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The Halls Of Justice

Posted on Sat Jan 19th, 2013 @ 1:38pm by Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Ensign Torven Rosh

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: JAG Offices


Ray's deep Texas twang rumbled out of his office. "Are you still waitin' on that transmission? It shoulda been here an hour ago."

"Yes, Ray, they promised it would be here. I've already sent another message to prod them along. They swear it will be here in twenty minutes. Their clerk was buried but he assured me he was working on it." Out at her desk in the reception area she muttered softly. "Poor guy has a boss just like I do."

"What was that?" Ray called out.

"Nothing, sir, just going over my list of things to do today," she answered. Once more her voice softened. "Like strangle you in your sleep." The doors had opened as she did so and it was only now that she realized someone was standing there. "Oh, hello. May I help you?"

Torven quickly took in Chelsea. He noticed she was a chief petty officer, and from the snipit of conversation he had just heard figured she was one of the clerks within the JAG office.

"A coffee would be nice so I don't fall asleep...." Torven gave Chelsea a slight grin as he said it to put her at ease.

Chelsea coloured slightly realising that her comment had been heard, "You're quite safe Ensign. I only reserve that kind of treatment for those in special need of it..."

Torven was about to introduce himself when another shout came out of the office behind Chelsea. "Dammit Chelsea stop talking to yourself. It's kinda off putting. I keep straining to hear if it's me you're talking to."

Chelsea turned slightly and yelled, "I'm not talking to myself now sir. We have company."

Ray sat in the office and rolled his eyes, "Is that it, or would you care to tell me who it is?"

Torven raised his hand to stop Chelsea replying and walked over to the office door. He took a quick look at the name upon it, 'Lieutenant Raymond Benson'. Knocking on the door he introduced himself, "Lt Benson. I am Ensign Rosh reporting for duty sir....."

Ray looked up from his viewscreen and looked Torven over head to toe. Apparently satisfied, he motioned him on into the office.

"Have a seat Ensign Rosh. I'm Lt. Raymond Benson, affectionately known to our clerk out there as slave driver. Well, sometimes not so affectionately. You have your transfer orders?" He turned off his screen and held his hand out to Torven.

Torven unconciously nodded at the question and held out a padd in his left hand. "It's my first assignment sir, so other than knowing how to run an investigation, prosecution or defence then I really don't know whats expected of me".

He had got the impression already that the JAG office here appeared to be run in a quite laid back and relaxed manner. Torven just hoped he could fit in.

Ray looked over the pad, entered his code and then laid it aside. "Well, yer all official now. Welcome to Starbase 900. Things are in a bit of an uproar at the moment. Public Enemy Number One grabbed the XO at disruptor point, took her to Admiral Wegener's office and when he tried to shoot the Admiral, it misfired. If you're familiar with disruptors, you'll understand what that means. It opened a bunch of rifts and pulled all three of them through it. Science is working on getting them home, but until then, Commander Sakkath and Lt. Commander Zeferino are runnin' the station. You'll need to report in to one of them."

Torven paused in stunned silence. Uproar was an understatement in describing the current events aboard his new home.

"With respect sir, i'm no soldier or scientist, so can't really offer much in way of getting them back. My skills may be put to good use in other areas though."

"Naturally. That's not really our realm." Ray sat back and steepled his fingers under his chin looking thoughtful. "What did you have in mind?" He watched Torven, purposely leaving the question open. While he had ideas, it should lend some insight into Torven's way of thinking.

Torven started to pace to help his thought process. "Well sir it strikes me that with this public enemy number one being awol there is going to be a power vacuum. Granted we are trying to bring him back I assume with the stations personnel, but his cronies are not to know that. I would predict that now would be the best time to lean on some of his criminal colleagues. His absence may make them a little less intimidated about talking to us."

Ray nodded. "Security's doin' just that actually. And while we are goin' to be involved the second he returns, for now they've got it handled." Ray lowered his voice as he continued. "Close the door Ensign."

Torven glanced over his shoulder at the open door. He took the two steps he needed to reach the door console and pressed the button, hearing the distinctive 'swoosh' noise as the office was secured from the outer reception area. He figured that Lt. Benson wanted some privacy for what he was about to say and knew to stay quiet to allow him to continue.

Ray handed over a padd as Torven returned. "Get familiar with that. It's the whole history of our case with Suresh and his minions. You'll notice one theme through it all. Nothing ever stuck. There was always a convenient witness, an airtight alibi, Suresh being elsewhere when things get the idea. Always something to keep him free and untouched. What does that suggest to you, Ensign Rosh?"

Torven took the padd from Benson but didn't look at it. He was considering the question posed of him and constructing a response in his head. Walking over to a nearby chair Torven indicated for permission to sit down. Ray merely waved a hand and nodded at the same time to suggest he was fine with that. As he sat Torven replied.

"It can suggest a number of things sir. Some more palatable that others." He paused a second before continuing.

"It could be like all organised crime rings that his sphere of influence and intimidation is enough to manipulate witnesses to his side. Most ordinary folk wouldn't feel safe testifying against a crime lord for fear of reprisals. Who could blame them? Then of course there would be the bribery and payment for witnesses to forget what they saw or heard."

Torven stopped and frowned a second.

"Carry on ensign. You haven't really said what you're thinking yet have you?"

Torven looked directly at Ray. "No sir. I haven't. More likely is that this Suresh has contacts within Starfleet or the stations personnel to feed him information. Or worse take more active steps to ensure the prosecutions fail. Basically sir it puts a massive question mark over everyone on board. It's not unusual for crime syndicates to have crooked officials on their payroll, but history has shown that finding them can be a thankless task."

"You can say that again." Ray nodded. "Which is where you come in. You're new to 900, you're a brand new ensign. No one really expects you to be jumping into the deep end, so that's what you're gonna do. Today, I want you learning everything we have on Suresh's case, as well as the cases of those related to him. Then I want you to meet the rest of the JAG staff, and start sniffing around and see where we get."

Torven raised his right eyebrow with a questioning look upon his face. "I suppose I should have seen that coming. It's a big task sir, who do I report to with any findings? Oh and do you have any suggestions of who may be useful to talk to? I will of course read what you've given me, but you know the crew and the base..."

"Saturnalia is their usual hangout. And there's a woman who seems to know Suresh better than most. Her name's Seyla, Orion. Ya can't miss her. As for your findings, you talk to no one but me." Ray relaxed back in his chair. "That should get you goin'. You need anything, gimme a shout. Dismissed, Ensign Rosh."


Lt. Raymond Benson
Ensign Torven Rosh


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