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Home Again

Posted on Thu Sep 27th, 2012 @ 12:37pm by Marina & Mallory (Jade) & Major Patrick Smith & Suresh
Edited on on Fri Sep 28th, 2012 @ 4:27am

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Blackbird

A beep from the panel intruded on Suresh’s sleep and he was instantly awake. There was no grogginess for him, he’d grown too used to waking with his wits about him over the years. In his line of work, it often could mean the difference between life and death. He checked the autopilot, then gave Nine a nudge before turning back to check on the two slaves.

Hearing movement from the cockpit, Jade opened her eyes. Had she dozed off? Marina was asleep, her head resting on Jade’s lap. Rubbing her eyes, she looked to the front of the ship and saw the Romulan looking in their direction.

“Marina, wake up.” She shook her friend’s shoulder gently, then with a little more force when the Betazoid woman didn’t wake right away.

“Huh?” Sitting up, it only took an extra moment or two for her to remember where she was. Shooting a nervous glance towards the Romulan and the pilot, she was startled to find Suresh looking back at them. She quickly averted her eyes.

Nine had planned to ignore the beeping from the auto pilot knowing that it meant they were approaching the starbase and he would soon have to start flying himself again. Setting the novel he had been reading beside the now 6 empty coca cola cans he disabled the autopilot and took control. “Set to arrive in 15 minutes.”

“I’ll see to the paperwork.” Suresh pulled out his padd and began making the arrangements to register the two women. “I’ll list them as passing through, which they very well may be.” Glancing back at the women, he addressed them now. “I need names.”

There was nowhere to retreat to with the bulkhead pressing against their backs. Not wanting to do anything to earn themselves a shock for not cooperating, the darker haired one spoke up first.

“Marina Tam,” the slender Betazoid answered quietly.

He wanted a name? Well wasn’t that the trick question? She gave him the only one she knew. “Jade.”

“It’ll do for now I suppose.” He turned back to the front and entered the names. “ You have plans once we hit the station, Nine?”

“Sure do. My supplier has something I need for this ship. Something that I have been after for rather a long time, but has been rather hard to locate,” Nine answered.

“What about her?” He motioned towards the back of the craft.

“This can be locked from the outside. She can stay here until I make other arrangements. Sort of like an ornament for long trips and to make the place more cosey,” he replied.

That brought a smile to Suresh’s face. “Didn’t human’s used to put hula girls on the control panel?”

Nine chuckled, “Not quite. They are bobbleheads, but you are right they usually had little hula skirts and whatnot as well. Who knows maybe I can get her to bobble.”

Suresh’s smile turned into an outright laugh. “Excellent. And good luck. I wonder if Seyla has ever worn a hula skirt.” He rubbed his chin as he considered it. Then considered Jade in a hula skirt. Her face in his mind morphed into Isha’s and he frowned.

"Could have a Hawaiian night some time. Get out the funky shirts and those silly flower things for around you neck,” Nine suggested wondering if it would actually happen. It would certainly be interesting to see some of the races take on the night... as well as the outfits.

“Have a good time when you do,” was Suresh’s comment. “I’m afraid I have too many things on my plate now to have time to indulge in a party, and now I have this one to deal with.” He made a vague motion in Jade’s direction.

“Which one of us is he talking about?” Marina whispered.

Jade was afraid to ask. All they knew so far was that one of them would be staying with the pilot and one would be going with the Romulan. None of the slaves they had been traveling with had anything to say about the blue-eyed pilot, but she had caught more than a few whispers that made her cringe about the Romulan. Suresh. That was his name, but no one had said it loud enough for him to hear on the off chance it would draw his attention. She didn’t want to do it, but the not knowing was intolerable...just like the reality of their situation. “Stay here.”

Standing, Jade’s bare feet made no noise on the deck plating as she crossed the cargo hold and came up as far as the force field would allow behind the two men in the cockpit. This is a bad idea, she thought. “Excuse me, but who are you referring to when you say you have this one to deal with?” she asked, momentarily forgetting she shouldn’t be direct, let alone asking questions.

Suresh turned to look at her, his dark eyes all but boring holes into her. “Did I speak to you?”

Jade paled and recoiled from the look in his eyes, but before she could stop her runaway mouth, she replied. “No, you didn’t.”

“You seem to be awfully curious, which is generally a dangerous thing where I am concerned.” Suresh’s expression was unreadable, but his eyes were nothing but ice cold.

“If I seem curious, I assure you it is purely self-motivated and not driven by any interest in you.” As soon as she said it, she wished she could take it back. The tone wasn’t sarcastic at all, but the words were damaging all the same, despite her intentions.

When he answered, his voice was eerily calm. “You speak again without my permission to do so first and I will cut out your tongue without benefit of anesthesia and watch while you choke to death on your own blood. And since you are so curious, congratulations, you’re the lucky winner. I’ll find something to do with you, don’t worry.”

She shut her mouth so fast her teeth felt like they rattled. Frozen to the spot, all Jade could do was nod mutely, too afraid to even give voice to a whimper. Wisely, she dropped her gaze away from his and backed away.

“That’s better.” Suresh turned back to the front, dismissing her without a thought.

“By the sounds of it your going to be busy with that one never mind anything else,” Nine said feeling sorry for the poor girl. ’At least one of you is going to be safe enough,’ he thought to himself.

“She’ll learn,” was Suresh’s only reply.

"I have no doubt about that. Time to dock up,” the pilot said as they received the confirmation from the station. Nine nimbly took the craft into the hanger and seeing the designated spot, one which was conveniently always his, he set the ship down.


Laying Down The Rules

Lt. Patrick Smith/Nine
Gonna lose one of the 9 lives

Should Have Kept Quiet

Marina Tam
Wisely Keeping Quiet


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