’t like knowing what others feel all the time. It feels a bit invasive and kinda like cheatin’. Instead of ‘mental noise, it’s emotional. It’s exhaustin’ sometimes.”

“I can imagine, and blocking it get tiring too.” He pulled her down for a kiss, then his eyes widened. “What time are you supposed to see Harding?”

Twisting around, Cassidy looked at the clock. “3:15,” she answered then made a face remembering the station seemed to run on military time. “1515. Why?”

“So....fifteen minutes?” He grinned. “Maybe if you hurry...”

Sitting up, she smirked. “Maybe I’ll have enough time to get cleaned up, look decent and get a bit to eat before I have ta run out the door.” She shot him a mischievous look, wondering if he’d take the bait.

“Oh, now you want breakfast. I see how it is....” He smiled but the chirp of her comm panel interrupted them. “Looks like someone needs you.”

“No one needs me,” she muttered and slipped out of the tangled sheets.

Oh, I do.... he sent to her as he watched her pull a robe from the closet.

Do you? Arching an eyebrow at him, she donned the robe and tied the belt. Hold that thought. I’ll be back. Moving to the comm panel in the living room, she answered it. “Yes?”

“Hi Cassidy, It’s Kiere at Piper Medical. I am afraid I will have to postpone your appointment with Dr. Harding until tomorrow. He’s been called into an emergency surgery.”

“Emergency surgery,” she echoed, then was quiet for a second or two. “Very well. What time should I come in tomorrow?”

“1100 hours. Is that okay?” Kiere smiled back at her.

“Yes, that’ll work just fine. Thank you for lettin’ me know.”

“We’ll see you then. Enjoy the rest of your day.” The screen went dark and Vic’s hands took hold of her shoulders.

“Is she always that cheerful?”

Cassidy jumped and spun to look up at him. She hadn’t been paying attention at all, her thoughts wondering about Harding’s emergency surgery. Embarrassed by her jumpiness, she pushed her hair back and answered his question.

“I wouldn’t know. I don’t know her.” Closing the small gap between them, she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into him. “Well, as you heard, the rest of my afternoon is suddenly free of engagements.” Tilting her head back, she met his gaze. “Any ideas on what I should do with the rest of my day?”

“I can think of a few things, yes.” He rubbed his hands down her back. “We are off tonight.”

“We are.” Tugging the belt on her robe loose, she nuzzled his neck. With surprising ease, she slipped back into his thoughts. Why do ya need me? It was such an important question, but she didn’t want to speak it out loud, in case her voice wavered.

I want you. And I need you in ways I cannot even put words to Cassidy.

Ever so slowly, she opened the robe and slipped out of it; letting it fall in a pile of silk on the floor. Her hands drifted down his sides and over his stomach. If you can’t find the words, then show me, she whispered seductively into his mind.

Yes... was his last coherent thought.

A Man Of Few Words Who Makes His Point

Cassidy Wilde
A Woman Enjoying A Man of Few Words


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