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Just Business part 2

Posted on Thu Sep 27th, 2012 @ 11:22pm by Elijah "Eli" Samuels

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Saturnalia
Timeline: 10 minutes after Just Business part 1

Setting back, a pile of empty plates and rib bones before him, a very full Eli Samuels contemplated that life was going pretty good. He had latinum in his pocket, a few hundred more slips coming his way, and it looked like this new starbase would make a good staging area to work the Beta quadrant and start expanding into the Delta.

And, as life is want to do, when it gives you a cookie, it may kick you in the shin….and take the cookie.

“Looking good, Eli.”

“Frak me.” Eli muttered under his breath, as the voice from the past brought back tons of memories; mostly bad ones.

Moliquino was an Orion, a big, big Orion. 7 feet, 375 pounds of big Orion. He was also an enforcer, collector and all around muscle for the Syndic clan. Not to mention, that Eli, in an attempt to draw no attention to the stolen items he’d smuggled on the station, was unarmed. A position he was sure Moliquino was not in.

Standing slowly, he turned and looked up….and up, coming barely to the Orion’s chest. The large bore disrupter pointing in his general direction was extremely hard to miss.

Damn, I hate being right, he thought.

“Hi ya, Molly.”

The big, green man actually snarled at him. He hated being called that. His words, however, did not include anything about the nickname.

“You owe the syndicate, I’m here to collect.”

Eli nodded slowly. “Ok. I’ll give ya 50 slips here, then just let me get back to my ship and I’ll get ya the other hundred and fifty.”

Molly just shook his massive head, smiling slightly now. “Price is 800 slips. Due….now!” He pushed the disrupter higher for emphasis.

Eli noticed the bar had gotten very quiet, as people moved away from his impending execution.

"Where the hell is security when ya need ‘em?", he muttered

Slowly he held up his empty left hand. “Price was 200 a week ago. That I can give ya today.”

The Orion’s smile grew bigger. “Interest.” His massive shoulders rose in a shrug. “800 or you can pay off the syndicate as a servant.” He pushed the big gun into Eli’s ribs.

"Screw it."

Without a word, Eli flew forward, pushing the disrupter to the side with his empty left hand as he stepped both right and into the big man bringing the fork he’d palmed in his right hand down hard into the crook of the Orion’s elbow. Molly bellowed as the eating utensil struck home.

Eli was nearly deafened as the mobile hand cannon misfired from the spasm his impromptu attack brought to the Orion’s hand, but he didn’t stop. Leaving the fork where it was, he lashed up with a hammer fist into the big man’s nose. With a satisfying crunch, blood flew. An even better sound, to Eli, was the disrupter hitting the decking, as his initial fork attack deadened the fingers of the bigger man.

Too bad that physics were against him. Striking a 375 pound, 7 foot tall alien in the nose, after sticking a fork in him, while bringing waves of pain, will not incapacitate them. Additionally, Eli learned to his dismay, if you could touch said large alien, he could touch you back. He never saw the frying pan sized back hand Molly hit him with. Even one armed, the alien hit really, really hard.

Flying back, Eli’s back landed on his table, as it flipped over, dumping both Eli and the remains of former dinner to the floor, he thought that maybe slavery wasn’t such a bad option after all, especially when he saw the Orion bending over to retrieve his disrupter.

Two things happened almost simultaneously, one, Eli got mad….really mad. He was not only being extorted, but being threatened with death and/or slavery. And two, his hand found the steak knife the waitress had brought him for his ribs. While not much of a weapon, it was the one fate had given him.

With an inarticulate roar, he put both feet on his overturned table and kicked out, just as the bigger man rose bringing up the disrupter in his left hand. The table hit the big man in the left shoulder, knocking his aim off.

Eli didn’t even notice the disrupter beam passing to his left as he was inbound like a photon torpedo right being it, cheap steak knife in his right hand. He hit his bigger opponent in the chest and began stabbing at anything soft. Neck, eyes, face, if it was visible, Eli stabbed him there.
At some point, the blade’s tip broke, but Eli failed to notice. He also couldn’t recall, later, when they’d fallen, he would just remember being pulled away, covered in the Orion’s blood, who was now on the floor groaning, disrupter long forgotten as he’d tried to put his hand in between his vitals and the knife wielding human.

Falling back, exhausted, himself, Eli looked at the crowed of security and patrons looking at him, pushing up, he found his dropped hat and placed it back on his head.

“Well, crap guess I'll be banned…food was good here, too.” He muttered to himself, as he awaited the inevitable security questioning to come.


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