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Not So Comfortably Numb

Posted on Tue Dec 4th, 2012 @ 8:49am by Cassidy Wilde & Vic
Edited on on Tue Dec 4th, 2012 @ 8:58am

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: The Nexus Club
Timeline: After 'Wishing Ill'

****** Promenade | The Nexus Club ******

Returning from Piper Medical, Cassidy moved along the Promenade, on her way back to the Nexus. Doctors Harding and Kona had done everything they could for Chance, but in the end, they’d been unable to save him.

Eighteen years old, he’d been so full of life and now he was dead. His life was stolen from him before he’d even had an opportunity to truly live it. Oz had lost her brother and Eli had lost his lover.

A multitude of questions raced through her mind, so much like debris sucked up and tossed around inside the vortex of a tornado. Having seen what happened through Eli’s eyes, Cass didn’t have to ask why Chance had been in Jackson’s office. Fate, that sometimes cruel bitch, had taken on a new partner. Someone with murderous intent. If ever there was a case of wrong place, wrong time, what had happened to Chance was a horrible example of it.

Still, the question that remained, the one that led to what seemed to be the most obvious conclusion, left her feeling cold. There had been no way someone could have predicted Chance would be in Jackson’s office. Which meant Jackson was the intended victim.

Reaching the doors to the club, she spoke with a security officer and explained who she was. He called another officer over to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn’t attempt to go near Jackson’s office - the crime scene - she was allowed in. All she wanted to do was go in and find Vic, to see if he could leave yet.

Vic was at the bar, talking to one of the waiters who had remained to keep him company. Security officers came and went and then the waiter moved away to begin gathering up the glasses left on the tables. Vic mixed himself a tame version of the ever popular lemonade and had a sip. Seeing Cass approaching, he waved her over.

“Hello handsome,” she greeted, her words part of their familiar banter, but the weary, strained tone of her voice was not. “Can I get one of those?” She gestured to the lemonade, then him. “And a hug, straight up?”

“You want the tame version or the real one?” He grinned as he pulled out a glass and added ice.

That got a small smile from her. “The real one, please?”

Vic added a generous pour from a bottle of Banning Reserve, stirred it and added some mint leaves, then carried it around the bar. He set it before Cass, then wrapped his arms around her, snuggling her close against him. “So what’s the news?” He knew already, but it was more an invitation to talk than a need for information.

Letting out a long sigh, she rested her head against his chest and took comfort from being within the sheltering circle of his arms. “They weren’t able to save ‘im.” The images that had replayed in Eli’s head, including the full, detailed version of what he’d seen were swirling inside her head now and took a bit of effort to push them away again. “I was so sure Harding and the other doctor...Dr. Kona, woulda been able to save ‘im...”

“Even they have their limits. I’ve seen Harding do some amazing things in my time but sometimes, Cass, there’s just....” His voice faded as a deep sadness engulfed him. She knew what he meant without saying it.

“I know, sugar...I know.” She stroked his back for a moment. “Oralia has Jackson to help her get through this, but Eli has had the person he loved most torn outta his life. He’s so lost, Vic.”

“I can’t even imagine what he’s feeling, and being so damned young. He’s got two of the best though, in Jackson and Jan. They’ve seen a lot in this life and they’ll be able to help. Jackson won’t hesitate to send him to Robin if it’s needed too.” Vic sighed aloud. “I’ll find him tomorrow. See what I can do.”

Nodding, she leaned away from him just enough to reach for her lemonade. It was tempting to drink as much as possible down in one go, but settled for a few long sips. The reasons for why Chance had been in Jackson’s office were neither here nor there. The fact of the matter was, there was no way anyone could have predicted he’d be in there. Whomever had killed Chance wasn’t looking for him. Placing her drink back on the bar, Cassidy wrapped her arms around Vic again and slipped into his thoughts. What happened to Chance was intended for Jackson...

You think so? I agree it would see so, but Jan’s in there a lot too. So am I. He shrugged and left it at that.

So am I for the matter when it comes down to it. She chewed on her lower lip, worrying at the soft flesh. It’s the only thing that makes sense though. It’s Jackson’s office. Not that any of this entire mess makes sense.

Vic shook his head. No, it doesn’t. And if Jackson was the target, why bother to kill Chance? Why not just say you were waiting for Jackson? Make some excuse and leave? It would’ve been less messy, and less likely to put J on alert..

Not worried about anyone overhearing them, Cassidy ignored the Security officers still moving about the club and walking past them. I don’t know. Maybe the entire point was to make a mess? To send a message? It wouldn’t be the first time someone came after him, exactly. Her mind reeled at the many intrigues she’d either become involved in inadvertently or become aware of since her arrival on the station.

Vic shook his head, then rubbed his eyes. “At this point, I have no idea, Cass.” There was so much to consider, too many possibilities that he needed to turn over in his own thoughts, to discuss with Jackson. He looked up as Security people came and went, all doing their level best to get to the bottom of this mess.

“When can ya get outta here?” Surely Security didn’t need to be babysat while they did their job. Otherwise they’d never get out of there.

“Soon I hope but Jackson’s on his way down here and I need to see him about a few things related to this mess.” Vic leaned down to kiss Cass gently. “And the club.”

She watched him intently, her pale gaze searching his dark one for a few moments. Of course they were both stunned and reeling from what happened to Chance, but there had been a subtle difference in Vic recently, even before this. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it and it made her wonder if it was just her imagination or if there was something she needed to know. “I’ll wait with ya then.”

“It might be a while, honey. You go on home and I’ll sneak in and surprise you when I get there. Before I forget though, can you take over Eli’s sets for a few days? I doubt being on stage and entertaining anyone is high on his list of things to do right now.”

The idea of going home alone was a little unsettling, but she chalked it up to nerves after the events of the night. It was doubtful she’d be able to fall asleep. “Eli’s sets? Umm...of course. I’ll do whatever I can to help out, but are ya sure that’ll be alright with Jackson and Janice?”

“It will, and you’ll be great. Thanks Cass.” He hugged her tight once more. “You want one of these men in gold to see you home?”

“Yer biased, Vic, but I really like ya that way.” Giving him an extra squeeze around his waist, she tipped her head back to look up at him. “Since I can’t have my personal bodyguard escort me home, then yes...I’d appreciate it if one of the Security officers could walk me home.”

He nodded slowly. “Chance may have been the victim but given where this happened, he could’ve been just the one who came in range and I can’t consider anyone here safe at this point.”

“We’ll all need to be extra vigilant until Security gets to the bottom of this.” Cassidy ran a hand over her face, then gave him a small, weary smile. “I’m glad yer lookin’ out for me, Vic. You make me feel safe...protected.”

He gave her a gentle kiss, then turned to go speak to one of the officers who was guarding the door. The man nodded and motioned Cass over.

She’d managed to finish off the lemonade while Vic had been talking to the Sec officer and placed the empty glass on the bar before she came over. “Thank you for doin’ this,” she said, giving him a polite smile. Then she turned to look up at Vic. “I’ll see ya home. Don’t forget to wake me if I fall asleep.”

“I will.” He gave her a quick smile, and a kiss, then took the security officer’s place as he escorted Cass out the door.


Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Seeking Some Comfort of Her Own
The Nexus Club

Standing Guard
The Nexus Club


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