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Anger Management Required

Posted on Tue Nov 20th, 2012 @ 9:59pm by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Alternate Dimension SB900

The Arboretum - Alternate Universe SB900

Sakkath’s men had departed to check the perimeters of the newly erected force fields. Her offer refused, Li had retreated to do some more work in the main computer core. She’d had little to say since the encounter, and mind meld, with Sakkath and that concerned Suresh. Her mood felt eerily familiar, however. It had been the same the night the two of them were arrested. Though now, he supposed, it was really only him who’d been arrested.It explained why Isha had been released so quickly that night. And that night, he’d felt this same melancholy from her, though that wasn’t quite the right word. Whatever it was, she had refused to talk about it then, and apparently intended to do the same now. He might push later, but for now he had other business. A short stroll found the Admiral seated on a bench beneath a grape arbor loaded with fruit.

“Mind some company?”

Since Rick and Li had brought up more of the computer systems, one of Sakkath's team had located a few replicators that would still function. After that, Rick had gone back and deactivated all other replicators, or other computer access areas on the station with exception of places that Sakkath's men held. He didn't mind feeding Starfleet members, but food getting to Archadians that may still be aboard, well, he couldn't have that.

Despite the replicators functioning, Rick had opted for some fruit and vegetables. He looked at Suresh who had approached.

"I guess it couldn't hurt," he said, still remembering his promise to Li that he wouldn't purposely act belligerently toward Suresh. "Apple?" he asked as he held up another. "Or a carrot?"

Suresh took the apple and bit into it, chewing in silence for some moments before he spoke. “What’s your assessment so far? I'm inclined to say they’re fucked but then you all operate far differently than me.”

Rick thought about the question a moment as he chewed the bite of apple he'd taken. "Well," he paused to wipe his mouth, "without the ability to scan the entire station to see what we're dealing with it's really hard to say. If there are as many Archadians still here that Sakkath thinks there are..." he shook his head, "it'll be tough, yeah. But these guys," he said as he looked around, "have the advantage of knowing the station. Home field advantage, you see."

“The three of us know it just about as well, if they’ll use us. So far, they don’t seem inclined to, as Li found out.”

"I can't say that I blame them. I'd probably do the same thing if I were in his position." He put the apple core down beside him on the bench. "He 'read' Li but it is possible that her memories had been implanted. It sucks, I mean, we know who we are and that we want to help, and get back home as quickly as possible, but they would be foolish to completely trust us."

“Yes, about that getting home bit. They are under siege. Do you think they will spare the time and energy to help people they don’t trust?” Suresh took another bite of the apple and had to admit that it was really good. Or maybe he was just hungrier than he thought.

"I thought about that, but I'm kinda' hoping for the whole 'we scratch your back and you scratch ours' sort of thing. If we can help them and gain even a small amount of their trust they might be able to help us with our issue." He looked down at the deck, concern on his face. "I'm just a bit upset that this has even happened to them. Hell, it could just as easily happen to our base. The same players are in place on Archadia, the same history. These people may just be us, but a bit later on down the road." He sighed. "We really need to get back home."

“For many reasons,” Suresh agreed. His gaze travelled over to Li in the distance. As he watched, she ran her hand through her hair, her expression frustrated as she turned back to the terminal. “I don’t think this is settling too well with her.”

Rick chuckled. "I won't even try to figure out what all is happening in her mind, but I'm sure she shares my concerns of this station, and ours, as well as the fact that the counterpart to the man that is her husband in our universe almost choked her to death." He looked to Suresh. "And I won't try to figure out what's in your head either, Suresh, but...I know you had feelings for Isha. Finding the real deal here, as well as Li, is probably a bit confusing as well as frustrating considering the reception Isha gave you when we found her."

“You can say that again.” Suresh looked down at the apple for a moment. “Especially since I was just about to get my balance back after losing Ish-- Li.”

This was not Rick's strong point, trying to reassure a criminal who had attempted to kill him that it would all be okay, eventually. For starters, he hated the man. If he hadn't made that promise to Li he would have been choking the shit out of him right now. He'd already done it two or three times in his mind as they were sitting here. But he loved Li like she were his own daughter and breaking that promise was something he'd not be able to live with, or the fallout that would follow.

"Look, Suresh, I'm not real good at this sort of thing," he said. "And I believe our history kind of makes it that much more awkward. But--" He stopped himself. He was going to try to tell him that he'd just have to get over it, that he could have neither Li nor Isha, but he knew that wouldn't sit well with Suresh. "I know you won't like this, but Li is taken. She always has been. But Isha, the real Isha here..."

“Wants to kill me, a second time by her reckoning.” Suresh laughed briefly. “As for Li? She may be but there’s a lot that I think that husband of hers misses. You ever see someone try to change and not be who or what they really are?”

"I've lived a long time, Suresh, so, yes. I have. And it never really worked out for those people." He turned to face Suresh sidelong on the bench. "This is obviously not the time to point fingers, and I'm honestly not trying to get a rise out of you, just making a point. You are, for all intents and purposes, a crook and pretty much everything that Isha said about the Suresh here. I'll admit, I've killed quite a few people myself--some righteously in battle and some in a less than desirable manner while in Intelligence. We all have our skeletons. But seems to be your way of life. The Isha here is obviously not into that." He forced a smile, now not even sure where he was going with this. "If these people survive, I don't know if you'd even want to try to have a life with Isha, or her come to our universe, or whatever. But from what I've heard she was the one you loved and would have given anything for. If that's still the case, wouldn't you be a bit foolish not to even try to change your spots?"

Suresh raised his eyebrow, then smiled. “So you’d just let me stay, escape scot free after trying to kill you and being the cause of you ending up here? We may have to work together to get home but I wasn’t born yesterday Admiral, so you’ll pardon me if I'm a little suspicious. And as for this Isha here? She is nothing to me, and I am anathema to her.”

"Wow," Rick said. "Uh, I honestly hadn't thought of that." He mentally kicked himself for actually trying to help the man and momentarily forgetting what all he'd done, despite mentioning it moments earlier. "To be frank, I'd be happier than a puppy with two peters if you remained here. Of course, I would let Sakkath and his men know of your past deeds and to watch you like the criminal you are, but if I knew that you were out of my hair back home? Well, that would be just fine with me." He harrumphed. "Besides, as soon as we got back to our universe, I would crush you like an insect." It was his turn to smile. "Which outcome would suit you best, do you think?"

“Even you are bound by due process, Admiral. And you have nothing on me that will stick besides this incident. And who is to say it wasn’t set to stun? This was just an accident.” Suresh shrugged. “Besides, you will leave and take her home. Why should I stay?”

"Ah but your memory fails you, young Romulan. Did you forget that abduction is also a crime? And abduction of a Starfleet officer is punishable by a life sentence with no chance for parole." Rick winked. "So I have you for attempted assault of a flag officer, abduction of a staff officer--oh! Let us not forget that holding Li at the point of a disruptor is also assault, so there's that added to the list." Rick tisked. "Suresh, ol' buddy, ol' are the one who is, as you said, fucked. Add that to the ever-present can of ass whooping that I have yet to open, but will crack open lickety-split as soon as we return--and will gladly take a demotion or serve my own time for, then you aren't just fucked, you are FUBAR."

All friendliness that had been there before was gone and replaced with the glower and cold eyes that many had been afraid of on more than one occasion. He wasn't kidding and he was sure Suresh knew it.

“Let me ask you something Admiral.” Suresh’s gaze moved back to Li now, the expression in them tender. “You and she said that she was undercover to get information on my operation. Has she handed anything over yet? Or do you think that she kept coming back to me to get something she wasn’t getting at home?” His tone was light and conversational, despite the edge to his words. “That perhaps she prolonged her assignment for that very reason?”

Rick was silent for a moment, only staring at Suresh and mentally killing him even more times now. It was the only thing keeping him from snapping his neck for real. "Yes, Suresh," Rick said, finally. "I'm sure she kept coming to you for what she wasn't getting at home. I'm almost positive that Sakkath has done many, many things to her, in the carnal sense, whereas you weren't allowed to touch her. So, she came to you for the 'no-touchy'." He glowered at the man. "Is that really what you wanted to hear...slick?"

Rick detested thinking of Li in that manner, or even referencing it. But she and Sakkath were married so one could only imagine that they had been intimate. But for Rick it was almost like thinking of your daughter having sex with someone. In this instance, however, he just had to go with it.

“You might be surprised. If what you say is true, then tell me why she looked at this one with such hope, and why she made you promise not to harm me.” He shrugged. “Either way, I don’t think I’ll be staying. I have some things to do when I get back home.” He smiled finally. “As for that bottle of wine? Well played.”

"Things for Suresh to do when we get back," Rick said, now counting on his fingers. "One: get beaten like a rented mule as long as possible until security intervenes. Two: get transported to the intensive care unit. Three: have numerous interrogations with security staff. Four: get charged with several crimes. Five: Go to prison. Forever." He stopped and looked at Suresh. "Shall I go on or was that about it?"

“Only the tip of the iceberg, Admiral. I have people everywhere. And you have to catch me first. But that’s all a moot point unless we figure out how to get out of here.”

"Moot, yes," Rick said, still scheming about all the ways that he could take out Suresh. "Well, I guess that, in the meantime, we'll have to work together and resist the urges that I--uh, we have to harm each other. But do not doubt that once we are back in our own universe you and I have unfinished business." He leaned closer to him, that killer look still in his eyes and whispered, "And for me, it's personal."

He leaned back and feigned a smile. "But for the sake of Li, while we're here, I will be the good and proper Admiral and play by the rules."

"Now...fuck off."

Suresh’s smile returned. “Gladly. I have better company to seek out.” He stood and after a few steps, turned back. “She’s lucky to have you, you know. I may despise you and everything you stand for, but I appreciate the way you look out for her.”

Rick stood, desperately wanting to kill him now. He'd taken another apple from the small pile he had with him, but it was ruined now, crushed in his hand. "It's not your place to appreciate the way that anyone does anything for her you feculent maggot!"

He was a little louder than he'd wanted to be and had drawn some attention, especially from the one he didn't want to draw attention from. Li.

He wanted to slink away into a corner but he wasn't about to back down in front of Suresh. Not now.

At the outburst, Li turned and seeing the two facing off in the distance, she rose. Those nearby who were staring got a look from her that had them quickly turning back to whatever they’d been doing. She might have been another version of their XO but habit was habit. She crossed in thier direction her steps picking up speed till she stood looking up at Suresh.

“You....”Her voice was steely as she spoke. “Go over there and park your ass and do not move until I come and get you.”

Suresh met her gaze and started to speak, then thought better of it. With a quick nod, he hurried off in the direction she pointed. once he was gone, she turned back to Rick. Moving closer, she looked up at Rick, her black eyes snapping with anger.

“And you. Park your ass back down there. We need to talk.”

For a moment Rick felt a bit of anger rising in him, different from that he felt toward Suresh. It was more of a subordinate officer talking to him in this manner. But he soon deflated. He'd known Li a long time and this wasn't Commander Hawke, Starbase 900's Executive Officer talking to him. This was Li Hawke, Eyas, the girl--no, the woman he'd watched grow up. And he was really in for it.

With a heavy sigh he sat and tried to get the sticky apple pulp from between his fingers. He tried not to look at her, but he now knew what it felt like when a child caught their parent doing something stupid and called them on it.

"I tried, Li," he said quietly. "I tried very hard. But the things he said about you! The way he--" He stopped, interrupted by the palm of her hand telling him to shut it.

“So the two of you sat over here discussing me and bickering over me, is that it? As if I’m some ...some...treasure to be fought over? Until that little display that got my attention?” She was angry, but she suspected it was more from the stress of the situation and a second Sakkath running around than from Rick himself.

"No!" he said, still sulking at being caught but slightly offended at her statement. "It actually started out fairly civil. We were talking about the situation that we're in, what we thought of their chances of survival, and then...well, I actually kinda' started feeling sorry for the man." He continued, but knew that it wouldn't matter. She was pretty pissed. "I told him that I understood his frustrations about the whole Isha-slash-you thing and that you were unavailable and married. But I told him that he might even try to talk to this Isha." After finally getting the apple off of him he continued. "Well, that's when he started in on you. He was punching my buttons, Li, and you know how I get. But I tried desperately to keep it civil."

She had never been able to stay mad at Rick, and she felt the fire begin to ebb as she watched him. When she answered, her tone was softer. “Did it ever occur to you that he says a lot of things just to get a reaction? He knows the one soft spot that will instantly set you off is me and he uses it to get to you.”

He wanted to say all kinds of things. "If you'd have let me take care of him in the first place like I wanted to, this wouldn't be an issue," he thought. Then he wanted to try, "We can lock him up now and all will be solved." But he knew none of those solutions would fly.

Finally, he decided on, "I tried, Li, but even I have a breaking point. You're asking me to be nice to a man that tried to kill me, could have easily killed you in your quarters but decided to kidnap you instead and, because of his ignorant actions, got us into this mess." He looked back at the deck, unsure what else he could say to her. "I love you like you're my own daughter, Eyas, but I don't know how much longer this pressure cooker is gonna' hold until it blows. And I've done everything I can to try and be cool about him and his mouth. But I'm afraid that I'm going to explode and that you'll not forgive me if that happens."

Li stepped closer and rested her hands on his shoulders. “When we get home, and I did say when not if, we will take care of him. I’ve left Oz enough information, and with this incident, he’s done. But right now, getting home is the important thing. We are going to have to cooperate with him and with the people here or they will never trust us enough to help. I’ll deal with him and believe me, I have ways of making him behave. He will do a lot of things, but hurting me isn’t one of them.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “And if he ever decides to, it’s not like I won’t know ahead of time.”

That wasn't of much help to Rick. Besides her telepathy, he knew that Li could kick as much ass as anyone else around, but that wasn't the point. "So what do you suggest I do when he starts talking like that again? No one threatens my family, Li. No one. And he's dancing around doing just that knowing that I promised you that I'd behave and that I'll do everything I can to do so. Bigger man, taking the high road, turning the other cheek--that's not me, Li. You know that, but I am trying to do what you ask despite it being contrary to my normal character."

“He won’t even think about continuing to be such an ass once I’m done with him.” She smiled finally, but it was a tense one. “Just leave him to me. Maybe you can work on Sakkath? You might get farther than I, for obvious reasons.”

He nodded silently. "I am sorry, Li." He may as well have ended it with "but I'm going to corner him and filet him when I get the chance", but he didn't.

“We will get home. In the meantime, I’m working on getting a message to Starfleet. Surely they should be aware by now and be sending help. And if not, they are about to be aware. We’ll see if any of the contacts I have in this quadrant existed for the Li here as well. In the meantime, Sakkath might want to put some thought into who on the inside would turn and make a lot of this possible. Good luck with him.” That last made it clear that she has little hope that she’d get anywhere with the commander. “I’m going to knock some sense into Suresh.”

"Yeah, thanks," he said dryly, wishing he'd been able to do the knocking. "Glad to see that we're thinking alike, though. I had wondered if there wasn't someone on the inside feeding information to the Archadians. All of this, it couldn't have been pulled off by an Archadian with the access that they have. Information was obtained from secure areas well ahead of time." He stood again. "Okay, I'll talk to Sakkath. And if you're actually going to knock some sense into Suresh," he said with a sly smile, "a knee to the sack would suit me just fine."

She squeezed his shoulder a moment, then turned, making her way back across towards a small grove of plum trees. It was going to be a very long night.


Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener
Overprotective Old Man

Commander Li Hawke

Poking The Bear Back


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