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Words of Warning

Posted on Tue Sep 11th, 2012 @ 6:51pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Deck 6 -- CO's Office
Timeline: Current

* * * Admiral’s Office * * *

Li approached the doors to the outer office. She paused as someone passed by, then stepped through the doors as they opened.

“Hello, Hope. I need to speak with the Admiral, is he available?”

The admiral's aide smiled. "For you, anytime. Go right in."

She thumbed the entry authorization button and the large wooden doors slowly swung open, revealing Rick's office...and something that could be construed

Rick's back was to the doors and he had his feet up on the bulkhead just at the ledge of the large windows looking out into the biggest bay area where an Ambassador class and Nova class were undergoing minor repairs. But what made the scene a bit awkward was that he was actually playing what used to be called 'air guitar'. The music, however, wasn't what would normally be associated with the use of an air guitar, such as rock or pop music of the 21st century. This was much more...twangy.

Li was first at a total loss as she’d never heard anything like this, then amused at the Admiral’s antics. She listened for a moment before she interrupted him.

“Could you use someone on drums, sir?”

He recognized her voice and didn’t have to turn around. Only a few people were allowed to just walk on into his office and the only two on the station now were from the same family. “If you’ll listen closely, Li, there are no drums. Bluegrass music rarely used them, or so I’m finding. They relied on the rhythm of the acoustic guitar, spoons turned on each other and smacked between the leg and hand or by scrubbing up and down on a washboard.” He turned in his chair. “Computer, pause music. Want something to drink, Li?”

“Something with spoons so I can sit in later.” She smiled at him. “Tea will be fine. And there’s something we need to talk about.”

He took a hot tea from the replicator and made a sweet tea with an orange slice for himself. “Here you go,” he said and then sat next to her. “Speak your mind.”

She blew gently on the tea, then had a sip before she spoke. “It’s about this wine bottle at the Nexus.”

For a moment he didn’t know what she was talking about. “What kind of win--oh!” he said, once it hit him. “That wine.”

“Yes, that wine.” Li paused for a moment, then decided she might as well just dive in. “I have some concerns, to put it delicately. And I want to preface this by saying I am in no way defending him, but it was a dangerous move.”

Rick smirked. “Yes, it was, in hindsight. But I couldn’t help it. It just seemed like the thing to do at the time.”

Li frowned for a moment. “You heard about his reaction? They took him to sickbay, wanting to keep him overnight but he refused and left. I spoke to Lazan and he gave me fair warning that Suresh is at the boiling point. So I’ve agreed with Oz that her department will be keeping a closer eye on you. Suresh now thinks you are responsible for killing Isha.”

He couldn’t help but smile. “I understand your concern, Li. And Oz can up her security detail but not so much that they intrude into my personal space. Hell, she can post sentries outside the office door if she wants, but I’m not going to have them shadowing me everywhere I go. If they can do low-key, so be it, but I’m not going on dates with Akima, or for lunch on the promenade, with a small army on my heels.” He sipped at his tea. “A little irked, was he? Well, from my understanding, I wasn’t in very good standing with him when I supposedly ‘bedded’ Isha when he wasn’t even allowed to touch her.” After another sip he added, “In for a penny, eh?”

Li’s expression was both stern and worried. “I understand your need for privacy, and so does Oz. At those times, just be extra careful. But I have no doubt that he will try to respond in kind. He thinks you killed her, he will seek his pound of flesh. I suspect that shuttle issue was no accident. Any luck with finding the missing engineer?”

“None. I have a feeling he was a plant by Suresh or someone else, possibly Section 31. I’m sure it wasn’t an accident but we can’t be sure who perpetrated it. S31 wants me out of here as much as Suresh does, I would suspect. And while I’m sure Suresh has quite a bit of intelligence and may be capable of planting people here and there within the station, I don’t think he could quite insert him into the computer’s system like that and then make his digital file disappear as effectively.” He went to the replicator for a refill. “He may be good but I don’t think he’s that good.”

“Unless that engineer erased it himself. That would be a small matter. This may not help but he has eyes and ears in a lot of places. The good thing is that he has no idea we have the same, and much closer to him than his are to us.” Li finished her tea and rose to take the cup back to the replicator. “He’s due back on the station in about thirteen hours. As soon as they return, I’ll check in with Lt. Smith and we’ll go from there.”

“I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, or Lt. Smith, that the faster he’s incarcerated the better for everyone here. I want it to stick, but we don’t have to shoot for the stars.”

“Agreed but he’s slippery. So far, he’s kept his hands clean as far as anything that would stand up but I think those days are coming to an end. I will tell you the same thing I told Sakkath. If for some reason, I suddenly cannot be found, send a blank message to Lazan. He’ll know what to do.” She turned back to face Ricky. “Just promise me you’ll be careful?”

“Li, my dear, I may be 152 years old but I can still kick ass and take some names.” He smiled. “But, yes. I will be more careful.”

“Thank you.” She smiled finally, the business part of her talk done. I think that’s all I --” She stopped as Ricky’s comm badge beeped.

“C&C to Admiral Wegener. Priority message.”

He tapped the communicator on his chest. “Go ahead.”

“Sir, word from the planet. Their Queen has been murdered. Several of our personnel were on the scene at the time and are being held as suspects. Lt. Commander Kh’ali and several of her group.”

“Shiiiiiiiiiit,” Rick said as he sprang from his chair. “The XO and I are on the way. Wegener out.” He didn’t have to look if Li was following as they dashed out the doors of his office and down to the Command & Control center.


Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener
Constant Shit-Stirrer & CO of SB900

Commander Li Hawke
The Concerned XO


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