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The Plot Thickens

Posted on Wed Nov 21st, 2012 @ 3:33pm by Lieutenant Leona Aliso & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Hangar Deck
Timeline: Current


According to the computer, Lt Patrick Smith had just landed on the hanger deck. Taking four armed security personnel with her, Leona moved to intercept the Intel officer. Upon arrival she directed the others to stand in the rear of the room, while she approached the Lieutenant. While they were under heightened security, Leona felt the immediate risk was low so she slung her rifle across her chest.

“Lieutenant, I need to speak with you!”

The trip to the Alpha Quadrant had been one full of briefings, both for intelligence and on the wormhole conditions for small craft, something which having been a test pilot Pat was qualified to lecture on. Landing back home was a relief for him. Stepping out of the shuttle and seeing a security officer with a rifle across her chest wasn’t quite so much. “Whatever it is I didn’t do it... and if I did you’re not allowed to know I did it.”

“Lt. Aliso, Assistant Chief of Security.”

Leona introduced herself to the Intel officer as she handed him a PADD summarizing the events that had recently transpired.

“I’m not here because of anything you may or may not have done. The Admiral, Commander Hawke and a civilian named Suresh have gone missing.”

Pat quickly skimmed the PADD and held comments until he had finished. “Normally I would jest here, but I think this time I won’t. I’m am however prepared to bet Suresh discovered our little ruse if both of them went missing from the Admirals office if I read this right,” he said shaking the PADD. “A question then. Has anyone been near Suresh’s place?”

Something told Leona her fellow Lieutenant knew more about the backstory than she did, but for the moment she would let that slide.
“The quarters of all three have been placed under guard following a search to ensure our missing people were not inside. Why do you ask?”

“Hmmm. You didn’t perhaps find a certain female by the name of Jade in Suresh’s quarters?” Smith asked rather hoping they had. “It would make my job a whole lot easier. Especially given last time I had to rescue someone from there I had to get shot.”

“We did, along with 2 males. 1 human, one part Cardassian. They’re now in the brig and she was taken to medical before being assigned a billeting in guest quarters. Don’t worry, we’ve placed a guard on her quarters as a precaution.”

At first it seemed Jade was a victim, but now Leona was wondering if she was somehow mixed up in all of this.

“Glad to hear it. We have a guest in intel’s secure quarters right now who I’m sure will be glad to hear that. However I think before I fill you in on our operation we have more pressing matters to attend to. Any leads on the Admiral yet?” he asked.

“No Sir. The science department was working on the anomalies, I’m not sure if they’ve made any progress.”

Now they were getting closer to the reason the Trill wanted to speak with the Intel officer.
“We’ve been searching the whole station on the off chance they’re still onboard. However, we don’t have full access to the restricted decks. Master Chief Marcinko gave security limited access, but told me to speak with you for anything further.”

“I rather suspect that my people would have found the Admiral had he been in our area. We tend to notice any guests when they appear however I’ll get them to check properly. If you give me the name of one of your lot I can get them cleared to go in, or you if you’d rather, to triple check.” Smith folded his arms thinking. He suspected the reason for the kidnapping was that Suresh had discovered what had happened with Isha. Which meant that security was going to have more than an investigation shortly. “Lieutenant. I need to visit a friend down under to check on things. Hopefully he has things under control, because if not Suresh’s enemies will start creeping in once they hear he has vanished. Last thing we need is that distracting us, Intel will know how to reach me. I have to check up on our guest first of course.”

It was increasingly sounding like Suresh was more than an innocent bystander in all of this. It would give Leona and the security department a direction to take their investigation.
“I’ll trust Intel to sweep the remaining areas of their decks. If whoever is taking point could forward a signed report to Petty Officer Ganesh that the sweep was performed, it would be appreciated. I want all our bases covered in case the Brass launches an investigation.”

Smith nodded. “Will do. I’ll let you know what the climate is down there as well. Just make sure your guys don’t venture down alone just incase someone fancies showing how macho they are.”

Leona chuckled.
“We’re doing sweeps in joint Marine/Security teams of 5, but I’ll pass the word along to be cautious.”

“Excellent. Well I guess other than that is there anything else I can do to help find our CO and Exec?” Smith asked.

“No, that’s all for now. Your help is appreciated. At least now I can tell Commander Zeferino we have some sort of lead, even if it’s thin.”
She had wanted excitement when signing on with the Starbase ,but not of this sort.

“Well give me 6 hours and I’ll be able to tell you if what I think has happened actually has. And you’ll have all the motive in the world for the kidnapping Lieutenant,” Patrick informed her. “Having been Suresh’s pilot for the last while I know a few things. But you didn’t hear that.” he added before walking off.

Leona arrived wanting temporary access to the restricted decks, she left with a lead that brought up more questions than it answered.


Lt Leona Aliso
(Filling in the gaps)
Lt. Patrick Smith
(Keeping more secrets than revealing)


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