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Under the Shade Tree

Posted on Thu Dec 13th, 2012 @ 5:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Admiral Lucius Hawke

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: AU

* * * The Arboretum - SB900, Alternate Universe * * *

As they approached the bench where Nahi sat under watch, Li looked up at Darwin. “I’d like you to stay but those two I’ll dismiss. I don’t think he will give me any trouble with you there. Fair warning, though, this may get a little rough. Silent to you at times, but rough. Any information I get that he doesn’t say aloud, I’ll repeat back to you.”

Her subordinate nodded, acknowledging he understood. Putting a hand on Nahi’s shoulder, he forced the man to sit then said, “You two can go, we’re good for now.” The two petty officers headed back towards Sakkath’s team. “Go ahead, Commander Hawke.”

“Bringing in your guard dog?” Nahi asked.

Li ignored the question. “Drop the insults, Nahi. We need information and you’re going to provide it. Cooperate and perhaps Sakkath might be convinced to have mercy on you.”

“You’re lying,” he snapped. “And tell me, how does it feel to look at him and know he feels nothing for you? Or to see me after losing your version of me? It’s interesting, he died at the hands of the very ones I work with here. Glad to see they’re keeping up with the job...whatever universe they’re in.”

The shot hit true and Li gasped aloud. It took a few seconds but she pulled herself together and spoke. “At least when he died, someone cared. Your Li is better off dead than finding out what you’ve done.”

Nahi was off the bench in an instant, lunging for Li.

And in that same instant, Nahi was down on the ground, thanks to a fast blow to the back of the neck from Darwin. He’d been ready for the Betazoid to do something stupid. “You were told to sit. Lunging for the Commander is not the same as sitting.”

Nahi grunted, but remained where he was, though he turned his head and spat at Darwin. He turned his gaze on Li and by her expressions, Darwin could tell they were ‘talking’. Suddenly, his eyes closed and his face contorted painfully.

“Six ships, Darwin. He was in place, ready to disable the key defenses. They began beaming over, hitting C&C, Sickbay, and the power stations. The second wave set bombs in random places to disrupt and cause panic. It worked.”

“I’ll bet,” Darwin filed the knowledge away. “You want him on the bench again?”

Li considered, then nodded. “He had arranged for Li to meet him for lunch. He was going to have her beamed off before the attack began but someone jumped the gun and a bomb went off early. She went down to assist and never made the meeting. After the first groups did their thing, the way was clear. They were free to beam over as they wished and begin clearing the decks.”

Darwin took hold of Nahi’s collar and shoulder and hauled him back up onto the bench. “Sit. Stay. Behave and you might live to fight some other day.”

“You think my dear brother there is going to allow that? If so you are a fool, Michael. It is Michael in your universe, yes?”

“Fine, but behave anyway, otherwise your last few hours will be nothing but pain,” the officer answered and shook the regenerator at him.

“And you, Li. How does it feel to be lost from your version of Sakkath? And know you may never get back to him and yet see him here and know this one cares nothing for you? Can you live with being stuck here for the rest of your life with a man who looks like yours and yet not have him? I suppose you can always turn to Ricky.”

This time it was Li’s hand around Nahi’s throat. “That is enough,” she growled. “I’d break your neck right here but it would deprive Sakkath of the pleasure. Darwin, take him to the Commander. I’m done.”

“Gladly,” Darwin said and poked Nahi in the shoulder with the regenerator. “Now you can get up. No fast moves.” He called out the names of the two petty officers and they came at a jog, “Let’s bind him up nice and neat for Commander Sakkath.”

“Aye sir.” The two officers set to work, binding Nahi once again and getting him to his feet.

“Thanks, Darwin.” Li’s voice was soft. “I’ll join you all in a few minutes.”

“No worries, though should I keep Sakkath from killing him just yet?”

Li shook her head. “He is Sakkath’s do to what he will. He is responsible for the death of Sakkath’s wife. It is his right.”

“Right,” he nodded and followed the two petty officers and Nahi back towards Sakkath.

Once Darwin was out of sight, Li leaned over, resting her arms and head on her knees. Now that she was alone, she let the effect of Nahi’s last questions come and the tears began to flow. A few feet over, hidden in the trees, Suresh stood silently watching.


Commander Li Hawke
Suddenly Pondering The ‘What If’s’

Lt. Michael Darwin
The Enforcer

Nahi Hawke
Not Long For This World


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