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Seyla's Green-Eyed Complication

Posted on Sat Oct 6th, 2012 @ 8:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Seyla & Suresh
Edited on on Sat Oct 6th, 2012 @ 8:30pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant

Seyla marched down the corridor away from Suresh’s quarters and Suresh. The expression on her face was such that those she passed moved aside to get out of her way. How dare he? Just when she thought he was maybe starting to get over his obsession, he showed up with a slave sitting in his corner, obeying his every word. Well, if he wanted to play it that way, she’d be happy to join that little game. Looking up, she realized she was standing before the turbolifts and a sudden idea came. Turnabout was definitely fair play.

A few minutes later, she emerged on Darwin’s level and strolled, far more calmly, to his door and rang the chime.

The chime was just a dream, Darwin was sure it had to be. After the day he’d had... whomever was on the ringing side of that door better hope it was just a dream. He stayed in his warm, comfortable bed for a long moment then, as the chime pealed again, he groaned and rolled out of bed.

On his way to the door, he pulled on a pair of boxer shorts and had just enough time to make sure nothing was hanging out of them when he hit the button to open the door. “Whaddya wa...? Seyla?”

“Darwin.” His name was a purr as she lounged in his doorway. “I trust I’m not interrupting anything? If I am, I can guarantee it will be worth it.”

“Ah...,” he shook his head ‘no’ and gestured for her to come in. The reddish leather she wore clung to her in ways he hadn’t ever realized leather could cling. Would he need a knife to get her out of that outfit? Maybe a good, slick lotion? As she sashayed past him, he locked his door and very happily followed her shapely backside. “What brings you by?”, he asked said rear end.

“Just the urge....”She paused and looked back at him with a smile. “To see you. I wasn't aware I needed an invitation.” A hint of her pheromones began to swirl in the air and she ran her hand slowly down over her backside.

“Oh, no, I don’t think you need one. Ever. Do you... would you like some water? Something to drink?” ’Cause I need something cold, myself, he went to the replicator, passing right through her potent perfume.

“Wine would be good, thanks.” She watched as he passed her by, and smiled. “Are you on duty soon?” Her words hung in the air for a beat before she was on the move, cozying up beside him. He was taller than Suresh, plenty of space to run her hands over his warm skin.

He was barely able to order drinks from the replicator before turning to her and holding her still for a kiss. “No, Oz told me to go home and spend the night in bed... or something like that,” he smiled as his hands roved over the smooth leather. “I have a good nine hours or so till my next shift.”

“And they’re all mine, Dar.” She brushed her lips over his, and despite her surroundings, and the man in her arms, another face rose in her thoughts and the anger returned. Tension radiated through her immediately.

Oblivious to all but the fact that, despite how tired he was, he was rising to the occasion, Darwin missed the tension in her. Why would he notice it? Seyla was convenient... though how he related to her was growing more complex. When he pulled her against him and kissed her again, though, her reaction was hard and angry: she bit his lip. “Ow! What the...? Seyla?” He pulled back from her. “Warn me if you want to play rough.”

Pressing her hands to his chest, she pushed away from him with a grumble. She turned and began to pace across the carpet. “I’m sorry Michael.” Her voice was softer now. “It’s not your fault, that wasn’t really aimed at you.”

Giving her her wine, he asked, “Should I even ask who that was aimed at?”

“Guess.” She took a gulp of the wine. She was still angry at Suresh and even angrier that he had managed to accompany her to Darwin’s side, if only in her mind. What the hell was up with that? He was too broken, too obsessed, and now he had Blondie sitting in the corner. Why did she even care? The question pulled her up short and she raised the glass again, draining it.

“Did he hurt you again? Is that why you’re wearing a fortress?” He looked over the leather and couldn’t see a seam to save his life... how the hell did she get into that outfit?

“No,” she spit the word out. “He never laid a finger on me. Too busy ordering his little slave around.” She sounded jealous now and she knew it.

His inner caveman heard the ‘no’ and ‘never laid a finger on her’ and he grunted, “Hmmm, wonderfu... wait, slave? He has a slave? Since when?”

“Since he got home from his last trip, that’s when.” Seyla snapped her mouth shut. She had not intended to reveal that little bit of information to Darwin, Starbase Security. Shit.

“He has a slave, a real unwilling, honest-to-whatever-deity slave, in his quarters right now?” Darwin asked.

Seyla stood looking up at him, unsure how to proceed now. So, she did the one thing sure to distract him - amped up the pheromones.

He found himself staring at the leather again. Should he just split it open? Use a knife? Was this some sort of Gordian Knot puzzle where the solution was that simple? His hands smoothed over the leather, looking for a weakness. “Seriously, Seyla... how does this... hey, quit with the distractions.” He pulled his hands away from her and frowned. “Tell me about this slave.” Before I make you mine.

She shrugged and moved over to leave her glass on the table. “All I know is that We got to his quarters and she was sitting in the corner like a dog. She cannot speak without his permission either from what I saw. At least he fed her.” She hadn’t intended to elaborate either, but the vision of the blonde woman, there with Suresh, spurred the green-eyed monster onward.

“Huh,” Dar grunted. Now, he was getting a clue: the tone of jealousy in Seyla’s words couldn’t be missed. Was she hung up on Suresh or just on the idea of Suresh having an outlet for his violent sexual needs? Either way, Lieutenant Michael Darwin had a duty to the apparent slave. Instead of comforting Seyla as some might have, he moved around his quarters. First, he replicated and gave Seyla another glass of wine then told her, “Stay here.”

He then disappeared into his bedroom and contacted Gilroy via commbadge. Relaying the information he had, he and Gilroy discussed what to do. A decision was made by Gilroy and Darwin signed off. He then came back to Seyla in the living room and sat in an armchair. “I’m still all yours for the next... eight hours.”

“What did you do, Michael?” Despite the question, she popped open the next button of the tight leather jacket.

Oh, buttons... how’d he miss those?, he wondered, watching her. “Just notified someone of an interesting tidbit,” he shrugged one shoulder then added, “We’re not moving on it for a while, though. Doing so right now would point right back to our lovely informant.”

“Meaning me. You told them, didn’t you?” She sighed aloud and loosened another button, knowing it would get his attention. Deep down, a flare of satisfaction glowed to life. She knew the laws here regarding slaves. If it got her removed, taken away from Suresh, so much the better, right? Then Suri would be...what? Why did she even care? The last buttons of the leather were undone and she shrugged it off.

Now Darwin could see seams - specifically, a gap between a bra holding up some of Seyla’s best assets and the waistband of the leather pants. Plans for how to slide those pants down started running through his head then he recalled: she’d asked a question. “Told? Hmm? Oh, yes, I did. Of course I did, Sey. You know slavery isn’t allowed. Unless said slavery is voluntary,” he grinned slyly. “Care to be my slave for a bit?”

She rose from the sofa and slinked across the space that separated them. Resting her hands on his shoulders, she leaned down, giving him an up close and personal view of those assets. Her native fragrance wrapped around him, weaving its spell.

“Maybe I’ll make you mine, sweetheart. Maybe I want someone to do as I say instead of bossing me around for a change.”

“We could do that, too,” Darwin nodded, smiling at the assets before him. That Seyla was addling his brain with her pheromones wasn’t lost on him; he simply didn’t care. He hooked a finger into the center of her bra and pulled her closer to kiss her. “What orders do you have for me?”

“Make me forget,” she whispered. “Can you do that?”

“I can try,” Darwin said, though he had no idea what he was making her forget. Nor did he care. Standing, he pulled her into the bedroom with him and set to the task she’d given him.

* * *

“Nice, Seyla!” Darwin snidely shot at her as he stormed from his own bedroom. He headed to the replicator.

“What? It could happen to anyone!” She yelled back from the bedroom. “You gonna tell me you never did that? Not ever?” There was a dull thud as one of Darwin’s pillow hit the doorframe.

“No! That’s never happened to me before,” he shouted back then sipped at the water the replicator had given him. “That’s what I was supposed to be making you forget, right? How about this: you go wherever you need to go to forget that! Just get out of my quarters!”

Seyla appeared in the doorway that led to the living room. “Look, Michael, I don’t know why I did that. I came to see you because of you. I didn’t mean it. His name just …popped out, okay?”

“...Popped out? Suresh versus Mike...,” he shook his head. “Somehow that doesn’t seem like a set of sounds that are easy to mix up.”

“I was there just before I got here. I was pissed off and I guess it was still in my head, that’s all. It’s not like you don’t know he...comes to see me. He comes to see me but I come to see you.” She watched him levelly as she explained.

No longer quite as mad (and shocked, and mad about being shocked), Darwin walked back over to her and pulled her against him. “I know you entertain him. I don’t like it, especially when he leaves marks on you. Hearing his name shouted when I’m the one doing the joymaking? Not very flattering, Seyla.”

“So what? You think I actually care about that obsessed asshole?” She settled in against him, her arms snaking around his waist. “He’s too wound up in his fantasies and his lost ‘love’, too busy controlling everyone around him to really care about any of them.”

Maybe it was her pheromones; maybe it was that Darwin was a single man and never knew where or when he’d find another bed partner; maybe it was that he was simply a dog, or that he wanted to ‘show up’ Suresh in some way; maybe it was that he was developing more complex feelings about Seyla; whatever it was Darwin relented and held her against him. “Maybe this time, I should gag you,” he smiled and kissed the top of her head.


Lt. Michael Darwin
Growing Complicated

Growing Confused


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